Tim Saunders
610 Golf Course Rd.
Columbus, GA 31902
ObjectiveA position as an admissions representative at a leading university.
2009 - Present
Admissions Representative
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA Responsible for recruitment for the university. Inform and assist prospective students and their parents about academic programs and admissions requirements. Schedule on-campus and off-campus visits and events. Answer letters of inquiry from prospective students. Travel extensively throughout the region to represent GSU at recruitment functions at high schools and community colleges. Assist in writing and design of student newsletters and recruitment materials.
2006 - 2009
Director of Public Relations
Joy of Sports Foundation, Washington D.C. Drafted extensive written correspondence to donors, supportors, and members of the organizational board. Developed contacts in the sporting world to help the foundation further its mission. Responsible for writing foundation newsletter, scheduling and attending all foundation meetings and functions, and maintaining the foundation’s public presence.
2006 B.A. Communications
Emory University, Oxford, GA
ObjectiveA position as an admissions representative at a leading university.
2009 - Present
Admissions Representative
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA Responsible for recruitment for the university. Inform and assist prospective students and their parents about academic programs and admissions requirements. Schedule on-campus and off-campus visits and events. Answer letters of inquiry from prospective students. Travel extensively throughout the region to represent GSU at recruitment functions at high schools and community colleges. Assist in writing and design of student newsletters and recruitment materials.
2006 - 2009
Director of Public Relations
Joy of Sports Foundation, Washington D.C. Drafted extensive written correspondence to donors, supportors, and members of the organizational board. Developed contacts in the sporting world to help the foundation further its mission. Responsible for writing foundation newsletter, scheduling and attending all foundation meetings and functions, and maintaining the foundation’s public presence.
2006 B.A. Communications
Emory University, Oxford, GA
姓 名:应届毕业生求职网
目前所在: 天河区
年龄: 21
户口所在: 汕头
国籍: 中国
婚姻状况: 未婚
民族: 汉族
人才类型: 在校学生
应聘职位: 财务/会计助理:
工作年限: 0 职称: 无职称
求职类型: 兼职 可到职日期: 随时
月薪要求: 1000以下 希望工作地区: 天河区
任远集团金鹰教育 起止年月:2011-07 ~ 2011-08
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:教育/培训/院校
担任职位: 招生员
工作描述: 负责对招生的业务推广并吸收新学员,对目标客户市场调差;收集,保管好学员个人信息!
离职原因: 专业不对口
毕业院校: 广州市工贸技师学院(东校区)