Avoid 3 Mistakes International Students Make in Picking a Major
写在前面:在星腾科接触的留美学生中,除了少数在高中阶段已经决定了自己学术兴趣的同学之外,大部分人对自己未来四年的学习方向并不明确。当然,在目前的美国大学体制下,这是完全被允许的。很多学校为大一新生提供的专业就包括“未确定专业”,在入学之后,会有指导老师为学生提供专业方向,选课,职业规划等咨询,帮助同学们明确自己的兴趣,进而选择专业。星腾科的建议是:不管你做出什么样的选择,一个基本的原则是:永远追随自己的内心,追求自己真正热爱的知识。为了更好地帮助同学们避开选择专业的误区,让我们听听在纽约大学读新闻硕士的Jia Guo是怎么说的。
原文载于2013年7月25日 U.S.News
原文作者:Jia Guo,来自中国,毕业于明尼苏达大学双子城分校,并取得学士学位。目前她正在纽约大学攻读新闻硕士学位。
Choosing a popular major for the wrong reasons can negatively affect your experience as an international student.由于不理智而错误地选择了专业,可能会对你的大学生活带来消极影响。
Many international students I know didn't have a clear career goal when they decided to study in the U.S.Some of them were overwhelmed when faced with what can seem like thousands of academic majors that they knew little about.很多我认识的国际学生在决定来到美国就读时都没有清晰的职业目标。其中一部分人在面对自己知之甚少的海量专业面前一筹莫展。
Luckily, many U.S.universities don't require students to declare a major as soon as they are admitted to school.Students generally have two years to explore their interests before needing to declare their specific area of study.幸运的是,很多美国大学都不要求新生在入学时确定专业。一般来说,学生可以在大学的前两年充分发掘自己的兴趣特长,而后再确定专业方向。
Choosing a major can be as important as choosing a school in the U.S.Making a decision that could change your path in life is not an easy task, so avoid making these common mistakes.选择合适的专业和选择学校同样重要。做出人生这一重大决定并不容易,所以尽量避免犯下初级错误。
1.Following the crowd: Many students see majors as falling into one of two categories: popular and unpopular.1.随大流:在很多学生眼里,大学专业只有两种:热门的和冷门的。
Popular majors include those that will lead to high-paying jobs with relatively bright job prospects.Some international students choose the ones labeled as popular majors because they aume that the more people that chose them, the better the majors were.热门专业包括就业前景相对较好,并且可能拿到高薪的专业。一些国际学生选择热门专业的理由是:选择的人越多,想必这些专业就越好。
This could be why many international students prefer majors such as economics, computer science and accounting.My suggestion is rather than choosing whatever is popular, use the first two years in school to find out what your favorite subject is and what kind of person you want to become, and then follow your heart.这可以解释为什么很多国际学生偏爱例如经济,计算机科学和会计专业。我的建议是:与其随便选择一个热门专业,不如利用在大学的前两年时间,去发现自己真正的兴趣在哪里,自己希望成为一个什么样的人,然后追随自己的内心去做。
2.Considering salary over paion: It's hard for students not to care about their future salaries, especially international students, many of who are supported by their parents financially while they attend school in the U.S.2.将收入凌驾于兴趣:对于学生而言,不考虑未来工作收入是很困难的,尤其是国际学生——他们的大学经费很多都是来自家庭收入。
Students will likely spend much of their lives devoted to the fields they choose.It is understandable that students would choose majors that lead to high-paying jobs.学生们很可能在将来从事自己所选择的专业领域工作。所以,他们选择一门可能拿到高薪的专业也是无可厚非的。
But before doing so, consider if you really poe the willpower to spend several years studying or working in a field you don't like.Your interest in a subject could be the best teacher.但是在这么做之前,考虑一下你是否真的愿意花上几年时间去学习或者工作在自己不喜欢的领域。兴趣永远是最好的老师。
I've encountered some international students who chose majors that they disliked.Some of them chose certain majors because their parents asked them to, while others were swayed by potential salaries.As it turned out, they had le interest in what they learned and as a result, performed poorly in school.我遇到过一些国际学生,他们选择了自己不喜欢的专业。其中一些人做出的选择是迫于父母的压力,另一些人则是被未来的收入所诱惑。结果是,他们对自己学习的领域并不感兴趣,在校表现也差强人意。
3.Worrying too much about job prospects: Many international students I know researched job prospects pertaining to their majors.Many shied away from those majors with limited job opportunities.3.过分担心就业前景:很多我认识的国际学生在选择专业时对就业前景十分关注,很多人避开了就业机会有限的专业。
However, international students should not be overly concerned about job prospects.Before I declared my major, many people told me I should rethink majoring in journalism because in their eyes, my major had a bleak future.然而,国际学生不应过于关注专业的就业前景。在我确定专业之前,很多人告诉我应该慎重选择新闻专业,因为在他们眼里,这门专业简直前途黯淡。
Instead of being frightened by these warnings, I believe that I made the right choice because I have always been paionate about becoming a journalist regardle of its job prospects.I believe it's a candidate's quality and skills that matter in the job market.我没有被这些言论吓到,相反我相信自己做出了正确的选择,因为我总是渴望成为一名记者,不管就业前景怎么样。我相信在就业市场中,最关键的是个人品质和能力。
Going abroad is the first step in chasing your dream.The moment you decide to pursue that dream as an international student, you should follow your heart.出国留学是追寻梦想的第一步。当你成为一名国际学生,决定追寻梦想的那一刻,你就应该听从自己内心的声音。
The reason that you are in the U.S.is to do what you want to do and be the person you want to become.When you have the opportunity to decide your own fate, have the courage to choose your own life.你来到美国的原因是希望梦想成真。所以,当你有机会决定自己的命运时,请鼓起勇气抓住它。(全文完)
美国大学入学申请新误区资料来源:西游记留学网 www.xiyouji.hk近两年成功申请留美的案例在逐年陡升,但多数学生及家长对申办程序的理解还存在一些认识误区,为此,我们走访了专家,......