注: 红色标记为PPT前进标记.本文配合本人制作的PPT(Confucius.pptx)使用.Today, I will represent our group to introduce a famous person: Confucius, here.(停顿)And I will talk about him from three aspects.As follows: First of all, who is Confucius? Second, what are Confucius’s ideas and views?
Third, how and why could Confucian thought in 21st century still retains the interest of people all over the world?
一、简介(Introduction)Confucius, known in China as Kongzi, given name Qiu and alias ['eɪlɪəs] Zhongni, was a native of Zouyi of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period.He put two thoughts forward as “Ren” and “li”.For the reason that Confucius lived in times of many wars, his thoughts about ren cannot be useful.So he devote much time on education.What’s more, he took his disciples [dɪ'saɪp(ə)l] around other countries.As a great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism, Confucius is an ancient sage(圣人)to the Chinese People.His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in The Analects ['ænəlekts].二、思想主张(Ideas and views)
Ren and li are the two core concepts of Confucius’ doctrine about people.First: Li(主张“礼”):Confucius placed emphasis on li with the aim of preserving social order, stability and harmony.Therefore, the Analects says, “The role of li is to maintain harmony among people.”(礼之用,和为贵)Confucius ceremony, is not only the king's gift, the gift of father and son, but the gentleman unmoved attitude in the face of all.(礼的应用,以遇事做得恰当和顺为可)Second: Ren(主张“仁”):Confucius’s most important interpretation of Ren is “Love people”.This love is not only the universal love, furthermore, it should begin with the love for one’s parents.So he said: ”The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents ”.(仁者,人也,亲亲为大)仁爱就是人的属性,将爱父母亲放在第一位。
“Ren” is a kind of the personality charm which is enough to convince people first of all.What’s more, “Ren” is a way of life cultivation.Last but not least, “Ren” is part of Confucius helping the people.(“仁”首先是一种足以使人诚服的人格魅力。“仁”是一种人生修为之方法。“仁”是孔子匡时济世之良方。)Third: Education(主张“(因因
”):)Teaching according to some of the acts are the summarize for Confucius of generalizations.It, is based on the specific circumstances of different objects, with different educational methods.To do this, we must first know the students strengths, weaknees and their respective characteristics.For example, our team, I am a speaker, Zhuang is the producer of slides, and other members search the information together.三、当今社会对世界的影响(Influence towards people all over the world)中方:(Influence in China)In the development of thousands of years in China, Confucianism [kən'fjʊʃə,nɪzm] became the Chinese traditional culture representative.It has influenced the world for about 2,000 years.I think that there are three thoughts making sense as follows.The first thought is about the relationship of Heaven and human beings.(关于天堂和人类的关系)Confucius was the first person who regarded “heaven” as nature and this was an innovative idea in his time.He required people to hold Heaven in awe.In the 21st century, the opinion “standing in awe of the ordinances['ɔːdɪnəns] of Heaven”(保持敬畏的天堂)still holds true, so we should indeed listen to the voice of nature as we develop our economy and build a harmonious world.(倾听大自然的声音,发展我们的经济,构建和谐的世界)
The second thought is about Humanity, which includes two core concepts: Ren and Li.(仁和礼的影响)Today the Confucian doctrine of “Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you”(己所不欲,勿施于人)still holds true for humankind.He placed emphasis on Li with the aim of preserving social order, stability and harmony.(他强调,礼的目的在于维护社会秩序,稳定和和谐)In the 21st century, people also emphasize the importance of the love and the social manners or rules.(爱和社会礼仪的重要性或者规则)So many of the Confucian can give us a guide how to love others and behave ourselves.(这么多的儒家可以给我们一个指导如何去爱他人,为人处事之道)
The third thought is about the education.(教育)He also believed the basic goal of education was to cultivate “persons of virtue”.(基本的思想是培养有道德的人)In the 21st century, we also need the comprehensive [kɒmprɪ'hensɪv] talents(综合型人才)to make contribution to our world.With the idea of equality, most of kids today can be educated equally.(平等的观念,孩子才可以受到同等的教育)西方:(Influence in occident)The exact time of the Confucianism was introduced into the west, have been identified for 1593 years.French philosopher Voltaire [vɔl'ter], Germany Leibnitz ['laibnits] had been systematically [,sɪstə'mætɪklɪ] studied “the book of changes”《易经》and the thoughts of Confucius, and is under the influence of Confucianism.It is based on the study of yi jing, Leibniz put forward his binary system二进位制, the influence on western world is very big.儒家思想传入西方,被确认的准确时间为1593年。法国的伏尔泰、德国的哲学家莱布尼茨都曾系统地研究了《易经》和孔子的思想,而且深受孔子思想的影响。正是在研究《易经》基础上,莱布尼茨提出了他的二进位制,这对西方世界的影响是非常大的。
So my introduction about Confucius is all above.Maybe many of you cannot accept it in whole, but in my opinion, as long as you have heard about pieces of my speech and learned even just a little about the ideas and views of Confucius, then today is a succeful day to me.Thank you for your listening.
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