送别A Valediction
by Li Shutong 长亭外
Beyond the distant pavilion 古道边
Beside the ancient road 芳草碧连天
Jade green and fragrant, high gra joins the sky 晚风拂柳笛声残 Evening breeze sways dripping willows dying flute
notes linger still 夕阳山外山
On the hill behind the hill, the sun sets 天之涯地之角
To the ends of the earth and corners of the seas 知交半零落
Half our friends are scattered 一斛浊酒尽余欢
With a scoop of thick wine let's enjoy what joy
remains 今宵别梦寒
Tonight's cold dreams shall be held at bay
On the ancient road by the Farewell Pavilion, 芳草碧连天
green gra stretches far into the sky.晚风拂柳笛声残
With willow trees in evening wind and sounds of a
staccato flute, 夕阳山外山
the setting sun silhouettes layers of hills.天之涯地之角
In the far distant quarters of heaven and earth, 知交半零落
half of my friends are gone.一瓢浊酒尽余欢
With a cup of turbid wine to swallow my merriment, 今宵别梦寒
I wait for a chilly farewell dream tonight.送别
长亭外 古道边芳草碧连天 晚风拂柳笛声残夕阳山外山 天之涯 地之角 知交半零落 一壶浊酒尽余欢今宵别梦寒 今千里 酒一杯 声声喋喋催
问君此去几时还 来时莫徘徊
天之涯 地之角 知交半零落 一壶浊洒尽余欢 今宵别梦寒 天之涯 地之角 知交半零落
问君此去几时还 来时莫徘徊 问君此去几时还 来时莫徘徊
送别A Valediction 李叔同by Li Shutong 长亭外Beyond the distant pavilion 古道边Beside the ancient road 芳草碧连天Jade green and fragrant, high gra joins the sky......
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