Can Computer Replace Human Brain
Computers are working faster than human brain. But is it possible that some day the computer will replace human brain and control the human being?
It is quite impossible. Computers are designed and developed by human brain. They are used to speed up the calculation. Computers are working according to the orders designed by human being. The running of computer is a group of integrated circuit run by a set of programmes. Without programmes, the computers will not know what to do. It is true people are relying more and more on computers. If people don’t know how to control computers, they may be replaced by computers and lose their jobs.
这是很不可能的。计算机是人类大脑的设计和开发。它们被用来加快计算。计算机正在根据人类设计的订单。在计算机运行的一个小组,由集成电路一组程序运行。没有纲领,计算机将不知道该怎么办。 这是真正的人民都是靠越来越多的计算机上。如果人们不知道如何控制电脑,他们可能会被取代电脑而失去了工作。
In the dark shadows looked David and her mother enron and go to sleep, mood calm, perhaps we should from ethics and moral perspective to enjoy the movie, not from the scientific point of view.Because I feel inside a lot of technology is not, at least we have enough knowledge.But still undeniable, artificial intelligence is inevitable, or for human life has brought great changes, it brings us convenience and challenges have nots allow to ignore.首先我们先从科学的角度来重新回顾一下这部电影吧。
First we from scientific point of view to review the movie.在影片的开始,我们看到了一个外观极其类似真人的女机器人,我认为随着材料科学的发展,这是可以实现的。人的运动要考神经传递兴奋从而控制机体的运动,那么机器人要依靠程序控制,所以我觉得及时我们做出了和人类近似的关节与肌肤,让机器人学会像人类一样微笑一样走路,用程序精确地控制动作我们还有很长的一段路要走。
In the movie, we saw a very similar to the real appearance of female robot, I think with the development of material science, which can be realized.People want to take an examination of the movement of neurotransmitter excited to control the robot to rely on motion, proce control, so I think we make timely and human approximate joints and skin, let robot to walk like humans, with smile accurate control of the action program we've got a long way to go.我最信任的是机器人的记忆功能,这是机器强于人类的地方,2000年之后,David已然记得妈妈最爱的coffee,我们人类怎么可能做到呢?将外界的信号转化成数字信号储存起来,数字不会说谎,不会混乱,就长久地储存在芯片中,不像人的记忆,存在在有活性不断更新的细胞中。
I trust the memory of a robot, which is stronger than humans, machine after 2000, David has remember mother love coffee, how could we humans do? The signals into digital signals stored, digital don't lie, not chaos, and long storage in chip, don't like a person, there exist in memory of active continuously updated cells.与记忆功能一样,我也觉得人工只能的模仿能力可以实现。我也相信人工智能能听从人的指令做出相应的反应,现在已经有机器人做得到。
With the memory function, I also think artificially only imitation can achieve.I also believe that artificial intelligence can listen to people's instruction react, now has a robot.还有就是痛觉,在电影中孩子们欺负David,想证实他是否能感觉到疼痛,事实上,机器人的痛觉应该会比人类更敏感,依靠精确的传感器,人工只能都可以知道加在自己身上的力有几牛顿
There is pain in the movie, David, children bullying to confirm whether he can feel pain, in fact, the robot will be more pain than humans, rely on the sensor sensitive, accurate and can know only artificially in force has several Newton
Then say, I think it can realize, or difficult to realize.人区别与动物的本质特征是语言,在电影中,人工智能可以很好地与人类沟通,与同类沟通,语言是思维的表现,人工智能真的能够有独立的思维吗?我们有理由相信,如果机器人有思维,那么我们一定能让它用语言表达出来,那么我们要创造出类人智慧实质上也就变成了创造出“人造思维”。人脑是可以仿制可以数字化的吗?数字化了的大脑可以不断接受外
One difference and the eential characteristics of animals is language, in the movie, artificial intelligence can well with human communication, and communication, language is a kind of thinking, artificial intelligence really can have independent thinking? We have reason to believe that if robots have thought, so we can make it in words, then we will create such wise becomes eentially creating “artificial thinking”.The brain can be modelled can digital? The brain can continuously digital signal, accept outside how it has never met with the situation? How to simulate the reasoning ability?
To realize the true artificial intelligence, humans must first know enough.了解我们思维产生的方式,然后才能模拟,制造出类人思维。思维的产生伴随这一系列物理变化化学变化,怎样让机器实现呢?
Understanding our thinking mode, then can create such people, thinking.Thinking of the series with a physical change, how to let the machine chemical changes to achieve?
Relative to the rational thinking, perceptual love perhaps harder.We can say to you, for you have been so smile is love you? I think about love movie opens special program has inspired form.In the movie of red card say seven words.Vines, perhaps this is the person to open this program into a dependence and trust, this is a love of factors.Socrates, I think that wisdom and, without thinking what about love? This word should represent particles to the realization of the technology needed to love.Db, can understand the other requirements for love, listen with understanding.Hurricane, love the procedures such as hurricanes in the face of such test for each other can keep still care.Dolphins, Marine the cleverest animal, can also represents intelligence, and the origin of life.Love is the tulips, for all the good things of perception and appreciation.So I think the realization of the program, we love to trust, understanding and thinking, technology, inclusive, of beauty and perception, we can simulate the out?
At the end of the artificial intelligence is what? Perhaps we should never have come to an end.
Can machines really think? The artificial intelligence, such as a computer that thinks like a human being is scary. Is building a machine that thinks like a human really possible? We are ever closer to building an AI that thinks like a human. When it comes to this is
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