Huanglong Cave is located in the north foot of the Qixia ridge, and south of the dawn.According to legend, the Southern Song Dynasty junsuke years Jiangxi Huanglongshan monk Hui from this temple, later renamed the temple, is the capital of the Southern Song of dragon worship rain.黄龙洞是一座独具特色的寺观园林。它背倚山林,巧妙地利用天然洞景将溪泉、池潭、洞壑、亭轩、寺观、林木、叠石等和-谐地糅和在一起,形成为一个古木交柯、黄龙吐翠、清净幽雅的游览胜地。园内丛篁交翠,有方竹、龟竹、琴丝竹等十几种珍稀品种,是赏竹的一处佳地,“黄龙吐翠”为西湖新十景之一。近年来,黄龙洞又增设以“缘”文化为主题的“民俗园”,新辟“月下老人祠”、“圆缘台”、“投缘池”
Huanglong Cave is a unique temple garden.It Beiyi mountains, clever use of natural cave scenery Xi Quan, pools, caves, temples, pavilion, trees, stones and other-harmony together and the formation, as an ancient wooden cro Ke, Huanglong tucui, clean elegant resort.The park cro emerald square Huang Cong, bamboo, bamboo, bamboo Qin turtle etc.several rare species, the reward is a good bamboo, “Huanglong tucui” as one of the ten new West Lake.In recent years, Huanglong Cave is added to the “edge” culture as the theme of “Folk Park”, the new “matchmaker Temple”, “Yuan Yuan”, “edge pool”
Huanglong Cave is located in the Qixia mountains after the foothills, from the side of a mountain, about two thousand bamboo pole with Jiazhi, roadside scenery is beautiful, the Jianmen Pa, Ziyun cave, white sands springs, the whole line is about l km to Huanglong Cave.Huanglong Cave aka no door, dragon cave.It is rumored that the monk name Hui Kai is here to build a monastery.One day, a Thunder Mountain crack, spring stone, legend open to Huanglong with wisdom, because the name of Huanglong Cave.黄龙洞很有古意,进门但见松篁交翠,山径幽深。主景有池,池后有山,水石交融。其山虽由人作,但却宛若天开,山崖之上饰有一龙头,泉水由龙嘴泻入池中,地中立石,上刻“有龙则灵”,洞边岩石上刻有“水不在深”,这是一座叠理很好的水假山,池边有亭有廊,可满足游人“常倚曲栏贪看水”的心理。鹤止亭、香雪亭依山傍水,错落有致。池的对面有一组小庭院,植有各种竹类植物,其中以方竹最为著称,是一种名贵的观赏竹。池右假山的半腰有一人工造就的山洞即黄龙古洞,过去洞内有一座石刻的黄龙祖师像,即为慧开和尚。沿山径而上可至卧云洞,洞壑宽敞,常有雾气弥漫,因名卧云洞。
Huanglong Cave is very old-fashioned, but see the door cro Chui Shoko trails, and.The main pool, pool with mountain, water blending.The mountain is for the people, but like the opening day, the cliff with a tap, spring by mouth pours in the pool, neutral stone, engraved on the “long Zeling” hole rock engraved with “water is not deep, this is a physical water rockery stack well.The pavilion Gallery, visitors can meet the” lean on curved bar viewing water “mentality.Check crane Pavilion, pavilion at Hornsey, well-proportioned.There is a group of small courtyards on the opposite side of the pool.There are various kinds of bamboos, among which square bamboo is the most famous.It is a kind of precious ornamental bamboo.Half a right lumbar rockery artificial cave is Huanglong Kwu Tung, there was a stone cave Huanglong was like, is open monk hui.On the trails along to the horizontal holes, caves and spacious, often foggy, as a result of horizontal hole.近几年来,黄龙洞接待人员全部古装打扮,池边亭檐上斜挂着“太白遗风”的酒旗,游人可入内小酌,凭栏观看前面亭子里的戏文。也可在黄龙古洞前聆听国乐古曲,音响经古洞反射十分宏亮,曲毕大有余音绕梁的感觉。黄龙洞已成为现代人寻古探幽的好去处。这里既有幽奇洞壑,精巧亭台;又有茂林修竹,怪石清泉,整座园林覆盖于森森的浓萌之中,显示出一派“藏龙卧虎”的神幽。跨进山门,沿着园路缓缓上升,道旁松篁交翠,迎面粉墙阻路。透过那九个雕着龙形的花窗向空窥视,可见粉墙内翠竹萧疏,亭台隐约,愈益引起人们寻幽探胜的兴趣。
In recent years, the Huanglong Cave reception staff all costume dre, poolside Pavilion eaves hanging slantingly ”Taibai legacy“ flag of wine, visitors can enter a Pinglan watch in front of the pavilion ”.Is listening to country music in the Huanglong ancient cave, the reflection is very loud sound cave in, Qu Bi The tune lingered in the room.feeling.Huanglong Cave has become the modern people to find a good place for exploring the ancient.Here is a quiet wonderful caves, exquisite pavilions;and an agreeable environment, Rock Springs, the whole garden covered by dense thick adorable, showing a “talented men still remained in concealment” God.Enter the gate, along the road slowly rising, the road cro Chui Shoko, head of wall blocking the road.Through the nine carved dragon shaped flower window to empty peep, visible in the wall are bamboo pavilions, vaguely, has aroused people's interest in a bit of exploring.转过粉墙,步入二门,眼前豁然开朗,只见曲槛画廊环绕之中,涵藏着一泓碧玉似的清池。池畔假山重叠,山石蔓挂,在斑驳的苔藓里露出一个头角峥嵘、威武苍劲的黄龙头,龙嘴中一股清泉如珠帘倒挂倾泻而下,铿铿锵锵,声如鸣琴。瀑布两旁的山石上,分别镌刻着“小不在深”、“有龙则灵”这八个擘窠行草,点出了景点。
Turn into the two door, front wall, click into place sees the song around the gallery, sill, Han hides a jade like qingci.Poolside rockery stone hanging in the vine, overlapping, mottled mo yellow with a brilliant, powerful and vigorous leader, mouth in spring as the bead curtain hanging upside down down, clang clang, sound like a lyre.Falls on both sides of the rocks, were engraved with “little in depth”, “long Zeling” of the eight nest split cursive, point out the attractions.黄龙头是根据一个悲壮的民间故事而塑的。传说古代离此不远的紫云洞里,住着一老一小两条黄龙。一天,老黄龙忽然作恶,喷火焚烧杭州城。小黄龙大义灭亲,带领人们把西湖水灌进紫云洞,淹死了老黄龙,扑灭了大火;而小黄龙也在这场搏斗中死去。人们流着眼泪把小黄龙安葬,泪水渗进小黄龙的心窝,又从它的嘴里溢了出来,于是小黄龙的坟上就流出一股小瀑布。人们为了纪念小黄龙,就在瀑布流出的地方塑上这个黄龙头,并且把这个地方命名为“黄龙洞”。
The faucet is based on a solemn and stirring folktale.It is said that the ancient Ziyun cave, not far away from this, lived in two yellow dragons, one old and one little.One day, the old Huang dragon suddenly did evil, burning fire to Hangzhou city.The little dragon severing, leading people to put the water into the West Lake Ziyun cave, drowned old Huanglong, put out the fire;and the little dragon also in this fight.People in tears to Huang Long was buried, tears into Huang Long's heart, and from its mouth to spill out, so Huang Long's grave is out of a small waterfall.In remembrance of the small yellow dragon, the yellow dragon was built in the place where the waterfall was outflowed, and the place was named “Huanglong Cave”.