亚太经济合作组织(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation,APEC)成立于1989年11月6日,现在拥有包括中国在内的21个经济体,是一个具有实质内容的官方经济论坛(substantial official economical forum)。经过十几年的发展,APEC已成长为亚太地区最重要的多边经济组织(multilateral economical organization)。在此过程中,APEC自身的组织结构、运作方式operation mode以及功能等也在不断充实enriched、调整adjusted、发展developed并趋向成熟。
APEC现有21个成员,分别是澳大利亚Australia、文莱Brunei、加拿大Canada、智利Chile、中国、中国香港Hongkong、印度尼西亚Indonesia、日本Japan、韩国South Korea、马来西亚Malaysia、墨西哥Mexico、新西兰New Zealand、巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea、秘鲁Peru、菲律宾Philippines、俄罗斯Ruia、新加坡Singapore、中国台北Taipei、泰国Thailand、美国、越南Vietnam。此外,APEC还有3个观察员observers,分别是东盟秘书处Secretariat of ASEAN、太平洋经济合作理事会PECC Pacific Economic Cooperation Council 和太平洋岛国论坛PIF Pacific Islands Forum。组织结构
(1)领导人非正式会议informal meeting of apec leaders :自1993年来共举行了19次,分别respectively 在美国西雅图Seattle、印度尼西亚茂物Bogor of Indonesia、日本大阪Osaka in Japan、菲律宾苏比克湾Subic Bay in Philippines、加拿大温哥华Vancouver in Canada、马来西亚吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia、新西兰奥克兰 Oakland of New Zealand、文莱斯里巴加湾市Bandar Seri Begawan in Brunei、中国上海、墨西哥洛斯卡沃斯Los Cusworth、泰国曼谷Bangkok in Thailand、智利圣地亚哥Santiago of chile、韩国釜山Busan of South Korea、越南河内Henoi of Vietnam、澳大利亚悉尼、秘鲁利马Lima of Peru、新加坡、日本横滨Yokohama of Japan、美国夏威夷Hawaii of US 举行。
(2)部长会议 ministers’ meeting:(3)高官会senior officials meeting:(4)委员会和工作组committee and working group:高官会下设4个委员会,即:贸易和投资委员会(CTI),经济委员会(EC),经济技术合作高官指导委员会(SCE)和预算管理委员会(BMC)。(5)秘书处secretariat :
The main functions of APEC manifests in three aspects: Trade and investment liberalization, trade facilitation and economic and technical cooperation, also known as the three pillars of APEC “
这些领域包括:教育、能源、环境、财政、卫生、人力资源开发、矿业、海洋、科技、中小企业、可持续发展、电信信息、旅游、贸易、交通、妇女等。亚太经济合作组织(简称“亚太经合组织”,Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation--APEC)成立之初是一个一般性地区经济论坛和磋商机构,经过十几年的发展,已逐渐演变为亚太地区最高级别的政府间经济合作机制、联系太平洋两岸的重要纽带和各成员开展合作的舞台。
20世纪80年代,国际形势因冷战结束而趋向缓和,世界经济全球化、贸易投资自由化和区域集团化的趋势渐成潮流。在欧洲经济一体化进程加快、北美自由贸易区已显雏形和亚洲地区在世界经济中的比重明显上升等背景下,澳大利亚前总理霍克1989年1月提出召开亚太地区部长级会议,讨论加强相互间经济合作的倡议。这一倡议得到美国、加拿大、日本和东盟的积极响应。1989年11月6日至7日,亚太经合组织第一届部长级会议在澳大利亚首都堪培拉举行,这标志着亚太经合组织的成立。1991年11月,亚太经合组织第三届部长级会议在韩国汉城通过了《汉城宣言》,正式确立该组织的宗旨与目标是:相互依存complement each other,共同利益,坚持开放的多边贸易体制和减少区域贸易壁垒。They inter-depend on each other and complement each other, we adhere to an open multilateral trading system and reduce trading barriers in the regions.1993年6月改名为亚太经济合作组织,简称亚太经合组织或APEC。亚太经合组织的性质为官方论坛,秘书处对其活动起辅助作用。其议事采取协商一致的做法,合作集中于贸易投资自由化和经济技术合作等经济领域。亚太经合组织21个成员的总人口达25亿,占世界人口的45%;国内生产总值(GDP)之和超过19万亿美元,占世界的55%;贸易额占世界总量的47%以上。这一组织在全球经济活动中具有举足轻重的地位。
(四)委员会和工作组:高官会下设4个委员会,即:贸易和投资委员会(CTI),经济委员会(EC),经济技术合作高官指导委员会(SCE)和预算管理委员会(BMC)。CTI负责贸易和投资自由化方面高官会交办的工作,EC负责研究本地区经济发展趋势和问题,并协调经济结构改革工作。SCE负责指导和协调经济技术合作,BMC负责预算和行政管理等方面的问题。各委员会下设多个工作组、专家小组和分委会等机制,从事专业活动和合作。Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim member economies[1] that seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific region.It was established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence of Asia-Pacific economies and the advent of regional trade blocs in other parts of the world;to fears that highly industrialized Japan(a member of G8)would come to dominate economic activity in the Asia-Pacific region;and to establish new markets for agricultural products and raw materials beyond Europe(where demand had been declining).[2] APEC works to raise living standards and education levels through sustainable economic growth and to foster a sense of community and an appreciation of shared interests among Asia-Pacific countries.APEC includes newly industrialized economies, although the agenda of free trade was a sensitive iue for the developing NIEs at the time APEC founded, and aims to enable ASEAN economies to explore new export market opportunities for natural resources such as natural gas, as well as to seek regional economic integration(industrial integration)by means of foreign direct investment.Members account for approximately 40% of the world's population, approximately 54% of the world's gro domestic product and about 44% of world trade.[3] For APEC Economic Trends Analysis in 2012, see.[4]
An annual APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting is attended by the heads of government of all APEC members except Taiwan(which is represented by a ministerial-level official under the name Chinese Taipei as economic leader[5]).The location of the meeting rotates annually among the member economies, and a famous tradition, followed for most(but not all)summits, involves the attending leaders dreing in a national costume of the host country.In January 1989, Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke called for more effective economic cooperation acro the Pacific Rim region.This led to the first meeting of APEC in the Australian capital of Canberra in November, chaired by Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Gareth Evans.Attended by ministers from twelve countries, the meeting concluded with commitments for future annual meetings in Singapore and Korea.Countries of the Aociation of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)opposed the initial proposal, instead proposing the East Asia Economic Caucus which would exclude non-Asian countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.This plan was opposed and strongly criticized by Japan and the United States.The first APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting occurred in 1993 when U.S.President Bill Clinton, after discuions with Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating, invited the heads of government from member economies to a summit on Blake Island.He believed it would help bring the stalled Uruguay Round of trade talks back on track.At the meeting, some leaders called for continued reduction of barriers to trade and investment, envisioning a community in the Asia-Pacific region that might promote prosperity through cooperation.The APEC Secretariat, based in Singapore, was established to coordinate the activities of the organization.During the meeting in 1994 in Bogor, Indonesia, APEC leaders adopted the Bogor Goals that aim for free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific by 2010 for industrialized economies and by 2020 for developing economies.In 1995, APEC established a busine advisory body named the APEC Busine Advisory Council(ABAC), composed of three busine executives from each member economy.APEC currently has 21 members, including most countries with a coastline on the Pacific Ocean.However, the criterion for membership is that the member is a separate economy, rather than a state.As a result, APEC uses the term member economies rather than member countries to refer to its members.One result of this criterion is that membership of the forum includes Taiwan(officially the Republic of China, participating under the name ”Chinese Taipei")alongside People's Republic of China(see Cro-Strait relations), as well as Hong Kong, which entered APEC as a British colony but it is now a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.APEC also includes three official observers: ASEAN, the Pacific Islands Forum and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council.[1]
北京APEC会议热点一、APEC峰会主题亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,简称APEC)是亚太地区最具影响的经济合作官方论坛。2014年APEC峰会于2014年11月5日-1......
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