劳动工资管理 Management of Labor Wages
乐理 Music Theory
雷达原理 Principles of Radar
雷电静电及环境 Radar Static Electricity & Environment
冷冻干燥技术 Freeze Drying Technique
冷冻技术 Refrigeration Technique
冷库设计 Refrigerating House Design
离散数学 Discrete Mathematics
离心泵与轴流泵 Centrifugal Pumps & Axial Pumps
离心式压缩机模拟 Centrifugal Compressor Imitation
离心式压缩机强度 Centrifugal Compressor Intensity
离心式压缩机原理 Principles of Centrifugal Compressors
理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics
力热学 Mechanics & Thermology
力学,热学 Mechanics & Thermology
力学性能测试 Mechanics Performance Testing
两相流动和传热 Two-phase Flow & Thermal Conduction
量子力学 Quantum Mechanics
劣质煤燃烧与利用 Tinpot Coal Combustion & Use
零件设计 Element Design
领导科学 Leadership Science
流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculation of Flow Field
流态化工程 Fluidization Engineering
流体力学 Fluid Mechanics
六朝文论 Articles of Six Dynasties
鲁迅研究 Research on LU Xun
轮机概论 Introduction to Turbines
伦理学 Ethics
论文写作 Thesis Writing
论文指导 Thesis Supervision
螺杆压缩机 Spiral Lobe Compressor
逻辑设计 Logic Design
逻辑学 Logic Theory