
口号 时间:2022-09-27 04:44:22 收藏本文下载本文
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1. Success is no accident

2. Never forget about safety

3. Best Be Safe Today

4. Stand up for safety

5. Work safely to-day and every day

6. Speak up for safety

7. Be aware Take care

8. Zero compromise towards safety

9. Safety is no accident

10.Always think safety no matter what the task

11.Always look after No.1 and if you need help just ask

12.Think safety avoid unsafe acts

13.Play it safe

14.Know safety No Accidents

15.The first 3 letters in workplace safety YOU

16.More waste prevention + more recycling =Less waste = Less landfill

17.Even in a hi-tech world you eyes are still your greatest asset

18.Check for safety then recheck

19.Put your brakes on speed

20.Think safety - it couldnt hurt

21.Every accident - every - time if its predictable its preventable

22.Have you an eye for safety or are you blinded by bad habits

23Never give safety a day off

24.Let safety be a sponge - soak it up

25.Safety is a way of life

26.Risk - is is worth it?

27.Safety begins with No. 1

28.Your good health is your greatest wealth

29.Stop unsafe acts now

30.Be sure be safe

31Safety first and last longer

32.Safety - its in your hands

33.Be aware - Take care

34.Safety is free use it generously

35.Safety is our business too

36.Accident prevention - Your No. 1 intention

37.Hear to-day gone tomorrow - use you hearing protection

38.Think positive an accident is only an attitude away

39.Safety is success by purpose - Not Accident

40.Safety records dont happen by accident

41.If you are aware of it take care of it

42.Safety is the most productive business

43.Safety begins with teamwork

44.Watch your step - it could be your last

45.Zero tolerance on safety

46.Safety awareness saves lives

47.Safety - a good friend to take home

48.Better to lock out than luck out

49.Make safety a reality and dont be a fatality

50.When walkways freeze - walk safely please

51.Safety First, Last and Always

52.The goal must be zero accidents

53.You will achieve the level of safety excellence that you demonstrate you want

54.Failing to prepare = Prepare to fail

55.Safe to do? Ask

56.Work smarter not harder

57.Dont get caught in the web of unsafe acts

58.Wipe up and avoid a slip up

59.We need you - work safely

60.Working without safety is a dead end job

61.Dont get caught with your guard off - it could be disarming

62.Guard against man eating machines

63.Safety is our goal whats yours?

64.Do the dos not the dont s

65.To avoid a scene keep your workplace clean

66.Stop! Think! Then Act!

67.A harness is better than a hearse

68.Be aware of slips and trips

69.Zero in on safety

70.Team up to safety

71.Safety starts with S but begins with you

72.The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense

73.Safety is a state of mind - Accidents are an abscence of mind

74.A wound neglected is a wound infected

75.Normal speed meets every need

76.Stop accidents before they stop you

77.Look sharp dont get cut

78.Before you start be safety smart

79.Safety is a full time job - dont make it a part time practice

80.10 fingers. 10 toes, If you are not safe Who knows?

81.You get what you inspect, not what you expect

82.Work safely or Hurt greatly

83.Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary

84.The safety risk is the one you didnt take

85.KISS Keep it Safe and Sound

86.A casual attitude towards safety = CASUALTY

87.Safety is as simple as ABC - Always Be Careful

88.You safety gears are between your ears.

89.Make your plant the best - safer than all the rest

90.Know safety - No injury, No safety - Know injury

91.Get the safety habit

92.Dont fix the blame, fix the problem

93.Hearing protection is a sound investment

94.One safe act can lead to another

95.Tell me- I forget, Show me - I remember, Involve me - Icommitted

96.Shortcuts cut life short

97.No Safety - Know Pain, Know Safety - No Pain

98.Its better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one

99.You can eat with false teeth, you cant see with a glass eye 100.Be a safety hero - score an accident zero

101.Safety - its the tool for LIFE

102.Safety comes in a can, I can, You can, We can be safe 103.When you gamblw with safety you bet your life

104.Safety has no time out

105.New Year Resolution - if its unsafe I will find a solution 106.Safety - Live with it

107.Safety - everyones full time job

108.When in doubt get out

109.Safety in - we win

110.The chance taker is the accident maker

111.Liftings a breeze when you bend at the knees

112.Safety Glasses - All in favor say EYE




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