课前五分钟智力趣味幽默 星沙英语网_五年级英语趣味课

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课前五分钟智力趣味幽默 星沙英语网由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“五年级英语趣味课”。

课前五分钟智力趣味幽默 星沙英语网.txt如果我能够看到自己的影子,我想它一定很忧伤,因为我把快乐都留在了前面。容易伤害别人和自己的人,总是对距离的边缘模糊不清的人。课前五分钟智力趣味幽默

Are you going to treat me? An American actre came to China for the first time.One day when she was looking for her new Chinese friend after a performance, she came acro an anxious Chinese who had always wanted to practice his English with native speakers, but had never found the chance.When he saw the actre, he went up and exchanged greetings, then started his practice.“How old are you?”

“I’m sorry.Please don’t ask a lady about her age,” the actre said uneasily.“How much do you earn each month?” the Chinese tried hard to recall this sentence from his textbook.“Sorry again.We don’t feel like telling others about that either, “ she again refused to answer.“Have you had lunch?” the Chinese tried again to show his traditional way of greeting.“No, are you planning to treat me to a meal?’ she asked in surprise.你要请客吗?






“你吃过饭了吗?” 中国人再次用本民族的传方式询问对方。

“没有,你要请我吃饭吗?”她惊喜地问。Busy with appointments Two friends meet in the street when the following conversation takes place.Jane: “Well, you know, I have so many appointments with my doctor these days.”

Mary: “nothing wrong with me physically.The doctor is my fiancée.”



珍妮:“最近没有见到您,忙什么呢?” 玛丽:“哦,您知道,我最近一直在忙着看医生。”



More intelligent in Dreams When a student failed to solve a math problem in cla, he expreed his regret to his teacher.“I remember solving the problem in my dream last night, but for the time being I’ve forgotten it.What can that mean?”

“It means that you are more intelligent in dreams than when you are awake.” The teacher explained.梦中更聪明


“这说明你做梦的时候比你醒着的时候更聪明。” Alone and Lonely William Henry is a young American profeor who has been teaching in a Chinese college for three years.He is popular among his students for his student for his intelligence and patience.He also has several favorite students.Among them is a beautiful girl, the monitor of the cla, who has left a deep impreion on him with her active cla performance.After the last cla before graduation, the girl asked the young profeor a question as she had done before.“Mr Henry, would you tell me the difference between ‘alone’ and ‘lonely’?”

“Well, „let me explain this with my own example,” the young teacher started.“I live alone.That means that I live by myself, without the company of others.But I don’t feel lonely because I have so many students around me, especially you.You’re special to me.So after your graduation please don’t leave me alone, or I’ll feel lonely.Catch the meaning now?”



“先生,请您讲解一下‘alone’和 ‘lonely ’这两个英语单词的区分好吗?”



Be a Little Patient A man suddenly found that he was shrinking.Each day he was getting smaller and smaller.Very worried, he went to the doctor’s office.“I’ve got to see the doctor!” the man demanded, frantically.“He’s very busy,” the nurse calmly replied.“Just take a seat and be a little patient.”






Even Better? The other day I met my Chinese friend Mr.Deng.He dad been studying English in night school for about Two years.“How are you getting on with your English, Deng?” I asked him.“Oh, quite well.Sometimes I feel my English is better than my Chinese,” he articulated with pride.“Really?” I could not hold back my disbelief.“How do you know?”

“Well, often when I speak English, I don’t know its Chinese meaning.”

更 好? 几天前,我碰见我的中国朋友邓先生,他在夜校学习英语两年多了。

“你的英语学得怎么样了,邓?” 我问他。

“哦,不错,有时觉得我的英语比汉语还好,” 他很自豪地说。

“真的?” 我无法控制自己的怀疑态度,“你怎么知道?”

“噢,我讲英语时,经常不知道汉语是什么意思。” Pay Special Attention to the Way the Chinese speak English An American student studying in Chinese found it difficult to speak idiomatic Chinese.One day he asked his roommate who was also learning Chinese.“Sometimes I have the same problem.But from my personal experience, I have noticed that you would sound more Chinese the way the Chinese speak Engllish.For example, ‘I next year will from Beijing languages Institute graduate.’”




“哦,我也有同样的问题。但根据我的经验,按中国人讲英语的方式讲汉语,你的汉语才能讲得地道。比如,‘I next year will from Beijing Languages Institute graduate’(我明年将从北京语言学院毕业)。” A Way to Identify the Twin A week after giving birth to twin baby girls, the wife came back home from the hospital.The husband frowned at the babies.“They look exactly alike.I can’t tell which is which.”

The five-year-old son brightened up and said quickly to his father.“I’ve a good idea.Just give them different names and when they can talk, they can tell you which is which.”




Coincidence One day a four-year-old boy asked his parents.“When and where were you born, Dad?”

“I was born in 1968, in Dalian, in the northeast of China.”

“When and where were you born, Mum?”

“Well, I was born in 1972, in Shanghai, in the southeast of China.”

“Then, when and where was I born?” “Oh, you were born in 1997, in Xi’an, in the northwest of China.” After a moment, the child said, “When and where did we three meet and come here together?”









It’s Three Years Old In a Chinese History cla, a teacher asked a pupil, “What happened in 1949 in Chinese history?”

“It’s the year of the founding of the People’s Republic of China,” the pupil replied quickly.“Yes, you’re right.Then, what happened in 1952?” the teacher asked again.The pupil thought for a while and answer, “Well, in that year, the New China was three years old.” 3岁







Gold In The Books In the present Chinese market, more and more businemen turn to profit-making trade.Even some counters in the bookstores are selling gold rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.One day a school teacher asked the store aistant, “Why are you selling gold in your bookstore?”

Looking at the school badge on the teacher’s coat, he said, “As a teacher, you must know the old Chinese saying, ‘there is a house of gold in the books’.(Which means that one’s wealth comes from the books.书中自有黄金屋



店员看了看这位教师身上佩带的校徽说:“当教师的,你应该明白,中国有句老话,叫做‘书中自有黄金屋’么?” It Must be Fake Food At the food counters in a store, a customer was complaining to the shop aistant.“I don’t want this box of food.Please give me my money back.”

“Sorry, Madam.You know, food cannot be returned after it is sold,” the aistant explained.“But I can’t pay for this fake food,” the customer insisted.“How can you prove that this is fake food?” the aistant asked angrily.“Look at the label on the box.The Date of Production: June 31,2003.How can you prove that there are thirty-one days in June?” the customer reported.伪劣商品







I Don’t Believe in God While doing my shopping I heard a quarrel at the nest counter.I went up and saw an old customer pointing at a slogan on the wall behind the young shop aistant and saying.“You’ll lose lot of customers if you don’t act according to your motto ‘Customers are our God’ ”

“But I don’t believe in God,” the shop aistant shouted.我不信上帝



“但我不信仰上帝,” 售货员大声反驳说。I Only Wanted to Attract Your Attention When the American President George Bush was helped to his seat after his collapse at the reception dinner party held by the Japanese Prime Minister, his first response was, “I only wanted to attract your attention.”


在日本首相为美国总统乔治•布什来访举行的欢迎宴会上,布什不慎摔倒,当被人扶起后,他第一句话是:“我只是想吸引你们的注意力。” People’s Request of a President People from different countries may have different answers for the same question.For an example: “Who are you going to elect as your president?” From the former Soviet Union: “I’ll elect the person who gives me bread.” From the United States: “I’ll elect the person who gives me a job.”

From the former East Germany: “I’ll elect the person who gives me the same equality as people in West Germany.”

From Cambodia: “I’ll elect the person who gives me a home.” From Yugoslavia: “I’ll elect the person who gives me a peace.”









Prince’s Humor When asked about people’s talks about her relationship with Prince Charles, Diana reacts to one of her good friends, even cracking jokes at her own expense.In response to toast, she giggles, “it seems too bad so many frees have had to die so that so many stories could be written about me.”


当人们议论查尔斯王子和妻子的关系时,戴安娜向她一位好朋友透露时甚至自嘲引乐。在一次举杯时,她笑着说:“看来非得砍死不少树来写我的故事。” I’m Afraid to See the Doctor One day Oscar was suffering from a serious headache and made a complaint to his wife.“I’m so upset by my bad headache, dear.”

“Why don’t you go to see the doctor?” his wife suggested.“I’m afraid to see the doctor.” He answered.“Why?” his wife wondered.“You know, last year I had serious stomachache, the doctor had part of my stomach removed.Last week I had a bad toothache mad the dentist had my tooth extracted.God knows, what will happen to my head this time?”




“去看医生吧,” 妻子建议说。





Are you going to treat me? An American actre came to China for the first time.One day when she was looking for her new Chinese friend after a performance, she c......









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