China Construction Bank
Personal Certificate of Deposit
Reference No: 230100041817
This is to certify that Ms.Xx(Valid Identity Document Type: ID Card.No.:xxx)maintained a deposit from 05/05/2014 to 05/11/2014at China Construction Bank in the form of regular deposit for the amount of(amount in words): RMB seven hundred thousand.Note:
This Certificate of Deposit is non-negotiable and non-transferable , nor can it serves as collateral or a bank guarantee.This Certificate of Deposit can not be used in lieu of any deposit slip, pabook, deposit card or bond to withdraw the above-listed funds.If this Certificate of Deposit is lost , China Construction Bank is under no responsibility to register or record its lo.Any alteration to this Certificate of Deposit makes it invalid.Any photocopy of this certificate of Deposit is also invalid.In case government authorities take any actions ,against the account shown above, China Construction Bank does not aure any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any difference that may arise between the amounts shown in this Certificate of
Deposit and the actual amounts in the above shown account regardle whether this
Certificate of Deposit has expired.This Certificate of Deposit expires on 5th Nov.2014.Authorized Signature:(Signed)Official Seal of China Construction Bank
Banking Department,.Daqing Branch, China Construction Bank
银行存款证明样本☆ 操作指南1、办理存款证明时,您需出示如下资料:存款凭证(存单、折)、个人身份证件(居民身份证、临时身份证、户口簿、护照、士兵证、军官证、文职干部证、......
银行存款证明是我们出国时的重要材料之一。 它是指银行为存款人出具的证明,证明存款人在前某个时点的存款余额或某个时期的存款发生额,和证明存款人在我行有在以后某个时点前......
调查内容: (一)申请人职务职称文化程度; (二)申请人在贵单位工作年限:年,连续工龄年; (三)申请人实际月综合收进(税后)元(大写); (四)申请人代发工资帐户的账号(建行代发); (五......