Dear Ms.Smith:
I am very interested in being considered for
your Sales/Marketing Consultant opportunity as posted
on 智联招聘.Merck&Conc’s rank as third largest作为世界第三大制药集团默克股份
pharmaceutical group in the world is very impreive!有限公司的排名是非常令人印象深刻!
My prior achievements demonstrate I have the skills to我之前的成就表明我有能力去为默克公司的继续成功作出贡献,满足其客户的需求contribute to Merck’s continued succe by meeting itsclients’ needs.For the past year I have played a critical role
on the Public Relations Department of students union.In this role, I collaborated with colleagues primely.在这个角色中,我与同事合作,And succefully established stable and close bonds 成功与一些公司建立了稳定和密切的联系。
with some companies.The whole proce of attracting吸引更多赞助商的全过程给了我更多的沟通能力more sponsors has given me more communication skills和信心。
and confidence.In addition, during the last summer此外,在去年的暑假期间,vacation, I worked as a sales aistant in Sincere我担任真诚药房主要负责江苏区销售助理。
Pharmacy mainly responsible for Jiangsu District.Getting to know what clients want, how to meet their去了解客户想要什么,如何满足他们的需求,needs, and how to present products positively and以及如何向医生积极和令人信服地展示产品是我学到的最重要的课程。convincingly to doctors are the most important leons
learned.All my efforts spared led to an 5% increase in我所有的努力都导致市场份额 5%的增幅。
market share.I look forward to applying the strategies and tactics我期待着应用的战略和策略,帮助默克公司实现其市场营销目标。
to help Merck achieve its marketing goals.I would appreciate the opportunity to discu my我会感谢和你讨论我的的机会(任职资格)。
qualifications with you.Thank you for your time and谢谢您的时间和考虑。期待着与你说话。
consideration.I look forward to speaking with you.Sincerely,(signature here)