This movie tells us a story about a man named Truman who is the protagonist of a real television show and has been watched by people around the world for 30 years but he doesn’t know, everyone around him is actors including his best friend, his parents and his wife.After many obstacles, Truman finally found the truth and left the Seahaven which was created by the editor especially for the Truman Show.The film is a fantasy
satirize comedy,the film maker uses Truman ironically to the peeking psychology of the common people , the money worship of the media, the disregard of the privacy of the common people, The Truman show is a black comedy, it’s a pity that Truman has being watched by the audience around the world for 30 years and he gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions, but he doesn’t know the truth.Truman lives in a utopian world named Seahaven created by the editor especially for the Truman Show.All the people in the town are actors, including Truman’s parents, his wife, his best friend, his schoolmates, his colleagues except Truman, he is real and he is also the only one who lives under the big lie made by the producer.Truman is a common person, He has many desires and easy to be satisfied, so the editor tries his best to create some new stimulation in order to make his Truman Show full of ups and downs, when Truman is happy, he tries to make some troubles, when Truman is sad, he gives him some hope or send Truman’s best friend to console him.In order to prevent Truman to escape from the Seahaven, His father is “killed” in a staged boating incident to make him afraid of water.To make the television show more attractive, the producer let a beautiful girl named Sylvia enter Truman’s life and Truman was obseed with Sylvia.The program maker even arranges Truman to meet his dead father;the moving scene moved many audiences into tears.Everyday, Truman seems to live a normal life, goes to work on time, say hello to his neighbors, buy magazines, until one day he finds something wrong in his life, his wife is not a real doctor, the unknown strangers know his name, the error radio, the strange elevator----etc, He began to doubt about the world where he lives, he tries to find the truth and escape from the Seahaven.Along his path to truth and escape Truman encounters many obstacles placed in his way, including choreographed精心设计的 traffic jams, the inability to book any trips, buying a bus ticket out of town where the bus suddenly breaks down, the fire on the road, the leak at the plant, a long bridge to cro, and an artificially created hurricane-force storm on the “ocean”.When in the end of the movie Truman saw the end of the sea is a part of the gigantic studio , the sea , the sky , the sunset , the storm , the moon, the thunder, the light, all those things are artificially created by the editor
everyday he lives in the controlled world.For him, there is no true love and friendship.People all around him are just acting on the stage, his best friend just recite the lines of the script.In the end of the movie, when Truman finally
He finally understands thatcame to the exit, I saw the shining smile on Truman’s face;he defeated the creator and got rid of their control.This makes me think of the sentence on Sylvia’s button.“How's it going to end?” I think this is the perfect end, for Truman finally chooses to challenge his fate and fight for his freedom.He not only finds the truth but also the true love.I can still remember the claical lines at the end of the movie.“In case I don't see ya', good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.” Then Truman left the Seahaven.After seeing this movie, my heart can’t become calm anymore, because I think as a person, privacy is his basic right, but the sad thing is that Truman doesn’t has any privacy, Everything about his life is being putted on the Truman Show, his life was under control by the creator and he has became the sacrifice of the public’s recreation and amusement.I agree with Sylvia, the producer has no right to make a man to became a commodity ever since he was born.As to the popularity of the Truman Show, as far as I am concerned, it is because everyone is curious about other’s secrete and privacy, besides they are tired of the acting on the show and they want to see something real, from this perspective , the Truman Show satisfied their psychology of peeping.My foreign English teacher Phille once showed us this film.After seen the film ,he asked us a question, “if you are one of the people in the movie, will you tell Truman the truth “, and my answer is of course , I will tell Truman the truth , may be he will be hurt when heard the truth , but he has the right to know the truth.The theme of this movie can be expounded from the following aspects, firstly, it satires those social phenomenons existing in the society, such as: profit-seeking value, the human rights abuse, the money worship.The editor and the media can do anything under the driven of the profit;they treated Truman just like a commodity that can bring them huge profit.Especially in the end of the movie , in order to prevent Truman from escaping, they artificially created hurricane-force storm on the “ocean” and thus almost killed Truman, but the editor said :”Truman was born in front of a live audience and we can also let him die in front of a live audience”.How cold and impersonal the editor is.Secondly, it satires the lies, the deceptions and the hypocrisy exists in the world, Truman lives in a world full of lies and deceit, the same is with the world we live, may be people around us they all live under the mask, may be they are all acting, like Shakespeare said, “life is just like a play, and we are all actors on the play.” Thirdly, it implicates the sorrows of living a bird-cage life.And Truman is like such a pity bird which is trapped in a large cage.His name “Truman” also has an implied meaning------means a true man.Because at the beginning of the movie, Truman is just an innocent adolescent, he accepts everything in his life, but gradually, he becomes more mature and begins to doubt about the world he lives he tries to find the truth, Eventually, Truman gains sufficient awarene of his condition to 'leave home' – developing a more mature and authentic identity as a man, leaving his child-self behind and becoming a true man.The Truman Show can be called as a story of On the Air Unaware or a story of watching, which sounds ridiculous but makes me think a lot, and in this movie one of Truman’s line impreive me most is that: “You never had a camera in my head!” The creator can control Truman’s life and fate, but he will never be able to control his mind.to satire the peeping psychology of the common people, the money worship of the media, the disregard of the privacy of the common people, the hypocrisy of the world, the everywhere-existing lies and deceptions..Meanwhile the author also tributes Truman’s courage and faith to find the truth.Then the author analyzed the name of this movie and how Truman grew up from an innocent adolescent into a real True man, how he finally get his freedom after having been getting through so many difficulties and obstacles.Finally,the author concluded that a free mind can not be defeated.Although the creator can control Truman’s life but he can never control Truman’s mind.And because of his free spirit and courage Truman finally find the truth.
人生如戏,谁是导演 ——评黑色喜剧《楚门的世界》(xxxx级汉语言文学(x)班xxx xxxxxxxxxxx)【摘要】 三十年时间,在毫不知情的情况下,被打造成世界明星,但却完全被剥夺了自由、尊严......