新年健身计划 你做好了吗?由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“每天2个小时健身计划”。
新年健身计划 你做好了吗?
Most fitne advice is aimed at a general audience.But if you're an older adult, the International Council on Active Aging(ICAA)has some tips for seniors to get started and keep them at the top of their game: Get a checkup.Talk with your doctor about getting clearance to begin a fitne program and making any modifications to suit your situation.Know your options.Before starting, pick a program you'll enjoy, so you'll do it regularly.Some people, for example, like to go to a gym for structured workouts, while others might prefer a more informal neighborhood walking club.Checkout the facility and the staff.Is the place friendly? Can you change clothes comfortably? Are facilities easily acceed? Determine your participation style.Choose what's best for you--a cla or going solo? Morning or night hours? Indoor or outside exercise? Start slowly.Most people are overeager and sometimes overdo it.Record a baseline of your regular activities and determine a reasonable schedule.Make a date.Find a buddy to exercise with you and keep you motivated.Set specific short-and long-term goals.Plan for activity in your day and make it a priority.Make a list.Try to make the benefits about things you can control, rather than an outcome(such as weight).Looking to decrease stre and depreion, build stronger bones or greater strength, get a better sleep.Remind yourself what your goals are.If it hurts, don't do it.Learn to work around pain, not through it.And once you've reached your goal, treat yourself for the good job you've done, so it will encourage you to continue.多数健身建议都是针对大众的。
提醒自己目标是什么。如果身体某个部位疼痛,可以先歇歇。学会绕开疼痛,而不是硬来。一旦目标达成,要好好犒劳自己,这样才能激励你坚持下去。Vocabulary: get clearance to: have the permiion to do(可以做某事)
入园准备工作,你做好了吗宝宝知道百家号 12-25 10:40又是一年开学季,一些小朋友迈出了接触社会的第一步——入园。在刚开学的这段时间,基本上每个幼儿园都哭声震天。看着自家孩......