英语基础句子:Citizens right
Citizens right 公民权利
1.An equal has no dominion over another equal.平等者之间无支配权可言。
2.Any law that violates the indefeasible rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical.凡违反犯罪基本人权的法律都是无理的和专制的。
3.Citizens shall have the right of inheritance under the law.公民依法享有财产继承权。
4.Each man has his own right proper to him and he is forbidden to violate the rights of others.每个人都有其固有的权利,任何人不得侵犯他人的权利。
5.Everyone has right to freedom of expression.每个人都有言论自由的权利。
6.Everyone is equal before the law.法律面前人人平等。
7.Everyones right to life shall be protected by law.每个人的生命权利都应受到法律保护。
8.First in time, first in right.先在权利优先。
9.He has no authorization to act on our behalf.他没有权利代表我们。
10.He has a legitimate claim to the property.他是此财产的合法主张人。
11.No remedies no rights.无救济,无权利。
12.No rights can rest on one person without a corresponding duty resting on some other person or persons.没有无义务的权利。
13.No rights pass without physical delivery.无实物交付,就无权利转移。
14.The transfer of a right requires the will of the recipient as well as of the transferee.权利的'转让既要求有接受者的意思,也要求有转让者的意志。
15.The very essence of civil liberty consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of the laws whenever he suffers an injury.公民自由的精髓在于一旦受到伤害,每个公民都有请求法律保护的权利。
16.The violation of such an interest is a legal wrong and gives rise to a legal right.侵犯此种权益就是违法过错并导致法律权利的产生。
17.This right does not obtain in judicial proceedings.该权利无法通过司法程序得到。
18.There are certain rights, sometimes called imperfect rights, which the law recognizes but will not enforce directly.某些权利有时被称为不完全权利,它们为法律所认可,但却不能直接予以执行。
19.Liberty is the right to do whatever the laws permit.自由是指做法律范围内允许的事情。
20.Right is an enforceable claim to performance, action or forbearance by another.权利是一种可要求他人履行作为或不作为的可予以强制执行的主张。
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