Review of The Scarlet Letter(2)------the tragedy of Hester
Mengyan Li, Oct 20
When I have read half of the story, I’m impreed with the tragedy of Hester.It seems that all the desirable things happen to her.She doesn’t love her husband but has no rights to pursue her true love.As a result, the society punish her, expose her to public and ruin her reputation.But the worst thing is that her infant’s father have no courage to acknowledge them as his wife and daughter.But then she chooses live alone with her infant pearl in the town and earn their livings by doing needle.As it is put in the book: “Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment;and so, perchance, the torture of her daily shame would at length purge her soul.”
But Hester is brave enough to face the cruel reality.She is always with a mind of courage.She has been alone with her child for so long.She is shameful, Hopele and lonely.Hester has to wear the letter A on her chest day after day, seven years as for punishment and ill fame.The author use a large part of the book to record Hester suffers a lot under the burden of her symbol of shame.In the beginning of the Scarlet Letter, there is a sentence,“ The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happine they might originally project, have invariably recognized, it among their earliest practical neceities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison.”The author reveals the social background of the colonial period in the United States.In the 16th century, British Puritan began to migrate to the colonies in the North America.But unfortunately, when these puritans establish their rules in the colony, they began to persecute their own people, the protagonist Hester in the Scarlet Letter is a representative of that society, that cruel society.
红字读后感这是一部比那些大部头小说显得短小的多的长篇小说,但它同样具有大部头小说所具有的震撼人心的效果,以及高超的艺术造诣,堪称经典名著中的典范作品。 这是一部关于灵......
The Scarlet LetterThe Scarlet Letter offers an extraordinary insight into the norms and behavior of the 17th century in American Puritan society.The basic confl......