社会(sociologically),法律(legally),和人性(ethically)做的辩论。Sociologically, greater gun control does not necearily lead to le violence.Whether or not gun control works remains a question.Some people just aume that criminals, whose very intent is to break the law, would be stopped by mere restrictions set by the government.Statstically speaking, countries with stricter gun control do not benefit from le crime rates(like England).Legally, the 2nd Amendment clearly states the individual citizen's right to bear arms.“the right to bear arms shall not be infringed” is a very clear and consicse statement, and its meaning is self-explanatory.Recent Supreme Court cases also upheld the 2nd Amendment and applied it to state governments.Ethically, a law-abiding citizen's ability to own a gun can save lives.He/she can use it for self-defense as well as in emergency situations(like during a ma-shooting event).Criminals would also be intimidated at the thought that the owner of the house he breaks into may have a shotgun up and ready, and in turn give up the thought of commiting crimes altogether.
专职守护押运人员枪支使用管理条例中华人民共和国国务院令 第 356 号 现公布《专职守护押运人员枪支使用管理条例》,自公布之日起施行。 总 理 朱镕基 二○○二年七月二十七......
1.背景分析 1.1业务现状警用枪支是一种震慑犯罪的特殊工具,因此警用枪支的管理工作则显得尤为重要。作为公安机关重要的日常管理工作,如果监管工作不到位,不仅不能及时地对违法......
中华人民共和国枪支管理办法(一九八一年一月五日国务院批准一九八一年四月二十五日公安部发布)第一条 为了维护社会治安,保障公共安全,防止犯罪分子利用枪支进行破坏活动,特制定......