Are you going to treat me? An American actre came to China for the first time.One day when she was looking for her new Chinese friend after a performance, she came acro an anxious Chinese who had always wanted to practice his English with native speakers, but had never found the chance.When he saw the actre, he went up and exchanged greetings, then started his practice.“How old are you?”
“I‟m sorry.Please don‟t ask a lady about her age,” the actre said uneasily.“How much do you earn each month?” the Chinese tried hard to recall this sentence from his textbook.“Sorry again.We don‟t feel like telling others about that either, “ she again refused to answer.“Have you had lunch?” the Chinese tried again to show his traditional way of greeting.“No, are you planning to treat me to a meal?‟ she asked in surprise.你要请客吗?
“你吃过饭了吗?” 中国人再次用本民族的传方式询问对方。
Busy with appointments Two friends meet in the street when the following conversation takes place.Jane: “Well, you know, I have so many appointments with my doctor these days.”
Mary: “nothing wrong with me physically.The doctor is my fiancée.”
玛丽:“哦,您知道,我最近一直在忙着看医生。” 珍妮:“您患了什么病?” 玛丽:“我的身体没患任何病,医生是我未婚夫。”
More intelligent in Dreams When a student failed to solve a math problem in cla, he expreed his regret to his teacher.“I remember solving the problem in my dream last night, but for the time being I‟ve forgotten it.What can that mean?”
“It means that you are more intelligent in dreams than when you are awake.” The teacher explained.梦中更聪明
一名没学生在班上没有做出老师的数学题,他感到很遗憾,对老师解释说;“我记得昨天夜里做梦时这道题解对了,但现在一时想不起了。这说明什么?” “这说明你做梦的时候比你醒着的时候更聪明。”
Alone and Lonely William Henry is a young American profeor who has been teaching in a Chinese college for three years.He is popular among his students for his student for his intelligence and patience.He also has several favorite students.Among them is a beautiful girl, the monitor of the cla, who has left a deep impreion on him with her active cla performance.After the last cla before graduation, the girl asked the young profeor a question as she had done before.“Mr Henry, would you tell me the difference between „alone‟ and „lonely‟?”
“Well, …let me explain this with my own example,” the young teacher started.“I live alone.That means that I live by myself, without the company of others.But I don‟t feel lonely because I have so many students around me, especially you.You‟re special to me.So after your graduation please don‟t leave me alone, or I‟ll feel lonely.Catch the meaning now?”
“先生,请您讲解一下‘alone‟和 „lonely ’这两个英语单词的区分好吗?”
Be a Little Patient A man suddenly found that he was shrinking.Each day he was getting smaller and smaller.Very worried, he went to the doctor‟s office.“I‟ve got to see the doctor!” the man demanded, frantically.“He‟s very busy,” the nurse calmly replied.“Just take a seat and be a little patient.”
课前五分钟智力趣味幽默 星沙英语网.txt如果我能够看到自己的影子,我想它一定很忧伤,因为我把快乐都留在了前面。容易伤害别人和自己的人,总是对距离的边缘模糊不清的人。 课前......