Sandbad the sailor has gone to the sea for seven times. And his voyages were always dangerous. He met giants——the giant men, snakes, birds… And also the Old Man of the sea! But Sindbad can get back safely every time by his courage and wisdom from his advantage voyages!
02edu.com Comment:
I’m deeply attracted by the story. And also, I learn something important from the hero of the story, Sandbad the sailor. When he was in danger, he is never nervous. He can escape from the trouble by his wisdom and courage. So we must be brave and clever when we are in danger, but never be afraid or give up living.02edu.com
Summary:Sandbad the sailor has gone to the sea for seven times.And his voyages were always dangerous.He met giants——the giant men, snakes, birds… And also th......
《辛巴达航海历险记》讲述了一位商人七次出海,每次出海都碰到了许多磨难.,而他却把这些困难一一克服了,最后成了一名富翁。我们要学习辛巴达的精神,不 管遇到任何困难,只要不退缩......