Age elite(Hong Kong)Cultural Exchange
Age investment and financial management seminar under the jurisdiction of Sharon, Sharon is the elite of the times(Hong Kong)Ltd.sponsored cultural exchange, an investment banking training courses.From the collection, funds, stocks, futures, foreign exchange, investment banking, and many other techniques and interpretation of capital operation.Times, our science investment is the purpose of financial management, investment banking era of Sharon to discu with experts the majority of investors with a face to face learning, face to face with their peers, exchange platform.We will bring together all aspects of financial analysis gurus, as the majority of investors invest in the times specified in the direction of fans, leading the era of the journey we embark on investment.Sharon also holds regular small-depth discuion, to the students and lecturers to provide the opportunity to communicate face to face, but also to investors to build mutual understanding and cooperation between the platforms.The seminar discuion by participants at home.Is between students and students, between students and salon, the distance between students and lecturers closer, great to meet the needs of the majority of students and students of their own investment advisory busine communication needs.
新东方教育科技集团成立于1993年,已先后培训了1000多万学员,是首家在美国纽约证券交易所上市的中国知名英语教育品牌(股票代码:edu)。周斌 深圳新东方学校校长 曾任哈尔滨新东方......
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