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身高:170 cm体重:55 kg




艺林琴行 起止年月:2007-05-01 ~ 2009-02-01









一. 要求应聘人员简历上一定要写明有3个月以上相关销售经验(比如在暑假期间实习销售工作)在面试时也要说明这点)

二.appearance –(外表)


三.interview shall be inEnglish.面试时全部用英语进行。以下问题是根据以往外方面试整理的,面试官将会从下面众多问题中抽选部分问题来询问,一般一次面试大概会涉及到6-7个问题,,因此请认真阅读。

1.—Introduce yourself briefly。Talk about yourself.(自我介绍)

Attention: 自我介绍按照最后提供给雇主的简历内容回答,就是 A+B+C.A部分简单陈述自己的情况、B部分是自我介绍的重点(就是工作经验加自己的性格、)C 部分是自我介绍的结束语,(这个可以根据当时面试的气氛 例如:面试官的语气,肢体语言,神情态度等来判断他是否对你的谈话感兴趣如果面试官对你的介绍感兴趣可以适当增加介绍内容比如说,自己的兴趣爱好,特殊经历等)每个同学组织出来的语句和顺序不一定要照着我们的格式,但是记住在自我介绍的时候A部分一定是最先的,B部分一定是你们介绍的重点。一定要充分准备,记熟相关内容,述说时声音洪亮、清晰、发音准确,语速流畅。这是你最先展示自己英语能力的机会,也是外方首先了解你英语能力的步骤,因此请一定认真准备。


A)Hi/Hello, Sir/Madam, My name is ***,you can call me(Enlish name)instead.Iam***years old.I come from **city, ** province.**,Thereare **peoples in our family.my father ,my mother and II graduated from **school, my major is **.(if you can speake other lanauage tell the interviewer because that’s your advantage)

B)1,After my graduation, I havebeen working as a seller at** department store in ** cityI sell **(product).(after this just simply give one or two sentenceexplain your work).2,I am a indepent 独立/mature成熟/ resourceful足智多谋/flexiable有弹性/responsible有责任感/fast leaner适应力快/hard-working工作努力/ outgoing外向/dynamic 活力Bright开朗/aggreive 有进取心/talktive健谈/boy/girl,and I have good communicate skills/ very pleasant personality/.I /like sales/enjoy talkinga lot/very much.C)I am honored to attend the interview today, I hope to work in your company.thank you for providing me this chance.Thank you!

Please tell us how long you have been working.Attention:按照最后提供给雇主的简历内容回答

?How much size is the your store? how many colleague are working with ?How many working hours everyday? Do you have shift in your work? How many turnover in your shop everyday(every week/ every month)?Do you have

target? Do you have sales commiion? 大的)的产品是什么?你目前工作的店多大面积?有多少同事?你每天工作多长时间?有倒班吗?你们每天(每周、每月)营业额多少?你们有任务目标吗? 有销售提成吗?



5,做销售都是有任务和目标的,当然做销售也就有提成。一般来说,销售提成可以这样子计算: 每天一个人营业额在5000以下的按照百分之一提成。在5000以上的 就按照一定的比例,比如说完成月目标的百分之百就有1000或者1200提成,超过百分之百就有1500提成.这个提成的数字可以自己改动,但是请记住比例的问题。底薪在1200 —2200 之间,不要过高也不要过低。工资就是由两部分组成:底薪+提成。


参考答案:1.确保商店(包括储藏库)所有时间都干净整洁。Ensure that shop(including sub stores)is clean and tidy at

all times 摆放商品,并确保所有商品标价精确。Display the product and ensure all products are properly priced.3.确保商品的安全ensure all the product safety.4.欢迎顾客进店并向顾客介绍相关商品,回答顾客相关问题Greeting to the customers.Give them some

introduction , when they have no idea what to buy, we can give them some suggestion.5.为顾客办理购买商品的全套手续。(Such as accept the money, pack the products, givethem the receipt)

6.确保现金和信用卡的销售正确并且轮班结束后将其寄存到现金办公室Ensure cash & credit card sales are

correct and lodged in the cash office end of shift.7.欢送顾客离店(Say goodbye,Welcome your clientsnexttime.Hope to see you again soon)

8.收集各类商品的销售动态,并提出合理化促销建议。(Collect all kinds of sales trends about your

commodity, and try to give some rationalization Suggestions promotion.)what is the important thing for selling ?What is important as customer service ?客户服务最


(参考答案1: 使顾客最终购买到自己满意的商品)让客户满意(customer satisfaction)


What are the characteristics of an excellent sales person? 作为一个优秀销售人有哪些特性?What make you

Good sales person ?Describe excellent customer service?请描述什么是优质客 户服务?What skill do you have to make good sales ?成为一个优秀的销售人员需要哪些技巧?


A.Understanding the client’s need(知道客人的需求)

B.Understanding your product(了解自己所卖产品特点)

C.Convincing the client to buy(有能力说 服客人购买产品)

D.Pushing to selling in good manner(拥有良好的销售技巧和方法)

E.have good attitudes(拥有良好地服务态度,比如热情warmly、耐心patient、微笑smile)

参考答案2:: In general , the client need the good character person , smiling , smart , helpful to others not selfish , team work., willing to service the client, having service mind , never angry with the clients , be cool)(答:总的来说客人需要的是一个好脾气的服务员,从不对客人发脾气,要随时保持微笑,机灵,要勇于帮助他人,具有团队精神,遇事沉着冷静,具有销售产品丰富的知识,具有良好的服务意识,不要太自我)

参考答案3:Basic requirements : Smile, Greet, investigate needs, meet needs via helpful advice and profeionalism, prompt and efficient service throughout, if required offer alternatives, thank the customer and give a sincere parting comment.(基本要求:微笑,问候,需求调查,通过有益的建议和职业素质满足客户需求,始终及时高效的服务,如果顾客的需求是可选择的,那应首先感谢顾客,同时给予顾客真诚而职业的意见)

参考答案4:1.Make a good impreion whenever you meet a guest or a colleague.2.Have a positive attitude at all times despite a bad mood.3.Pay attention when someone is talking.Listen fully to a guest or a colleague.4.Know your job the best you can.Try to know more as you go along.5.Make our guests and colleagues feel at home when they come onboard.Describe a situation when you dealt with an angry customer?面对生气的客人如何处理?How can you handle the

customers’ complain?(如何处理顾客的抱怨?)

回答要点1:cool off冷静2.listen听, 3.if we really have some mistake,Apologize道歉 4.Directly contactmanager orsupervior.Stre whatcan do, not whatcan not do.(询问顾客他想如何办,强调能够做到的,而不是不能做到的)5.Find something to agree on anddo it(找到解决办法立即执行).try to satisfy his or her requirement.A complaining customer is an opportunity to improve your service not only for them, but for all future customers.8.什么是团队精神)What problems would you image working with a multinational team? And how to deal(与不同国籍人事组成的团队一起工作是要面对的问题或难题)

回答要点:(Itmeans help each other and Cooperation with colleges)。

(1)Different culture background,Hard to communicate with one language, Focus on the same target, trust your colleague,be responsibility in your own area.Work well with a multicultural work force

(2)Nobody can be succeful alone.A group of people working together, so we can share the information, be responsible

for this team ,to achieve the common target, help and encourage each other when we are in a bad situation.Attention:

4,5,6,7,8 这几点的回答技巧,一般来说这几个问题只会抽查。





9、why I should hire you ?what is good on you for us to hire you?what is your strong point? What is your weak point on you ?(为什么我们要录取你?你有什么优点?你有什么缺点)



例子:I already have Xyears sales experience.I know how to sale.how to communicate with the customers.Also I know what the customer service is.And you see that my English is not bad/good/very well, I love your brand(LV,BURBERRY等)too much, I love Dubai as well.I’m sure I will enjoy my work with my hard-working.10、Do you like sales? why you want to be sales person /Why you want to go to work in our company(你喜欢销售

吗?为什么想成为一个销售人员 /为什么想到我公司工作)



例子:Sure, I love sales job too much!As you know I’m a lively and optimistic people, I love make friends that from

different country.My sales ability can be improved, the field of my vision can be expanded.IfI work hard, I can have more commiion.And I’m so proud that I can join your company which is word famous.11、Willyoube homesick? / Do you mi your family when you go abroad ?Will your parents support you to go

abroad to work or not?(会不会想家?父母支持自己出国工作吗)


例子:Yes, but now it’s very convenient to contact through telephone or internet.When I mi my family, I can call them or talk to them on the internet.If it’s for my own good of course they always surpport me, because they hope me to improve myself and earn more money.Why do you want to work in Dubai / UAE or Qatar(卡塔尔)? Qatar(卡塔尔)?为什么来Qatar(卡塔尔)工作? Qatar(卡塔尔)了解多少?


例子:I want to open my sight and learn some advanced knowledge and skill, and meanwhile I can earn more

money.阿联酋的知识:UAE is an Arab country.It is very beautiful and rich, there are too much oil.Abu Dhabi is the capital of UAE.Dubai is the second largest of the seven Emirates;it’s a busine city which have many shopping mall and 5 stars Hotel;(including 7 stars Hotel—Burj Al Arab Hotel;and the

largest shopping mall in the world—Dubai mall).there are many tourist that come from different county go to UAE for traveling and shopping.关于卡塔尔的知识:Qatar is an Arab country, its capital is Doha, Qatar owns quite rich oil and gas resources.The GDP ranking of Qatar is the No.1 of the world.And the 2022 World Cup will be held in Qatar.以下知识作为了解.QATAR AIRWAYS:is the fastest growing Airline in the world based in Qatar.It is a National

company.Andhaving more than seven subsidiary companies.Qatar Airways handling more than 4 million paengers in a year.Doha International Airport: Doha International Airport is fast developing into a prime global airport hub with over 35 international airlines serving key busine and leisure cities acro the world.There’s the world’s longest airport runway(2.64miles).The world’s largest aircraft airbus A380-800 can take off from Doha International Airport.Qatar Duty Free: Qatar Duty Free, located at Doha International Airport, is a subsidiary of Qatar Airways, QDF is one of the Middle East’s most outstanding succe stories in recent years.It has airport’s departures and arrivals area.关于涉及领域的不同,不同的专业术语和单词(箱包销售助理涉及的问题)

1.what do you know about bags and luggage ?你所知道的最著名箱包?(LV / Prada // Gucci/ barberry)

2.What is the usual size of luggage ? 箱包尺寸(Reply :it usually size 20” , 24” , 28” , 32” trolley bags)

3.What is the material of the luggage ? 箱包材质(Leather , Polyester , Nylon)

4.What is the usual cooler for the luggage常见箱包颜色(, black , blue , brown, orange)

5. How many kind of bags ?箱包种类(handbag , luggage bag, computer bag , sport bag)

22.The below question is specially for cosmetic/perfume sales(化妆品、香水销售助理涉及的问题)

1.What kind of type skin we have ? how to see their different skin?(人的皮肤有几种类型,他们的特点如何?)

(answer : 5 type of skin, Normal skin , dry skin, oil skin ,combination skin(mix),sensitive skin.Thedry skin is looks short of water and blinking.The oilskin is looks oily all over the face.the Combination skin is the head and nose is looking oily and the other part of face is normal or dry.)

2.What is different oily skin and combination skin ?(油性和混合型皮肤的区别)

(the oily skin islooking oily on whole face., and combination skin islooking oily only on head and nose).face toner , then apply lotion , then apply foundation, then apply face power , then apply check blush on the check , the make up eyeby eye shadow and eye mascara , the eye line, then apply lipstick.)I also know some international brands such asLancome ,Max Factor …………….4.Tell me some international brand of cosmetics?(告诉我你知道的国际著名化妆品牌)



(Cosmetic isto used for making up and make you beautiful., and cosmetic productare such aslipstick口红 , eye brow眉笔 , eye line 眼线, Mascara睫毛膏,eye shadow眼影 ,lotion润肤露, foundation粉底 ,check blush 腮红)

6.What do you know about skin care product ?(你知道的护肤产品)

(answer : skin product is the product to taking care the different skin , for oil skin , we use non-oil product ,for dry skin , we use some oil product.…Also say some international brand ?

7.what do you know about international perfume ? what brand do you know about perfume ? What is theinternational Perfume brand ?(国际品牌香水有哪些?)

(Azzaro , Aramis , Bo., Burberry , Calvin klevin, Channel , Cartier , Christian Dior , Elizabeth Escada , Estee Lander , Fendi , Gucci , Hugo , Hugo Bo , Kenzo , Maxmara,Givenchy , NINARICC)

8..How to sell a lipstick(eye line and etc ?)(to act how to sell the lipstick to the client.)如何销售口红

9.What is different make over ?(涉及不同类型的化妆)

(answer : the different making over is according to different time and different occasion to make up , for example ,in day time to make light making up白天淡妆.In evening or party to make heavy making up.晚上或宴会浓妆)

22.涉及时装销售的的具体问题样本(interview question for fashion)

1.Tell the cloth fabric ? 衣服的材质有哪些

such as cotton , wool,silk ,polyester , mix cotton with polyester ,linen or flax

2.How many style of fashion? 时装风格有哪几种?

(there is casual休闲 , there is claic古典 , there is formal dre正装).Tell me the cloth size ?(衣服尺寸?)And European size of clothas below :(欧洲尺码服装如下)Shirt size for man /woman : 15.5 ,16.5 cm , it is your neck size(男女衬衣尺码用“脖围长度”来表示,15.5代表脖围15.5厘

b)Trouser size : for adult , it is waist size ,from 28cm to 48 cm , for childrenit is also waist size , teenage is 12 ,14 ,16 cm ,(裤子尺码用“腰围”来代表)

c)Long Dre/ Suit size size for man/woman:it is how many CM fromleft side shoulder to right size shoulder , say 42, 44 , 46 ,48 , 50, 52 , 54,56

外套尺码用“肩宽”来代表,分别为42, 44 , 46 ,48 , 50, 52 , 54,56

T shirt size :small、medium , , large , XX large, XXX largeT恤尺码用S /M/L 来代表小、中、大号

23.涉及鞋类销售的具体问题What are the Shoes European Size? what is common size for shoes

Women Shoe Sizes: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,Men Shoe Sizes: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,Kids Shoe Sizes: 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39

2..Tell the Shoes & Bags fabric ? such as natural leather(真皮)calf leather shoes(小牛皮鞋)Ox leather shoes(牛皮鞋), Kid skin shoeor Sheep leather shoe(羊皮鞋)artificial leather(人造革), Canvas(帆布)(kanves)(Fabric), Rubber, Plastic.How many style of fashion?(there is casual , there is claic , there is formal , sports)

4.What are the types of Shoes?

Claic shoes(Formal), Casual shoes(休闲鞋), Sports shoes(Sneakers), Boot shoes, Half Boot,Flip Flops(人字拖鞋), Fluffy Slippers(毛绒拖鞋), Sandals(拖鞋), Canvas shoes, Flat shoes(平底鞋), High Heels shoes(高跟鞋),5.What are the famous international brands of Shoes?

Celeste, Clarks, Bare Feet, Barbie, Bugatti, Cozy, Duchini, Disney, Dash, Filanto, ELLE, Flograna, Fisher Price, Fitflop, Kappa, Kangaroos, Lee Cooper, Miy, Paprika, Nickelodeon, Pampili, Reebok, Puma, Adidas, West Coast, Peppermint, Foot Locker, Aldo, Alberto Fermani, Bally Shoe,Bontoni, Bata, Rock Port, Roi Boots, Timberland, Nine West, Fila,






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