Short Answer
Please select three of the following five prompts and provide a response of approximately 150 words to each.Your responses will be read by Notre Dame admiions counselors as we seek to learn more about you.We encourage you to use personal examples, anecdotes, or anything that helps differentiate you from your peers.1.Undergraduates at Notre Dame have the opportunity to engage in original research where they strive to make a profeional contribution in their field.A typical summer grant of $5,000 enables students to pursue their paions in a full range of disciplines: from the arts, humanities and architecture to science, engineering and busine.If you were given a $5,000 grant to study a topic, what would you choose to research and why?
Doing a research on Iphone4's succeful marketing in China must be interesting.The Apple Company has been looking for innovative ways to meet new and existing consumer’s needs.The model before Iphone4 did not sell well in China.However, Iphone4 has achieved a great increase in consumer demand.I can see Iphone4 everywhere in China.It was even sold out immediately after it appeared in the on-line Apple store.There must be some secrets of the new selling model of Iphone4.I would spend the grant to find the answer.2.Notre Dame’s miion statement emphasizes an education should “create a sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good that will bear fruit as learning becomes service to justice.“ Describe an experience that engaged you both intellectually and morally.I had an experience ofbeing a volunteer in a library for two months.I felt proud of myselfdoing the job.I looked for books for readers, and helped the librarians with their work.It was just different to be avolunteer from a reader in the library, for serving the public made me happier and trained me to be more polite.3.Many people form a list of once-in-a-lifetime activities to accomplish.For example, individuals on the admiions staff hope to visit all the national parks, publish a fiction novel or waddle with penguins in Antarctica.What are a few of the items on your list?
I'm interested in many things.Ifthere were some once-in-a-lifetime activities to accomplish, then building a band would be the first choice on my list.I love music and playing the piano.It would be gorgeous to work with several friends sharing the same ambition and dream.The second thing may be travelling abroad.I believe that travelling is a way and part of learning.It would be even moreamazing to have experience living and studying in a different country, even only once, in my lifetime.4.You have 150 words.Take a risk.The willingne to take a risk demonstrates a positive attitude to life.Whatever the result is, the proce and mood in taking a risk are more attractive.When I was traveling in Thailand with my parents at the age of five, I decided to take a flight in a special fire balloon linked by a rope to a speedboat.The tour guide said I was the youngest one ever to take that flight.Without any fear or hesitation, I flew into the intoxicating sky.The boat fast moving, the sea breeze swaying, and the golden sunshine setting off the greenish orchid sea constituted a view like paradise.The flying experience was glorious and I was totally immersed in that exciting delight.Growing up, I now understand that only by taking a risk can I see what other people cannot see and enjoy what they cannot enjoy.5.Why are you interested in attending the University of Notre Dame?
The University of Notre Dame first came into my mind when I saw the movie Rudy in my middle school.The fascinating view of the Notre Dame campus and the combatant spirit of the football team were so appealing to me that I decided at once to plan to pursue my academic enthusiasm in this university.The fairy tale about Rudy, the ocean of knowledge and courage it has, the Mendoza College of Busine with its traditions and teaching of values and morals, all attract me..I am particularly interested in the busine school and I am going to apply to it.As is well known, the lack of moral sense and principles of food producers in China has resulted in food poisoning and the lo of trust from the public.I hope, through my own efforts, I can convert some businemen’s moral values and thus do something to help the Chinese people.
I wake up every morning to its rich scent.My parents cannot start the day with out it.I often wait in line and pay $3.85 to buy it.The senior lodge at my school is littered with empty Starbucks cups containing only the remnants of skim lattes, , and mocha frapuccinos.Coffee is a staple of American life that many take for granted, but few take the time to think about how they get it.In the rural village of Cadillo in the Dominican Republic, the people’s livelihood depends on coffee.Rows of green coffee plants line steep hills and scatter the countryside.The people there pick and sell the coffee beans but receive little profit for their hard work.During the week I spent in Cadilloplaying , I witneed the poverty these coffee farmers endure.Their homes are small and dark, furnished with only a few wooden chairs, a table and a few beds.There is no lawyers and electricity in Cadillo and I especially remember the emptine of the village at night, when I could only vaguely see the faces I illuminated with my flashlight.I can still see the shiny metal bowl in which they used to bathe, and Jose, a neighbor who was miing several teeth because like most people in Cadillo, he lacks a toothbrush and could not afford a.These images still burn in my mind, but it was the people of Cadillo more than anything who opened my eyes to the importance of social justice.Before I met them it was just a concept I heard about a few times a year at church when a miionary would come to speak about the poor people in Africa or South America and explain why it was our duty to help them.These people were far removed.A small fraction of my weekly allowance, once a year, and I could remove them from my mind.After living for a week with a family in Cadillo, however, I understood for the first time that it was real people leading these lives.The family I stayed with there took me in as part of their family and gave me a taste of their life.I remember my Dominican father, Barilla’s face as he played guitar and how he laughed kindly when I struggled to play the chords he had taught me.I could feel the warmth and sincerity of my Dominican mother, Marsela, when she sat and talked with me about my home and family after a long day of work.And I will always remember how much fun I had playing catch or blowing bubbles with their two children, Jendi and Andisco.I will not forget the images I saw or the people I encountered.They made me realize that my work does not end with the school I helped build, the holes I helped dig, or the roads I helped widen.They showed me that there are real, wonderful people being treated unjustly and that I cannot sit back and let that happen.I cannot be silent when I know that people are getting rich off the coffee Barilla receives so little for.It is my responsibility to be active, to teach what I have learned, to fight injustices in my community and the world.I am not sure if I will ever visit Cadillo again but I do know that I can continue what I started there.I can tell people what I saw and spread awarene about injustice in the world.I can volunteer in my own
community to help make changes at home and fundraise to aid third world countries.And tomorrow, after I wake up to the smell of fresh coffee, I can make a difference.啄木鸟教育编译:我每天早晨在它的浓郁的香气中醒来;没有它,我父母就没办法开始新一天的工作生活;我常常排着队,然后付上3.85美元买到它。我学校的高级旅馆里堆满了空的星巴克杯子,杯子里还有拿铁、摩卡的残留物。咖啡是美国人生活的一部分,许多人理所当然的享受着,很少有人花时间想过咖啡是怎么来的。
I gue it was inevitable that I’d be on hockey skates at some point in my life, but I did not expect that I’d become one of a rare group of female ice hockey officials before I even reached high school.Being born into a family of hockey players and figure skaters, it seemed that my destiny had already been decided.Right from the begin
1. 对所要申请的学校和专业是否有深入细致的了解,能做到在写自述时紧扣学校和专业的要求及特点,突出自己的申请优势?
2. 我的人生经历中有什么独特的、非同寻常的地方?在家庭生活和社会生活中有哪些人或事件影响了我的人生观和事业追求?这些影响有什么与众不同的地方?
3. 我最初是如何对目前所选专业感兴趣的?在其后的岁月中又是如何加深了对这一学科领域的认识?在这一领域已经取得了什么样的成绩?是什么因素使我自信,能够在这一领域有所建树?
4. 在上学期间我从事了哪些助教、助研、社会实践、暑期工作?通过这些活动在什么方面(比如科研能力、组织能力和领导能力等)得到了提高?在步入社会后的工作中完成过什么项目,取得了哪些成就,表现出何等才干?
5. 我最终的事业目标是什么?
美国大学留学申请文书写作介绍 美国名校以优质的教育资源,吸引着众多的留学生。在美国留学申请中,留学申请文书的写作水平,堪称是决定美国留学申请结果的关键因素之一。进入美国名校,不但需要语言成绩、资金等“硬件条件”,还需要留学申请文书这样的“软件条件”。