美国政府官员参会名单 美国、加拿大参会城市简介
Michael Hager Aociate Administrator of US Small Busine Administration(SBA)美国中小企业管理局第一副局长
Melody Cooper Chair, Intl.Committee of NLC, Vice Mayor of Christie Corpus, TX 美国城市协会国际委员会主席、美国德克萨斯州克里斯蒂市副市长
Ted Ellis Chair, Intl.Committee of NLC, Mayor of Bluffton, IN 美国城市协会国际委员会主席、印地安那州布拉夫顿市市长
Robert Coble Mayor of Columbia, SC
Harris Nelson Mayor of Roanoke, VA 美国佛吉尼亚州罗阿诺克市市长
Jo Ann Graves Mayor of Gallatin, Tenneee 美国田纳西州加勒廷市市长
Dan Forster Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor, City of Chula Vista, CA 美国加利福尼亚州丘拉维斯塔市市长助理
Alan D.Wapner Councilman, City of Ontario, CA 美国加利福尼亚州安大略市市议长
Francine Ruest Jutras Mayor of Drummondville, Quebec, Canada 加拿大魁北克省德鲁蒙市市长
美国南卡罗莱纳州哥伦比亚市 Columbia, Carolina
哥伦比亚市是整个南卡罗莱纳州的首府, 目前人口约为13万。它处于纽约和迈阿密两大美国著名城市的中间位置,且在24小时内就可以通过公路到达超过70%的美国市场。哥伦比亚市交通系统极为发达和便捷,高速公路数在整个美国排名前五,并且通过州际公路26大约110英里左右就可以达到东海岸第二大查尔斯顿深水港。通过那里的海运航线到达全世界所有的国际市场。飞行航线繁多,哥伦比亚首都机场坐落于哥伦比亚商业中心以西6英里处。哥伦比亚市是全美最早开始规划发展的城市之一,经济多年来取得了巨大的发展。在福布斯杂志的最近评测中,哥伦比亚市位居全球第17名最佳商业环境城市。所处的南卡罗莱纳州提供着全美大量独一无二的商机,被誉为最适合工作的州及全美第三大制造地和全美罢工发生率最少的地区。哥伦比亚市同时还是不少组织、机构的合作伙伴,诸如南卡罗莱纳商业部门、南卡罗莱纳出口协会及卡罗莱纳经济发展联盟等。所拥有的著名学府南卡罗莱纳大学也大大的提升了该市的全世界知名度和整个商业环境。
Columbia is the capital of South Carolina with a population of nearly 13,0000.It is located in approximately the geographic center of the state.Columbia is uniquely located approximately halfway between New York and Miami within 24-hour ground acce to more than 70 percent of the U.S.market.It ranks among the top five cities in the nation in the number of interstate highways intersecting within the region.(I-20,I-26,I-77,I-85,I-95)Columbia is approximately 110 miles via Interstate 26 from Charleston's deepwater port , the second busiest container port on the East Coast.Shipping lines calling on the Port of Charleston sail to almost every international market.Columbia is served by several major airlines.The Columbia Metropolitan Airport lies six miles west of Columbia's Central Busine District.Columbia is one of the first planned cities of the U.S.Its growth has been tremendous over the last several years.Columbia, the capital city of South Carolina, ranked 17th in busine climate by Forbes Magazine!The State of South Carolina provides a unique variety of busine incentives not found elsewhere in the nation.Of prime importance is the fact that South Carolina is a “right-to-work state” and has the lowest unionization rate in the country at only 3.7%.We also rank third the United States for productivity and have one of the lowest work stoppage rates in the country.The City of Columbia is also unique in the fact that we partner with a variety of organizations such as the South Carolina Department of Commerce, and The University of South Carolina to promote a global and diverse busine environment.美国加利福尼亚州丘拉维斯塔市
Chula Vista, CA
作为美国圣地亚哥郡的第二大城市,丘拉维斯塔市位于圣地亚哥市中心以南七英里,世界最繁忙的美墨边境以北七英里处,人口约为225,000。作为一座人口流动城,丘拉维斯塔市欢迎世界各地的商人和企业来该市投资兴业。无论是小型企业还是国际商业巨头,丘拉维斯塔市的各界商人都能充分享受该市的商业资源和机遇,并能各取所需。丘拉维斯塔市拥有集电子业、环保业、房地产业及印刷业为一体的经济产业结构。例如,在世界范围内拥有22家工厂的电子业巨头Leviton电子制造公司,在丘拉维斯塔市设有地区总部。另一家国际级公司RSI, ID技术有限公司在1991年落户丘拉维斯塔市,并在当地一家孵化基地内设厂,开创了其传奇成功的兴业历史。丘拉维斯塔市拥有齐全的投资设施、舒适的生活环境和高效务实的政府,是美国投资兴业最理想的城市之一。
Chula Vista, with a population approaching 225, 000, is San Diego County’s second largest city.Located seven miles south of downtown San Diego and seven miles north of the world’s busiest international border croing, Chula Vista is at the croroads of the region.A city “on the move” and well prepared to welcome businees to a dynamic and diverse busine community that is already enjoying the benefits of locating in Chula Vista.Whether start-up or corporate giant, companies in Chula Vista enjoy a wealth of resources and opportunities and a stellar location in the San Diego/Baja region.Businees find what they need in Chula Vista.Chula Vista is home to a pleasant mix of electronics, priting, real estate, envionmental protection, etc.For example, Leviton Manufacturing Company, the oldest name in electronics with 22 facilities worldwide, found what it needed in Chula Vista.Another leading edge company, RSI, ID Technologies, began its succe story in a much different way opening in an incubator space in Chula Vista in 1991.Chula Vista is a prime location for businees ready to succeed.Amenities, resources, a comfortable lifestyle and a supportive city government are all in place.We invite you and your company to see your future in Chula Vista.美国佛吉尼亚州罗阿诺克市
Roanoke, VA
Roanoke, Virginia is a thriving 21st century community nestled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains.It’s an intriguing mix of “big city” and urban village, with a population of over 100,000.Set halfway between New York and Atlanta, Roanoke is the vibrant economic engine and cultural center for the entire southwestern part of Virginia.Known historically as the “Capital of the Blue Ridge,” Roanoke continues to be the region’s croroads for commerce.Its revitalized downtown core is all big city bustle with an impreive array of arts, recreation and cultural amenities as well as an aggreive economic strategy to ensure that the city continues to develop and attract high-tech and manufacturing businees in its burgeoning biotechnology, optics, information technology and transportation sectors.It’s this careful balance between the built and natural environment, the dynamic energy of the city’s emerging technologies combined with its stunning backwoods beauty and exceptional amenities that makes Roanoke such an exciting and welcoming place to be.美国德克萨斯州克里斯蒂市
Corpus Christie, Texas
Beautiful Corpus Christie, situated on the Texas Gulf Coast midway between Houston and the Mexican Border, is the 7th largest city in Texas and the 59th largest in the nation.The population of the Corpus Christie Metropolitan Statistical Area has grown to approximately Population 300,000.Corpus Christie is the gateway to Padre Island National Seashore, a short 15 minute drive from downtown.Corpus Christie is located approximately 130 miles from San Antonio and 200 miles from Austin on I-37 and I-35.Houston is about a 3.5 hour drive on US-77 and US-59.Corpus Christi is served by Corpus Christi International Airport.Corpus Christi's diversified economy includes agricultural exports, exports cotton, shipping, manufacturing, tourism, and gas and oil exports.Twenty-two docks in the Corpus Christi port are reserved for local petrochemicals and petroleum products.Truax Field adds more than $40 million annually economically to this area.Meanwhile, Tourism is an economic mainstay of the region.Just a few of Corpus Christie's cultural events are: symphony orchestra concerts, Art Museum tours, The Corpus Christie Ballet and the Corpus Christie Museum of Science and History.美国印地安那州布拉夫顿市
Bluffton, Indiana
布拉夫顿市位于印地安那州的西北面威尔士市的中心。交通便捷,韦恩堡国际机场在州际公路以北25公里处。坐拥1-469 and 1-69两条干道。以该市为中心的15英里范围内人口超过20万。基于布拉夫顿市在工商业的杰出贡献,该市在1990年光荣的被印地安那商业协会评为年度最杰出地区。该市是很多历史悠久的商业和公司的发源地。诸如世界500强企业富兰克林电子已经在此商业发展超过50年,它的世界总部就位于该市。还有很多其它世界卓越的公司坐落于该市规划的工业园区。该市主要产业包括:电子,钢铁铸造,橡胶制造,物流和快餐业。
Bluffton is located in the northwest portion of Indiana in the center of Wells County.Fort Wayne International Airport is just 25 miles north on State Highway One.It is easily acceible to both 1-469 and 1-69.Bluffton is the center with more than 200,000 residents within a 15 mile radius.Bluffton was proud to be named “1990 Outstanding Indiana Community of the Year” by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce for its' significant contributions to busine and commerce.It is home to many long-established fine businees and companies.A Fortune 500 company, Franklin Electric has been in busine for over 50 years and has it's international headquarters in Bluffton.There are also many other excellent companies located in planned industrial parks.Besides electric, its most developed industries are: iron casting, rubber manufacturing, logistics and snack food industry.美国田纳西州加勒廷市
Gallatin, Tenneee
加勒廷市是美国田纳西州萨姆纳郡的首府,以该市为中心15平方英里范围内人口约为25万,是为了纪念美国前财政部长Albert Gallatin先生而命名建立的。由于该市地处田纳西州的大城市群地带,这就使加勒廷市具有得天独厚的硬软件优势。该市拥有机场、社区医院、社区大学、良好的消防设备、用于工业生产的垃圾再生能源制造设备,以及充裕的旅游和娱乐资源。加勒廷市拥有集制造业、零售业、娱乐业和农业为一体的产业结构。近年来,随着工业的发展与成熟,该市每年都吸引着大量的国内外投资,涉及钢材制造、餐馆零售和农产品生产等领域,现已成为一座现代化的商业城市。同时,该市居民的可支配收入也位居田纳西州萨姆纳地区的前列。轻松舒适的生活环境已经成为并将继续成为加勒廷市的魅力之一。加勒廷市将为那些欲在该市大展宏图的企业家和商人提供良好的工业用地,并将携手共创加勒廷市美好的明天。
Gallatin is a city located in Sumner County, Tenneee.As of the 2007 census, the city had a total population of 257,360(15 square miles in the vicinity of Gallatin).It is the county seat of Sumner County.The city was named for U.S.Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin.Gallatin benefits from the advantages of a metropolitan area, but stands on its own as one of the most self-contained cities in the state, boasting its own airport, regional hospital and community college;excellent fire protection;the county's Resource Authority(solid waste incinerator)which generates steam for local industry;and a wealth of tourism and recreation.Gallatin is home to a pleasant mix of manufacturing, retail, recreation and agriculture.In recent years, with the maturing and development of industries, Gallatin has developed itself into a modern city with high annual volume of investment both at home and abroad, in the fields of steel manufacturing, restaurant retailing and agricultural production etc.Meanwhile, the disposable income of Gallatin residents compares very favorably to other places in the region.A relaxed lifestyle has always been part of Gallatin's appeal and that will continue to be true because it is a priority.Yet busine and industry looking at Gallatin will find affordable land in municipally owned industrial sites, together with a willingne to work and build for the future.美国加利福尼亚州安大略市
Ontario, CA
Ontario, with a population of 171,113, is located just 35 miles inland from Los Angeles in Southern California.It is “The GATEWAY to Southern California.” Home to LA-Ontario International Airport(ONT)and uniquely positioned within the hub of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, the City of Ontario provides easy acce to Southern California's dynamic freeway system and all that Southern California has to offer.With growing manufacturing, retail and distribution sectors, Ontario is also experiencing quickly evolving commercial real estate development for corporate offices, large profeional firms and high technology.Ontario offers an exceptional pro-busine environment with low cost land, reasonable lease rates, modern facilities, technical amenities, a skilled and affordable work force, and an innovation corridor of fourteen colleges and universities.Ontario is the “economic engine” of one of the fastest growing regions in the United States.Ontario is the perfect location for establishing, relocating and expanding a busine.We invite you to discover, explore and learn more.加拿大魁北克省德鲁蒙市
Drummondville, Quebec, Canada
位于加拿大魁北克省的德鲁蒙市东临蒙特利尔市,傍于圣佛朗西斯河,以该市为中心15平方英里范围内人口约为20万。作为魁北克省重要的工业中心,德鲁蒙市拥有独一无二的优势条件:重要的战略地理位置、低廉的税收、多样的工业体系、出色的人力资源,以及其特有的“工业研发中心”和“新经济中心”。作为加拿大十大工业明星城市之一,德鲁蒙市拥有集机械、食品饮料、成品造纸、家具制造、电子、纺织、塑料、非金属矿和化工业等为一体的产业结构。拥有将近1000万消费者市场以及低廉税收的德鲁蒙市为海内外客商提供一切投资便利。Drummondville, Quebec is a city in the Centre-du-Québec region of Quebec, located east of Montreal, on the Saint-François River.It has a population of about 200,000(15 square miles in the vicinity of Drummondville).As a major industrial hub in Quebec, Drummondville distinguishes itself by its many aets: strategic geographical location, extremely low tax rates, diversified industries, increasing skilled manpower, its Industrial Incubator and its New Economy Center.Crowned as one of the 10 Star Industrial Cities in Canada, Drummondville is home to a pleasant industrial mix of machinery, food and beverage, paper and finishing products, furniture products, electronics, textiles, plastics, nonmetallic mineral products, chemical products and so on.Drummondville offers many benefits when it comes to choose an industrial location.Thanks to the easy acce to market representing over 10 million consumers and advantageous taxation, Drummondville welcomes you and your company to see your future in this dynamic city.
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