和同学合作翻译的,时间紧促,不免有些错误,还请见谅!1.东方红广场Dongfanghong Square
Dongfanghong Square was built in 1966.Out of their deep love for Chair Mao ,the students of Hunan University that time built the square.Now ,we can see a statue of Mao Zedong.The building design of the statue was completed by the students from the Fine Art Academy of Hunan University.Let’s walker closer to have a better view of it.As you can see from here ,Mao are gazing affectionately at the the piece of the land which he could’t be more familiar with in his young age.He kept his hands behind his back, with his right foot in front of the left.东方红广场是湖南省所有大学里面唯一的红色广场,自卑亭和东方红广场在这里重合,湖湘文化与现代文明在这里交汇,使湖湘文化的精神内涵在这里得到了淋漓尽致的表达。2008年奥运火炬长沙站的传递就是从我们脚下的东方红广场开始的。
Dongfanghong Square is the only Red Square among all universities in Hunan Province, with self-esteem kiosks and Dongfanghong together.Hunan culture and modern civilization meet here in many aspects.It won’t be exaggerating to say that the spiritual content of Hunan Culture has been vividly expreed here.And I believe , all of us will have a glimpse of Hunan Culture by visiting Dongfanghong Square.Oh ,this is another thing I want to mention,that is ,during the torch relay of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 ,Dongfanghong Square was the first station in Changsha.2.岳麓山大门The Gate of Yuelu Mountain
As a national important scenic region and a famous city mountain scenic area, the whole YueLu Mountain Scenic Area lies in the west bank of Xiang River in Changsha.The whole YueLu Mountain Scenic Area is well-known for its abundant scenic spots, including Aiwan Pavilion, Yuelu Mount Temple, Yunlu Palace, the White Crane Spring , the Flying Stone and so forth.In addition, YueLu mountain is also an important site where many revolutionists ever met for the purpose of discuing important iues both at home and abroad.现在我们来到了岳麓山大门。岳麓山风景名胜区东大门被称为“三湘第一门”。我们可以看到,四根直径为1米的钢筋混凝土外包花岗岩柱子,像四根擎天柱,它与岳麓山风景名胜区东大门区域自然景观完全融为一体,像景区的一个窗口。
Now ,we are arriving at the gate of Yuelu Mount,walking through which we can visit the abundant spots in Yuelu Mountain.The gate has been dubbed as “The first gate in Hunan”.We can easily see four one-meter diameter reinforced concrete outsourcing granite pillars, just like four optimus primet.Do you agree with me?The four pillars are well mingled with the Gate of Yuelu Mount ,bearing the function of a scenic window of the area.东大门北侧为社会车辆停车场。游客服务中心像一道风景,完美地将停车场掩盖起来。明年春节以后,所有到岳麓山游玩的社会车辆,统统都停靠在高达三层的停车场内。
On the north side of the gate is the parking lot which provide convenience especially for those need to park their cars.Tourist service center is itself a beautiful scenery, perfectly hiding the parking lot so that people will temporarily forget the noise and chaos of urban life.After the next Spring Festival, all the cars will be required to be parked in the parking lot,which has three floors.3.岳麓书院 Yuelu Academy 接下来,我们参观的是岳麓书院。众所周知,岳麓书院是中国最古老的书院之一,北宋开宝九年(公元976年)创办,历经宋、元、明、清各个朝代,迨及晚清(1903年)改为湖南高等学堂,相继改为湖南高等师范学校,1926年定名湖南大学,历史已逾千年。由古老的书院到湖南大学,一脉相承,弦歌不绝,被当世学者誉为罕见的“千年学府”。
Now ,we will pay a visit to Yuelu Academy.As is known to all that Yuelu Academy is one of the four most prestigious academies over the last 1000 years in China.It has been a famous institution of higher learning as well as a centre of academic activities and cultures since it was formally set up in the ninth year of the Kai Bao Reign of the Northern Song Dynasty(976).Yuelu Academy, surviving the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, was converted into Hunan Institute of Higher Learning in 1903, and Hunan Normal College, Hunan Public Polytechnic School in succeion, and was finally named Hunan University in 1926.The Academy has witneed a history of more than one thousand years without a break, so it is called a “one-thousand-year-old academy”.现在,让我们走近一些。我们可以看到悬挂在书院门口的这幅对联。“惟楚有材,于斯为盛”,的确道出了岳麓书院人才辈出的事实。
Now,let’s walk up to the gate to have a look.Well,you may see the couplet hanging on the two sides of the doorway.It reads “The Kingdom of Chu, the unique home of talents;the Academy of Yuelu, the very cradle of all”, a quotation which acknowledges the greatne of Yuelu Academy, and points to the historical fact that Yuelu Academy has been considered by many the cradle of the great people of Hunan province.4.爱晚亭Aiwan Pavilion 爱晚亭位于清风峡上,建立于公元1792年。爱晚亭原名为红枫亭,后人根据诗人杜牧的著名诗句将其更名为爱晚亭。这首诗估计大家都耳熟能详,其中最广为流传的一句是“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花”。
Aiwan Pavilion lies in Qingfeng Gorge and was built in A.D.1792.Its original name 哇塞 Red Leaf Pavilion and later according to the poem written by Du Mu, it was changed to Aiwan Pavilion.I gue many of you are very familiar with the poem ,of which the most famous verse is “Stop the car and watch the maple leaves until late, the leaves covered by frost are more red than the flowers in February.”
Mao Zhedong once played and studied here in the course of study period.Mao Zedong ,in his youth ,often invited his clamates,including Luo Xuekun ,Zhang Kundi , to come to Aiwan Pavilion so that they could expre their opinions about the current situation while seeking truth of life.Because of this ,when the pavilion was being rebuilt, Mao was later invited by Lida,the President of Hunan University at that time ,to inscribe the name of the pavilion ,thus characters on the tablet was written by Chair Mao.5.黄兴墓 The Tomb of Huang Xing 岳麓山墓地随处可见,黄兴墓便为其中知名墓地之一。黄兴,湖南长沙县人,辛亥革命的先驱和领袖。
Huang Xing Tomb is one of the most famous tombs standing on the Yuelu Mountain.I gue many of you have heard some stories about Huang Xing.Well,Huang Xing,born in Changsha county of Hunan province, is one of the pioneers and leaders of the Revolution of 1911.它坐西向东,位于云麓峰以北,小月亮坪上方,麓山寺后,有石级直达。
It is located at the north of Yunlu Peak with the moon lot below,which is at the west while facing the east.When you are at the Yuelu Mount Temple ,you will easily find a stone path hover leading to the Tomb of Huang Xing.墓由一整块四棱形乳白色岩石琢成,高约10米,气势雄伟,正面嵌铜制墓碑,上篆“黄公克强之墓”,墓表四周以石基柱围护栏杆,前有拜台、石凳.整个墓表占地1186.24平方米,苍松翠柏,掩映其间。
It was engraved from a piece of white stone shaped like a quadrangular reaching a height of 10 meters.How magnificent it is!Thanks to the great contribution made by Huang Xing ,the spot appeals to many a visitors to pay tributes every year.At the front of the tomb, a monument inlay reads “The Tomb of Huang Xing ”.It is surrounded by pillars as guard bar.Also ,there is a set of tables and chairs set for visitors to worship and honor him in the front of the tomb.Covering an area of 1186.24 square meters, it is enveloped with green pines and verdant cyprees.墓的右下方,有黄兴墓庐,已加修葺,大厅陈列黄兴生平事迹,供游人瞻仰。Under the tomb situates the Huang Xing Tomb cottage which had been repaired.In the hall people can learn more details about the life story of the hero.6.白鹤泉White Crane Spring
White Crane Spring is located in the south side of the Guanyi Attic of the Yuelu Mount Temple and next to the mountain road.Due to its clear and sweet spring water ,the spring is known to people as “the best spring of the Temple of Yuelu Mount”.在中国文化里,白鹤是优雅,高贵,长寿的象征。我们现在看到的白鹤泉古树环抱,有泉从石罅中溢出,冬夏不涸,清洌甘甜,清澈透明。相传古时候曾有一对仙鹤常飞至此因而取名白鹤泉。曾有寺僧砌石为井如鹤形,刻“白鹤泉“三字于崖上。
In Chinese culture ,white crane bears a symbol of elegance ,noblene as well as long life.The spring is surrounded by old but still broomy trees and most of the time all around the year, clear and sweet spring water are overflowing from the stone whether in summer or in winter.It got the name of ”White Crane Spring“ due to the fact that in the old times a couple of red-crowned cranes often flied to here for drinking.In the past, a monk had built a crane-shaped well with stones.Also, the letter of”White Crane Spring“ was engraved next to the well.白鹤泉水有一个有趣的特点是,用它煮沸后沏茶,蒸腾的热气盘旋在茶杯口久久不散,形似白鹤。现在泉水的旁边建有茶室,专用清洌的白鹤泉水沏茶,供游客品尝.There is an interesting feature about the spring, that is, the steam of its boiled water will circle around the rim of cup and show a image just like the shape of a crane.And there is tearoom for tourist to drink the tea which is steepled by the spring water.7.鸟语林 Birds’ Paradise
If you want to find a place full of life on Yuelu Mountain ,Birds’s Paradise is undoubtedly the best representative.It has a collection of more than 10,000 rare birds , including over 400 bird varieties around the world.And it is also known as a comprehensive theme park of birds for having the largest scale and most varieties of birds in central south China.整个林区分为两大区域:飞禽区和放养区。林内有立体观景瀑布、天鹅湖、百鸟剧场、人鸟交流广场、观鸟长廊、水禽游乐馆、儿童乐园、鸟类医院、科普长廊等十多个景点。
When we walk in the park ,we will firstly see that the woods is mainly divided into two function areas: the flying area and the breeding area.Next ,we will visit a dozen spots here.They are stereoscopic waterfalls,the Swan Lake,the Aviary Theater,the Bird Gallery,the Waterfowl Recreation Center,children’s playground,the Birds Hospital and the Science Gallery,what’s more there is a square where you can have a conversation with those lovely birds.鸟园十分注重园林造景艺术,突出鸟类表演.As we can see ,in the construction of the park, much attention has been paid to the scenery making.In addition ,bird show has become one of our special activities.鸟语林新近从日本引进的白琵鹭、新开放的犀鸟卡通别墅,推出的珍稀鹤宝宝见面会,都是你争相一睹的亮点。相信您在这个鸟类的世界里将真正找到回归自然的感觉。
Recently we have introduced white spoonbills from Japan and we have opened up the Hornbill cartoon house to tourists so you can get to know most about those adorable birds.What’s more ,you can take part in the activity of meeting rare baby cranes.I am sure you will have a wonderful time and I also believe that you will find yourself returning to nature in the Birds’ Paradise!Enjoy yourself!
8.麓山寺 Yuelu Mount Temple 麓山寺亦称“岳麓寺”、“慧光寺”、“鹿苑”、“万寿寺”,位于湖南省长沙市湘江西岸的岳麓山碧虚山中。寺前为清风峡,从此处可享受山峰吹拂。
Yuelu Mount Temple is located in the Bixu mountain of Yuelu Mountain which located in the west bank of Xiang River in Changsha ,Hunan province.It is also called Yuelu Temple,Guang Temple ,Deer park and Temple of Longevity.We can see from here that in front of the temple lies the Qingfeng Gorge ,whose name indicates that you can enjoy cool breeze here.“岳麓”之名由何而来?原来此山为南岳衡山延伸到长沙的山脚,故此叫做岳麓,是南岳七十二峰之一,海拔295.7公尺,面积约8300亩。
You may wonder where does the name “Yuelu ” come from.Well ,I will give you a brief introduction.This mountain is the foot extended to Changsha of the Mt Heng,the Southern Mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains in China ,hence the name Yuelu.It is one of the twelve peaks of Mt Heng ,with an altitude of 295.7 meters and an area of around 8,300 mu.麓山寺创建于西晋武帝泰始四年(268年),为第一位来湖南传播佛教的僧人竺法祟所建,距今已有1700余年,它不仅是湖南第一所佛教寺庙,也是我国早期佛寺之一。
It was built in 268 A.D.by a monk ,Zhufachong ,who became the first one to diffuse Buddhism in Hunan.That was more than 1,700 years ago.Yuelu Mount is not only the first Buddhist temple in Hunan but also one of the earliest temples built in China.走进山门,可以看到山门上有一副“汉魏最初名胜,湖湘第一道场”的对联,就说明了它的历史地位.Now ,let’s walk closer to the door to have a look.Oh ,there is a pair of couplet ,which reads”the earliest sight in Han-Wei period, the first Dojo in Huxiang region”.I gue all of us will get some hints about its important historic status from the couplet.9.五轮塔Gorintō(The Five-ringed Tower)
Now we are at the Gorinto ,which means the Five-ringed Tower.Looking up at the tower ,a feeling of solemnity and respect may arise from the bottom of your heart.So next ,I will give you some details about the great tower.五轮塔为佛教密宗之塔。所谓五轮,顾名思义,即地轮,水轮,火轮、风轮、空轮五轮。轮者周偏圆满之意。其形即地方、水圆、火三角、风半月,空团点。其五字梵文,音读阿、嚩、啰、贺、欠,其色是黄、白、赤、黑、青。
Gorintō(The Five-ringed Tower)belongs to Tantric Buddhism.The so-called five rings,just as its name implies ,represent respectively the rings of land, water, fire, wind and emptine.Besides, ring also bears the meaning of completion.Five kinds of the rings shape are as follows :cube, sphere, pyramid, hemisphere and jewel-shaped.The Sanskrit letters carved from bottom to top read “a,wa ,luo,he,qian”.And their responding colors are blue,black,red, white and yellow.在岳麓山,五轮塔景点因独特造型并刻有印度梵文给游客增加了几分神秘感。然而,这处被列为省级文物保护单位的景点,却至今仍存在“身世”之谜。
Due to its unique shape and the Indian Sanskrit engraved in it, Gorintō gives people a feeling of mysterious.It has been listed in the provincial heritage.However, for a very long time it remains a mystery as people didn’t know who was the real architect.与景点文物保护单位立碑所刻的“建于1927年,系时任国民革命军第八军军长唐生智为纪念北伐阵亡将士而主持修建”截然不同的是,人们从长沙市委宣传部正在编著的《老照片中的长沙影像》一书,以及已由湖南人民出版社出版的《名人与长沙风景》一书中发现,岳麓山五轮塔应是1924年由时任“湖南军政首领”的赵恒惕所建。
According to the stele for culture relic protection site, the tower was built in 1927 by a commander of the eighth army of the national revolutionary army in order to memorize the martyrs of expedition war.Neverthele ,the truth was quite different.From the book being edited by the Propaganda Department of Changsha Municipal Party Committee , Changsha Celebrities and Landscape in Old Photos,which was published by Hunan People Pre , people learned that the Gorinto in Yuelu mountain was built in 1924 by the “military and political leader in Hunan”that time , whose name was Zhao Hengxi.10.云麓宫 Yunlu Palace
Yunlu Palace, located on the summit of Yuelu Mountain, is the most famous Taoist official temple in Changsha as well as the 23nd place where immortals live.云麓宫最早建于明成化十四年(1478)吉简王朱见浚就藩于长沙时。建筑取宫殿形制,但旧宫早已废圮。嘉靖(1522-1566)年间进行了修葺。隆庆(1567-1572)年间,又有道士全守分在这里修炼,由他募捐拓地,增建堂殿,改名云麓宫,筑屋5间,凿石为柱,覆以铁瓦,以抗风雪。宫的前殿为关圣殿,中殿祀玄帝,名玄武祖师殿,后殿祀“三清”。云麓宫由此成为道教胜地。
Yunlu Palace was first built in 1478,the fourteenth year of the reign of Emperor Chenghua of Ming dynasty by prince Jijian, whose name Zhu Jianjun during his reign in Changsha.The building was shaped like a palace, but it has been a long time since the original building was destroyed with reasons unknown to people.During the reign of emperor Jiajing(1522-1566),the palace was repaired.In the reign of longqin(1567-1572), there was a Taoist priest, named quanshou.He raised money , widened the range , and then built more palaces.He renamed the palace yunlu palace, built other 5 houses, made pillars with rocks and then covered the roof with iron tile for rain and wind.The front hall of the yunlu palace is called guanshe hall , while the middle one is called xuanwu hall of patriarch to memorize emperior xuan, with the hall behind memorizing “three qing”.From then on, yunlu palace becomes a famous Taoist scenic spot.云麓宫,这座雄伟的宫殿,其神圣和荣光是给每一位登上山顶的游客的馈赠。它受佛法庇佑,又庇佑芸芸众生。云麓宫引领着每一位参观者一览众山小,却又目送他们的离去,愿他们平安健康。
Yunlu palace is such a grand palace that its glory and holine is the reward of every tourist who spares no effort in order to climb the peak of the palace.It is protected by the Buddha and in return it then gives ble to all the living things.It is always being there,leading everyone whoever walked up to it for the beautiful scenery from the peak and watching off them when they leave.It always blees them with safety and perfection.
岳麓山景区导游词岳麓山是南岳72峰之尾峰,海拔300。8米。麓山景区是岳麓山风景名胜区核心景区之一,面积5。28平方公里,位于湘江西岸,是十分难得的城市山岳型风景名胜区。 下面就......