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He told supporters in Pennsylvania that he was keeping “one promise after another”, dismiing criticism as “fake news” by “out of touch” journalists.在宾州的集会上,川普对支持者们说自己正在兑现“一个又一个承诺”,批驳“不负责任”记者对自己的抨击是“假新闻”。

Mr Trump decided to skip the White House Correspondents’ Dinnerbelieved to be lower than any other president at the 100-day marker.值此上任100天之际,川普的支持率徘徊在40%左右——这被认为是美国史上总统最低支持率。

At the rally in Harrisburg, the president said the media should be given “a big, fat, failing grade” over their coverage of his achievements during his first 100 days and told the cheering crowd he was “thrilled to be more than 100 miles from Washington”.在哈里斯堡这场集会上,川普表示说在报道他执政100天所取得的成就这方面,应该给媒体打一个“大大的不合格”,并且对欢呼的人群表示“远离华府的是非令他很高兴”。He quipped that at the same time “a large group of Hollywood actors and Washington media are consoling themselves” at the correspondents’ dinner “that will be very boring”.他打趣说道:“现在白宫记者协会晚宴上,肯定有一大群好莱坞演员和华盛顿的媒体在自怜自艾,而那简直无趣之极。”

Until now, late president Ronald Reagan in 1981 was the last US leader to mi the annual dinner, when he was recovering from an aaination attempt.直到现在,已故总统里根(1981)是最后一位没有参加白宫记者协会晚宴的总统,当时他因遭遇刺杀而正在疗养。

Addreing the journalists and celebrities at the dinner in Washington, Reuters White House correspondent Jeff Mason defended his profeion, saying it was “our job to report on facts, and to hold leaders accountable”.在白宫晚宴上向记者和名人们讲话时,路透社白宫记者杰夫·梅森为自己的职业做了辩护,表示称“报道事实真相、向领导人问责是我们的职责”。

“We are not ’fake news’.We are not failing news organisations, and we are not the enemy of the American people,” Mason said.梅森说道:“我们不是‘假新闻’,我们不是失败的新闻机构,我们不是美国人民的敌人。” Turning to his election pledges, Mr Trump said the first 100 days had been “very exciting and very productive”.在谈到自己的竞选承诺时,川普说执政的第一个100天“非常令人兴奋和富有成效”。Mr Trump also said the administration of Barack Obama had resulted in “a me”, streing that he was ready for “great battles to come and we will win in every case”.川普还说前任奥巴马政府留下了一个“烂摊子”,并强调说他已经准备好“应对艰巨的战斗,而无论在何种情况下都将取得胜利”。

On climate change, Mr Trump said “a big decision” would be taken within the next two weeks.在气候变化问题上,川普表示未来两周内将作出一个“重大决定”。

He earlier described climate change as a hoax, vowing to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement.他早先将气候变化描述为一个骗局,并且誓言要带领美国从《巴黎协议》抽身而出。But despite Mr Trump’s claim to be keeping his promises, he has failed to start construction on the wall he plans along the US-Mexico border-or to get Mexico to pay for it.但是尽管川普声称要信守承诺,但他未能启动在美墨边境建高墙的计划——也未能让墨西哥为此事买单。

“We’ll build the wall, folks, don’t even worry about it,” the president said.川普说道:“墙是一定要建的,乡亲们,一点儿都不要担心。”

On another campaign promise, to label China a currency manipulator, he said now was not “the best time.” 至于另外一个竞选承诺——给中国打上货币操纵国的标签,川普表示“时机未到”。Ahead of the speech, tens of thousands took part in protests acro the US against the Trump administration’s stance on climate change.The People’s Climate March was timed to coincide with the 100th day of his presidency.就在这场演讲之前,全美各地数万人举行了抗议活动,反对川普政府在气候变化问题上的立场。“人民气候游行”刚好定在川普执政100天时举行。

In Washington, the demonstrators marched from the US Capitol to the White House.在华府,示威者们从美国国会大厦一直游行到了白宫。

Organisers said they wanted to put the climate debate firmly on the agenda for next year’s midterm elections.组织者们表示称,他们非常坚定地想要把气候辩论放到明年中期选举的议程上。






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