另一个重要的社会影响则来自于广告对于大众媒体在资金方面的支持:大约三分之二的纸质媒体收入和几乎全部的广播媒体收入都是由他们提供的。因此,媒体运营商并未将公众视为主要的观众,而仅仅把他们看作是吸引广告商的诱饵;但总的来说,媒体内容是为了吸引那些消费能力强的人设计的。In 2005, the GDP of Guangdong province broke through 2.5 trillion Yuan, about holding 1/8 of Chinese mainland.The total fiscal revenue exceeded 500 billion Yuan, accounting for a quarter of the whole country.Cumulative actual foreign direct investment absorbed reached $1, 77 billion, making up a quarter of the country.Foreign trade, over $5, 20 billion, accounted for about a third of the whole country.Nowadays, Guangdong has become the most economic vibrant and attractive investment area in China along with economic prosperity, social stability and people living and working in peace.In 2006, Guangdong’s trade with Malaysia got to $11.3 billion, increasing by 22.4% on the previous year.To the end of 2006, the actual amount of investment from Malaysia to Guangdong is $490 million, among which the foreign capital contracted reached $1 billion.Guangdong is one of the strongest comprehensive economic strengths of the mainland.With the sustained and rapid development of economy and excellent trade and investment environment, the electronics, home appliances, light industry, textile and a number of brands enjoy a high reputation in the international market.
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School ProfileJin Yuan Primary School was founded in 1966,and now it has 40 years‟ history.Thepredeceor of the school is ShiMian kuang Children Shool.In May 199......