Fengjie is a homely Chinese girl who rose to infamous stardom in China because of her laughably brazen standards in her personal ad for seeking a husband.She once mentioned that only President Obama fits her criteria.In 2010, she moved to the US to continue her search for the perfect man.She was spotted handing out leaflets of her personal ad outside of Columbia University.– Yvonne Liang
Fengjie’Original Personal Ad for Seeking a Husband(original text by Fengjie)(凤姐在美国的征婚广告原文)
I’m looking for a Husband now.I am the hottest star from China.My name is luoyufeng(罗玉凤),chinese call me fengjie(凤姐),born 1985.I want my husband very interested in political and Economic, he would like to Dominate the world.(凤姐想找一个对经济和政治感兴趣,并且想统治世界的老公。)I want my Husband like this: 1.he must Between 25 to 31 years old.2.He will Between 5.74 feet to 6.11 feet height.(1.75-1.86米)
3.He must never get married, no children.(凤姐的原意是“无婚史,无小孩羁绊”,但是她的英文就变成“他必须永远不结婚”,那凤姐怎么和他结婚?)
4.He will graduated from a prestigious world, like Harvard, Yale, MIT, West Point, Stanford, Oxon, and so so.(牛津大学的拼写错了。so so其实应该是so on)5.He must has a master’s degree.6.He can’t been an Asian.(不能是亚洲人)
7.He would better have a house and a car.(有房有车)
I’m born in a poor family in Chongqing.When 16, I come to a Inexpensive Normal school which I never liked.I read a lot of books Between 9 to 20.I’m Expert in Poetry and prose.In 2006 when I’m 21, I became a Language teacher, in 2008 when I’m 23, I resigned and come to shanghai for a better future, but I can’t get a good job there.There was no way to get more income except publicize myself, so I became the hottest star in china in 2010 when I’m 25.I came to the USA in the same year.Since there is over 300,000 chinese man asked marry me but none of them suitable.(30万中国男人向凤姐求婚,凤姐均没看上。Notice: 1.I’m only 4.82 feet height, but I used to wear a High-heeled shoes.So I always looked like 5.08 feet.(凤姐1.47米,穿高跟鞋1.55米)
2.I am from China which Country control Family Planning as their basal policy.I will Follow it, so I only want 2 children if get married.----------------the End)Fengjie tones down her brazen standards in her English ad due to her limited English.Her personal ad is ridden with grammatical errors, poorly written, and smacks of gold-digging.In the spirit of entertainment, I revised her personal ad.I hope my revision will help her land the perfect husband.The revision is free of charge.If ever Fengjie finds a husband of her dreams, it would be nice for Fengjie and her husband to offer me a round-trip ticket to the US.I will attend the wedding and do some sight-seeing on the side.– Yvonne Liang
.根据凤姐的原文,我帮她大大美Fengjie’ Personal Ad for Seeking a Husband(revised by Yvonne LIANG)(凤姐在美国的征婚广告-梁潇方修改)
My name is Luo Yufeng(罗玉凤).Born in 1985, I am now 25 years old.I am looking for my soulmate, who will hopefully become my husband and grow old together with me.My efforts to look for a husband made me the most-sought-after star in China.I have become a household name in China because of my audacious efforts to seek the man of my dreams.My quest for true love knows no boundaries,which is why I croed mountains and oceans to get to the United States, a land of opportunities and dreams.I am now in America, continuing my pursuits of the love of my life, a loving husband and a deserving man…
My ideal husband takes a keen interest in politics and economics, and regards the world as his stage.I want my husband to have the following qualities: 1.Preferably aged 25-31 2.Preferably 5.74-6.11 feet in height 3.Never been married, with no children.I don’t believe in divorce.I am seeking a man who still believes in traditional family values and growing old together, “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickne or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part.”
4.Well-educated.Preferably with an education from prestigious universities such as Harvard,Yale, MIT, West Point, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, Oxford and so on.I believe men who have studied in these world-renowned universities are “the crème de la crème”, men who have a tremendous amount of intelligence, self-discipline, self-confidence and a strong sense of responsibility.These are qualities I admire in a man.5.Preferably with a master’s degree 6.Preferably Caucasian.Not that I have anything against Asian men.It’s just that opposites attract.Same reason why some western men find Asian women exotic and attractive.7.Preferably owns a home and a car.My future husband and I will build our home into the loveliest place for our kids, who will grow up in a loving and stable environment.I was born into a poor family in Chongqing, China.At 16, I enrolled in an inexpensive teacher’s college, which I never came to like.At the tender age of 9, I became an avid reader, and I became exceptionally adept at writing poetry and prose because of my abiding love for books.I turned 21 in 2006 and got a job as a language teacher.I turned 23 in 2008, when I quit my job to move to Shanghai, in pursuit of a better future.Despite my ambition, it was hard for me to get a good job in a mega-metropolis such as Shanghai.There was no other way to bring in more income except to brand myself into a public figure, dazzling the world with my courageous pursuits of the perfect husband.I became the most-sought-after star in China in 2010, when I turned 25.In the same year, I moved to the USA.More than 300,000 Chinese men proposed to me, but none of them was THE ONE.I am only 4.82 feet tall.I used to wear heels, which made me look like 5.08 feet tall.I hope that you can see past my small stature, and see the brave girl inside me.I am the Thumbelina you have been waiting for.Good things come in small packages.Napoleon and Deng Xiaoping(a great man who orchestrated China’s economic reforms)are the perfect examples.I want to have two children.One is too lonely;two is company.I want my children to learn to share and care for others.----------the End Thanks for reading.
《我的征婚广告》 No.277Date: 2012-06-21 ◆青年我认真地寻找与我性格相吻合的女士和我相识:我性格风趣,体态挺拔,长着黑眼睛、黑头发。我喜欢运动:夏天骑自行车,冬天滑雪。我们......
征婚广告収展史 在信息化程度越来越高的今天,利用媒介征婚早已不是什么新鲜事儿。近年来,网络婚介占据了婚介市场的大半江山,类似“非诚勿扰”那样的“征婚秀”甚至成了最走红......
1、她说自己很有智慧,“9岁博览群书,20岁到达顶峰, 往前300年往后推300年, 没有人会超过我,在智力上他们是不可能比我强的 那就在身高和外貌上弥补吧 ”+_+ 此时主持人咽口水……......