Certificate of Individual Income Tax Payment
People’s Republic of China
(141)ADZM000000 Iued by the tax authorities: Hangzhou local Date of Iue: 2014-00-00 taxation bureau Xiacheng Branch
Name of Taxpayer:
Categories Tax Items
of Taxes
Individual Incomes of Labor
Income Tax Compensations
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Tax Authority(sealed)ID number of Taxpayer: Charging Period of TaxDate Storageof Amount of Tax PaymentTotal amount of tax(Capital)RMB
Shenzhen LOCAL TAXATION BUREAUINDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX CERTIFICATEIued Date: 6 August, 2008Number: 123456Unit: RMB(Yuan)Taxpayer’s nameLegaltranz.comNumber of ID8......
Under the supervision of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People'sRepublic ofChina (2008年版)Registration No.for Housing Built: 按实填写A......
XXth July 200XDear Sir/MadamWe would like to confirm that the above named person is an employee of XXX Ltd (公司名);Mr XXX started his employment on the XXth May......
完 税 证 明林西县统壹工贸有限责任公司于2010年增值税完成情况: 销项税额:17,061,413.86元进项税额:15,339,617.86元应缴增值税额为:拖欠税款。特此证明,721,796.00元,此税款已于当年......
完税证明兹有本单位职工冯云 ,性别:男 ,身份证号码***832 ,为我所专职律师 ,现本单位和冯云提出解除合同关系,冯云税务均由单位代缴,不欠税费!特此证明。用人单位盖章年......