考研英语写作小作文之申请信 中公考研由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“考研作文申请信范文”。
在考研英语的Part A 小作文部分,书信作为考查的重点所在,种类繁多。在前面我们曾就以题目为例,详细地解析过前六种书信:即建议信、投诉信、咨询信、感谢信、祝贺信、道歉信以及慰问信的写作方法及其注意事项。今天本文就对考研英语小作文中的第八种书信——申请信——进行深入的分析。
申请信,一般也称为请求信,英文中成为letter of application。是希望收信人能满足自己某个请求或需要而写的信件,如申请签证、留学、奖学金等等。写申请信时,措辞务必要礼貌诚恳,切忌浮夸虚假,自己所要申请的事物一定要表达清楚,并附加合理的原因。申请信在2006年的考研英语(一)中曾经考过,要求向希望工程申请资助一名儿童。
You are a student of Fudan University.Write an application to get a scholarship for your graduate study in another university in America.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the addre.题目所给的规定情景是你是复旦大学的一名学生,要求你写一封信向美国的某所大学申请将在那里读研究生时的奖学金。
秋季集训营 http://mg.kaoyan365.cn/qiuji/
首段:I am writing this letter to apply for the scholarship that your university may be offering to students from other countries.在“三步走”策略中,第一步就是要表明写信目的。前面介绍过的几封信中在表明目的时多用英语句式I am writing this letter to„„, 在写申请信时我们同样可以继续运用这一句式,由于目的是要申请奖学金,所以也就变成了I am writing this letter to apply for the scholarship。此外,鉴于大学里的奖学金各种各样,所以在信中还需对scholarship进行进一步的修饰限定,以更加详细明确地向对方表明自己所要申请的事物。
中段:I am an undergraduate student in Fudan University.Majoring in Chemical Engineering, I have done some researches during my academic years, which has helped to strengthen my principal knowledge.What is more, while applying to further my postgraduate study in your esteemed institution, I am one of the four students who have earned A in the entrance examination.在申请信中,表明目的提出了申请之后,接下来第二段的主要内容就是向对方展示自己到底有什么资格或条件来使对方应允这个申请,也就是需要呈现己方的资格。在本段中表明资格时,考生需注意的是:首先,资格要分条陈述,切忌“一锅乱炖”,使之更为一目了然,也更吸引人;其次,资格中不论是自己的专业背景还是实践经历,除了要叙述事实之外,还要进一步阐释这些东西对于自己究竟有什么影响,也就是自己从这些东西里边得到了哪些收获。
尾段:I hope that my application could get your favorable consideration.And I am looking forward to hearing from you.本段中,紧接前面,亮明资格后,就需要期待对方对于这封信的反映了。在申请信中,当然是期待对方仔细考虑自己的申请需求,并尽早恢复了,在范文中,用I hope that„„以及I am looking forward to hearing from you这两句话完成了此项任务。
1.I am writing to apply for a scholarship in your university in order that I could...秋季集训营 http://mg.kaoyan365.cn/qiuji/
2.I am writing to expre my great interest in the“...”launched recently by...,and I would like to apply as „„.3.I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for...4.If my application could be taken into favorable consideration, I would be mostgrateful.5.Thanks for considering my application and I am looking forward to your reply.6.Any favorable consideration of my application would be appreciated.因此,该题的完整范文如下:
To Whom It May Concern,I am writing this letter to apply for the scholarship that your university may be offering to students from other countries.I am an undergraduate student in Fudan University.Majoring in Chemical Engineering, I have done some researches during my academic years, which has helped to strengthen my principal knowledge.What is more, while applying to further my postgraduate study in your esteemed institution, I am one of the four students who have earned A in the entrance examination.I hope that my application could get your favorable consideration.And I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming
秋季集训营 http://mg.kaoyan365.cn/qiuji/
给人改变未来的力量在考研英语的Part A 小作文部分,书信作为考查的重点所在,种类繁多。在前面我们曾就以题目为例,详细地解析过建议信、投诉信和咨询信的写作方法及其注意事项......
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考研资料加油站 http://page.renren.com/600962783/?checked=true在考研英语的Part A 小作文部分,书信作为考查的重点所在,种类繁多。在前面我们曾就以题目为例,详细地解析过前......