English homework由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“englishhomework”。
Q.Yesterday, overreacting to an itty-bitty taste of arsenic, Mikehis evil twin brother of murder.(to accuse)
A.accused.The clue here is yesterday, which tells you that you’re in the past.1.Fashion is important to David, so he always the latest and most popular poaching style.(to select)
2.Last year’s tight, slim lines David, who, it must be admitted, does not have a tiny waist.(to challenge)
3.recommending stripes and understated plaids to minimize the bulge factor.(to buy)
4.own.(to flatter)
5.Right now Diane an article for the fashion pre stating that so-tight-it-may-as-well-be-painted-on leather is best.(to write)
6.a purple suede pantsuit, which clashed with her orange “I Love Motorcycles” tattoo.(to purchase)
7.While she the pantsuit, two shoppers urged her to “go for it.”(to charge)
8.Two days after Diane’s shopping spree, Grace about show-offs who “spend more time on their wardrobes than on their spark plugs.”(to mutter)
9.However, Diane knows that Grace, as soon as she raises enough cash, in a suede outfit of her own.(to invest)
10.“Fashion Train Wreck of the Year” award.(to chime)
11.her “Best Dreed, Considering” medal.(to place)
12.what “considering” means.(to wonder)
13.(to explain)
14.“We earned the medal for considering many fashion options,”(to state)
15.that Grace is “fashion-challenged” but tries hard anyway.(to visit)
ce speech, but the “Spy of the Year” title went to Hanna instead.(to prepare)
A.had prepared.With two events in the past, the had signals the prior event.The preparing
of the speech took place before the awarding of the title, so had prepared is the form you want.16.thin ice for two hours when he heard the first crack.(to skate)
17.Diane will warn Mike for years about his skating habits, but he just won’t listen.(to warn)
18.David — a delicate, sensitive soul — accompanied Mike to the pond and then to
was free to go.(to wait)
19.After today’s skating trip ends, David(to wait, to read)
20.to speak to Mike ever since he declared that “a little thin ice” shouldn’t scare anyone.(to refuse)
21.Mike, in a temper, pointed out that Grace’s motorcycle even more frequently than his skates.(to send)
22.ever stop yelling at each other.(to speak)
23.Despite years of practice, Tim he keeps trying to resolve his brother’s conflicts anyway.(to achieve)
24.At times Tim’s conflictthe fighters’ ribs, but he is trying to become more diplomatic.(to consist)
25.After Mike that his brother’s wisest course of action was to “butt out,” Tim simply ignored him.(to declare)
26.(to give)
27.Despite failing with Mike every time he tries to avoid a quarrel, Tim is expreed interest in a diplomatic career several times over the last few weeks.(to expre)
28.Although Mike several ambaadors about his brother’s career plans during his visit to the United Nations last week, no one granted Tim an interview yesterday, though he spent the day begging for “just five minutes.”(to approach)
29.Kristin, the soul of kindne, said that before Tim makes his next career move, she that “it’s hard to break into this field” at least five times.(to declare)
30.won’t retire until 2010.(to serve)
Q.With one leg three inches shorter than the other, Natalie seldom _______________ into second base, even when the team was desperate for a base hit.(to slide)
A.slid.No-ed for this past tense!Slid is the irregular past form of to slide.31.many vases because of her tendency to dust far too emotionally.(to break)
32.(to shake)
33.David, no mean duster himself, a manual of daily furniture maintenance.(to write)
34.The manual, entitled(to rise)
35.News reports indicated that nearly all the copies had been by fanatical cleaners.(to buy)
36.David once dusted the fire alarm so forcefully that it went off;the firefighters weren’t(to ring)
37.alarm.(to go)
38.The mayor has an investigation into a new category of offenses, “False Dust Alarms”;almost immediately, David(to begin)
39.“I have to a new low,” sighed David, as he enrolled in the local chapter of Clean Anonymous.“I hear that Natalie hastoo.”(to sink, to find)
40.dust.(to take, to bite)
41.Natalie, however, became completely excited by fly catching and a tapestry with a delicate fly pattern.(to weave)
42.David, worried about Natalie’s enthusiasm for winged pests, sought help.(to seek)
43.“Leave the flies,”(to say)
44.“Never!” Natalie declared as she(to drink)
45.(to give)
Note: The combining form of “to be” is been, and the past form of “to have” is had.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of to be or to have, as in this example and the following exercises:
Q.Joyce the lifeguard _______________ out in the sun long enough to fry her brain, but she intends to go inside soon because the Picnic Olympics is on television this evening.A.has been.Been is the combining form used with helping verbs, such as has.46.If pickling _______________ neceary, I’ll bring my own vinegar.47.Who ever _______________ enough cucumbers on this sort of occasion?
48.“Not me,” replied Mike.“I _______________ totally comfortable with the green vegetables in my refrigerator.”
49.Kristin, never outdone, _______________ a different idea.50.“Grace and I _______________ firmly in the anti-vegetable camp,” she commented.51.By the time she finishes the meal, Kristin _______________ three trophies for carboloading.52.Diane _______________ Champion of the Potato Salad Competition for three years in a row, counting this year.53.Grace _______________ second thoughts about her entry choice;she now thinks that she should have picked sides instead of main dishes.54.The soon-to-be-announced winners in each category _______________ extremely pleased with the prizes this year.55.Give me a taste because I _______________ a judge.Q.Steve said that he _______________ consider running for Parks Commiioner, but he hasn’t made his mind up yet.(poibility)
A.might or may.The might or may shows that Steve hasn’t ruled out a run.56.Melia, shy as ever, said that she _______________ go to the tree-cutting ceremony only if the pre agreed to stay outside the forest.(condition)
57.Kirk, beat reporter for the local radio station, _______________ not agree to any conditions, because the station manager insisted on eyewitne coverage.(ability)
58.Lisa, on the other hand, explained that if barred from the event she _______________ rely on an interview with Steve after the event.(poibility)
59.Lisa knows that Steve _______________ leap to fame based on the tree-cutting incident, and she doesn’t want to mi an important scoop.(ability)
60.All good reporters _______________ know that if a tree falls in the forest, the sound is heard by a wide audience only if a radio reporter is there.(duty)
61.Sound engineers, on the other hand, _______________ skip all outdoor events if they_______________ do so.(condition, ability)
62.On-air talent always _______________ find a way to weather all hardships, including bad weather.(ability)
63.Some media watchers believe that reporters _______________ be a bit more modest.(duty)
64.In response, reporters claim that the public _______________ not appreciate humility if they _______________ choose greater entertainment value.(condition, ability)
65.Steve _______________ have allowed the pre at the scene had he known about the fu.(condition)