(1)能够说,认识和口头运用happy, sad, body, head, hand, arm, leg, foot。
(2)使学生能理解并能口头回答How do you feel? I feel_____.
学生对于“How do you feel ”和“Do you feel happy?”的区分。
Step 1:Greeting and Review
1、Hello! How are you?
2、Sing a song“How are you?” (老师和同学之间边握手边唱)
Step 2:New Concept
1、T:Do you feel happy? I feel happy! (唱完歌曲,自然引出happy,让学生先感知)Okay ,today we’ll learn our new lesson.
3、“小老师”领读单词, “Quickly answer”快速单词卡。(两个词都比较简单,练习时间不用很长。)
4、老师做动作,带表情说句子。“I’m happy(可做高兴状)”,“I’m sad(可做伤心状)”。学完单词后,我们只要做出这个动作,学生就能很容易的说出这个句子,鼓励学生大胆模仿。T: I’m happy接着说I feel happy! 引出feel,板书这个句子,feel用彩色粉笔写,领读feel。
5、出示歌谣:Happy、 Happy、Happy!Sad、Sad、Sad!I feel happy! I feel sad! 边做表情边说歌谣。
6、利用手偶,教师可用不同的声音模仿Jenny 和Li Ming 的对话;引出句子,Do you feel happy? 学生上讲台当小老师,领读句子。(利用手偶引入新知,直观、有效)和学生做几组练习。然后,用Danny 和Li Ming 的手偶演示下一个小对话,板书How do you feel ? 练习。小组分别练习这两个句子,表演。(由于这里是难点,所以要分开练习。)
7、Game:准备两张圆片,一张画笑脸,一张画哭脸,背对背粘在一根小棍上。找一名自告奋勇者到前面转动小棍,同时全班提问How do you feel? 问完即停止转动,哪一面面向大家,该生就要回答出那一面的感觉,如I feel happy.
8、T: Are you tired? 你们累了吗?Stand up! 活动一下我们的Body!
老师先领着锻炼,Head、 head 动一动,head、 head; Hand、hand摇一摇,hand、hand;arm 、arm 晃一晃,arm、arm;leg 、leg抬一抬,leg、leg;foot、foot 跺一跺,foot、foot;身体body锻炼好,妈妈夸我好宝宝。
9、然后出示利用人体挂图,放录音,学单词head, hand, arm, leg, foot;出示刚才的歌谣,让学生做动作自由朗读。
10、趣味操练:有三种游戏可选择:①可师生一起来做“Simon says”游戏,让学生动口、动手来练习身体部位单词;②也可利用 Chant 来激发兴趣,如arm-arm-hand,leg-leg-foot等边做动作边说的形式,调动学生的热情。③还可以全班分组做“Joining game”游戏,当把两个部位连接起来变得困难时,就会出现有意思的场面,看看谁能首先完成这些动作而又不手忙脚乱。如:Hand and head! Foot and hand! Head and leg!
11、学习第三部分英文歌曲前师生可以一起做动作练习短语:clap your hands, stamp your foot, wave your arm, shake your leg;歌曲曲调学生已经很熟悉,在歌词读熟练的情况下,可放音乐学生自己跟唱。
Step 3:homework
1、自己画一幅自己的画像,标出Happy 或是Sad ,并且标出身体的各个部位。
3、Say “Goodbye” to the children.
Lesson 17: Happy, Sad
How do you feel?
I feel ____.
head, arm, leg, hand, foot.
第2篇:Live forever, happy or sad
Live forever, happy or sad?
Nowadays, we will feel very fortunate if we can live for 100 years.Live forever is the dream of some big giants, such as the emperor of Qin Dynasty, Yin Zheng, and Li Shimin of Tang Dynasty, and so on.Suppose that everyone could live forever, what would happen?
The first problem is the population of the world.The earth is full of people, and there is no more place for the new-born.So government iues the regulations that if the family wants to give birth to a child they should ask the government for permiion, and people are not allowed to give birth to two children in 100 years, and also the parents are required to have a test to make sure that their coming child is intelligent enough.As time paes by, people become more and more clever.They can do many things to spend their time.They can study medicine for 50 years, study physics for 50 years, and then study psychology for 50 years.… Year after year, people have much knowledge of everything.They can choose their jobs, work as a teacher for 50 years, as a doctor for 50 years, as a astronomer for 50 years.…
Technology develops more rapidly as people are more intelligent.To protect the environment, many more new resources are found and created.Oil and coal are not allowed to use any longer.The earth is full of green trees, beautiful flowers, and modern buildings.And much more modern machine is created.The most interesting one is the time machine.People can not only travel from places to places, but also from time to time through the time tunnel.But one rule they must remember is that they cannot change the things happened before, or they will be punished strictly.And as machine becomes more and more automatic, people needn’t do things by themselves.They each have their own robots to do housework and even to work as their aistants.They do not have many chances to move their bodies.Then a new kind of machine is created.It can help people to do their physical exercise, so that they can stay and become even stronger than they used to be.One of the difficulties of the world is to keep the balance of the death and birth, or they have to find another planet to live.As the men can live forever, they don’t have the chance to die naturally.So the only way to death is murder and to commit suicide.That causes another problem, the psychological statement of people.The longer they live, the le they trust others.They have to deal with the complicated relationship with others.So many people choose to die before they get the schizophrenia.And also people will feel boring because they keep doing the same thing again and again.If people can live forever, the world may be highly mechanized.And people will not find their life worthwhile, since they cannot get the satisfaction.They are bland to each other.We must feel fortunate that we cannot live forever.