96课 商务会餐由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“公司会餐计划”。
In most parts of the world, having lunch or dinner together is an important part of doing busine.In places such as North America, eating meals is a way of building a relationship or celebrating a partnership.And in other cultures, such as China, much of the real work of making deals actually often gets done over the dinner table.在全世界大部分地区,一起吃午饭或晚饭都是做买卖一个很重要的部分。有些地方比如在北美,吃饭是建立关系或庆祝合作的手段。在其他文化中,比如在中国,许多买卖实际上是边吃饭边谈成的。
No matter where you are doing busine, it’s important to be able to handle the basics of dining out.This includes ordering food, recommending dishes,proposing a toast, and paying for the check, among other things.These skills will be the focus of this episode.无论你在哪儿做买卖,能够掌握商务会餐的基本知识是很重要的。这包括点菜,推荐菜品,提酒,买单。这节课将要学习这些技巧。
In the listening, we continue to follow Mario and Francesca, who represent the Italian fashion company Viva, on their visit to the U.S.As planned, they are having dinner in Las Vegas with their distributor Adriana, who works at the American company Foxtrot.Bill, one of their new customers, has also joined them.对话中,我们继续跟随意大利Viva公司的代表Mario和Francesca,前往美国的商务旅程。按照计划,他们将和在美国公司Foxtrot工作的销售商Adriana一起在拉斯维加斯吃晚饭。Bill,他们的潜在客户,也会来就餐。
When the dialog begins, the group has already made some small talk and looked at the menu.Now they are ready to order.对话开始时,人们已经进行了一些简短的谈话,并看了菜单。现在他们准备点菜。Listening Questions:
1)Why doesn’t Francesca want to try the “steak tartare?”
2)How does Francesca signal that she’s ready to go back to the hotel?
3)Who pays for the meal?