
导游词 时间:2020-02-28 08:48:15 收藏本文下载本文
【www.daodoc.com - 导游词】



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the beautiful graland of Inner Mongolia.Today we are going to visit one of the most famous scenic spots here-Dalinuoer.Dali means sea in Mongo, when nuoer means lake.So,the meaning of the combination of these tow words is the lake which is as large as the sea.This lake occupied more than 240 square kilometers, is the second largest lake of Inner Mongolia plateau['plætəu].The storage capacity is 1600 000 000 cubic meters, the deepest water is about 14 meters.Thanks for the large mount of the water and the depth, Dalinuoer smells something like a real sea in the wind.It just seem like a pearl shinning in the middle of Gonger gra land.If you make a aerial ['εəriəl] view from the sky, you will find this lake is completely closed, the supply of water all depends on four rivers connect it, they are gonger river, haolai river, shali river and liangzi river.It’s not a good thing for lakes, when there is no even one outlet on it, that means there is also no way for salt and alkali to go out.When the precipitation

[pri,sipi'teiʃən] from 200 to 300 mini meters, the strong evaporation will kill all living things in the lake, because of too many salt and alkali.The lake will become the desert of life.In these years, there has been remained a lot of salt and alkali in Dalinuoer, the perception of salt is 0.5%, when the perception of alkali is 1.7%.So we can say Dalinuoer is a typical alkali lake on the plateau.A profeional research says, when the content of alkali above 1.5%, there will be no living things in the water, the alkali content in Dalinuoer just above it.But a miracle thing is, there are still tow kinds of fish, which living in the lake.They are crucian

['kru:ʃən] and leuciscus waleckii.Arid climate makes many rivers disappeared, the fishes travel through the rivers to Dalinuoer lake are closed for ever, and will never have a chance to leave.In fact Dalinuoer was super large fresh water lake years ago, the reason for the exist of Dalinuoer , which through so many years of arid climate is, the big and deep lake basin and the continue supply of Gonger river.This stable source of water provides the balance between evaporation and supply for the lake, also the poibility for leuciscus waleckii to migrate and reproduce the sons and grand sons.Biologists said, the leuciscus in Dalinuoer lake are completely different from the leuciscus in fresh water, this is a new race of fish.They not only fit for the life in alkali water, but also reproduce a large race.In the September of lunar calendar, many migratory ['maigrətəri] birds fly to this lake, most of them are white swans and wild gooses.It’s said that there were more that 70000 swans lived here one day at the most.The birds fly on the steam from the water, but the temperature is very low, the lake just like a cold sauna bar in the gra land.When the air temperature is below-20℃, the temperature of the water is still above0℃.It is this no freezing water, supply comfortable living place for the bird, they are absorbing the last warm from Dalinuoer, and get ready for their now trip of tomorrow, they will finish their sacred and solemnly job, fly to the south, the warm place and born their offspring.






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