The enterprise culture
Carslan appearance of Chinese cosmetics market shock of brand strength is gradually released, adhere to the “people-oriented” talent strategy and the development philosophy of “pragmatic, flexible and efficient” is the posture brand sustainable development of the powerful guarantee.Was based on the company has always been there to make good use of corporate culture, from the industry has attracted a large number of marketing, planning, training and technical talents to join in, they pose orchid brand together with synchronous fast growth and development to become an elite team with full of cohesion and combat effectivene, make card appearance always maintain high standards of the company's management system of the state of operation.Card posture syrians will miion, leading the industry trends, to promote industry in line with international standards is changed, to help improve Chinese women fashion charm and taste, is committed to become the cosmetics industry's most acclaimed fashion leader.
主持稿开 场:音乐调大,主持人在旁边提醒。(开场前5分钟)开场PPT 住持人引导小提琴表演,会议开始。。。 开场白 主持人:先生们、女士们、各位领导、各位来宾、大家好!我们跨越了200......
[案例赏析]卡姿兰化妆品--品牌策划方案 2010年08月24日 16:00 作者:佚名发表评论(0)从卡姿兰的品牌定位我们不难看出,卡姿兰目标消费者一般比较年轻,介于16-25岁之间(相对其他彩......
卡姿兰品牌策划方案08级市场营销专业刘叙0816030048一、品牌简介 卡姿兰(Carslan)是一个享有盛誉法国彩妆品牌,代表着时尚、青春、活力的浪漫名字。卡姿兰是法国卡姿兰(香港)有限......
第1篇:卡姿兰品牌营销策划方案卡姿兰品牌策划方案08级市场营销专业刘叙0816030048一、品牌简介 卡姿兰(Carslan)是一个享有盛誉法国彩妆品牌,代表着时尚、青春、活力的浪漫名字......
专业课程设计题 目: 卡姿兰江西市场营销策划方案 学 院: 经济管理学院 专业名称: 市场营销 班级学号: 11095124 学生姓名: 欧阳江红 分 数: 二O一四 年 十月 《卡姿兰江西市场营......