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Date of Birth
Contact No
Job Target

Target IndustryPharmaceuticals/Biotechnology, Oils/Chemicals/Mines/Geology, Telecom Operators/Service Providers, Medical Facilities/Equipment, Telecom & Network Equipment
Target jobPurchasing Manager
Target addressBeijing, Shanghai
Target salary¥30,000-49,999/Month
To hillock timeThe new post can in the long time assume the post
Working Experience

Industry: Healthcare/Medicine/Public Health

Global Sourcing Purchasing Manager

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Lead development of sourcing strategy and implementation for assigned product or supplier.Lead supplier selection for assigned New Product Introduction program and identify needs for supplier/technology development to support NPI and align with product roadmapDrive to meet target cost and generate VCP ideas for continues cost productivity.Drive new product introduction milestone sourcing deliverables and support NPI timely signoff.Understand corresponding product roadmaps and communicate with Sourcing leader and Quality Engineer Understand industry modality development trends.Build programs Make/Buy/OEM/CM strategies.Implement Sourcing Initiatives.Drive supply chain simplification (localization) through NPIs.

2004/09—2007/09GE Healthcare
Industry: Healthcare/Medicine/Public Health

Global Sourcing Regional Sourcing Leader

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Optimize Accessory Global Sourcing Strategy in China, support EU/US sourcing team for new transfer project -In the past 3 years, lead over 20 global transfer projects, setup Accessory China Supplier base, contribute on MPI/spending according to global sourcing requirement,30%+ cost down is minimum oNew transfer Project Feasibility Study and business case initiated;China Supplier evaluation, selection, on-site audit, summarize and report out; oManage strategic supplier’s oLead Multi-functional Communication and push project execution oContract negotiation and sign off Implement China Accessories Supplier Development Strategy, Achieve Material Cost Reduction Target.Negotiate annual contract with long-term suppliers to ensure continuous cost reduction 10%-30%.Evaluate and Develop China supplier base to support local sales team to obtain cost down from accessories perspective.Manage local and oversea accessories suppliers, to make sure the smooth supply with satisfied quality, delivery, etc. such as - communicate with OTR, Legal, Modality, and Regulation to make sure no break of purchase execution.Work as GCO (Government Contract Office) sourcing expert from Nov. 2005 -As Sourcing expert, Review and re-design the spot-buy commodity approve process and the sourcing policy ;Design the on-line approval tool for spot-buy cases;Work with Region GCO, Sales and Modality, to identify qualify supplier and eliminate any compliance risk.Report Directly to: Accessory &Svs. MgrNumber of Subordinate:2

Reference:Zhu Xiao Mei


From 2004-2007, Lead over 20 International transfer projects which are $13.8M of total Spend and $4.1M of yearly saving.Got $1.1M saving Vs $0.5M saving of OP in 2004 by contractnegotiation.Got $5.6M saving VS. $15M China spending in 2005, which achieve 30%+ cost reduction (including transfer saving).Got $ 1M Saving Vs $4.8M total spending.Internal customer includes GE Healthcare IT US & EUROPE, GE Core DI US, Global Cardiology, etc.Design and set up Accessory purchasing process policy and e approval.Continuously got “Top Tallent” in year-end appraisal, which are best level and only 10% staff will be entiled for exellent performance.

2001/05—2004/09Effem Foods (Bejing) Co. Ltd.
Industry:FMCG( Food,Beverage,Cosmetics)

2004/03—2004/09:Supply Division e-Sourcing Process Analyst

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Analysis and optimize indirect sourcing process map and then translate to SAP consultant Set up e-soucing rule in SAP program

Report Directly to:e-Sourcing mgrNumber of Subordinate:1

Reference:Deng Rui

Achievements:Successful draw up the blueprint of indirect sourcing process map, cover general service, media, etc. Allign HK process with China process Set up Contract management system

2001/05—2004/03:Supply Division MRO & Site Service Buyer

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Lead the procurement of MRO spare parts and on site maintenance. * Control total service budget; * Manage the Bidding of service * Conduct suppliers on-sit audit regularly. * Identify and maintain strategic supplier. * Contract negotiation and sign off.Develop service-buy strategy, consolidate and optimize supplier base.Localization of imported equipment/spare parts, develop local supplier.Manage and negotiate the supply contract of Water, Steam and electricity, to make sure non-stop site service.Back up media service buyer and fixed asset buyer while they are absent.Report Directly to: Supply Develop mgrNumber of Subordinate:1

Reference: hang, Bo

Reason for Leaving: Move to next position

Achievements: Control Site Service spending USD1.28M plus MRO USD3.4M vs 10% saving in 2001. Manage over 250 suppliers mainly, consolidate and reduce 30% by 2001. Make sure 100% contract coverage for service supplier. Optimize service purchasing process and control compliance Organize A/P Commercial Competence Meeting, Mars Global “Make the Difference”, Mars China 10 years Anniversary, etc.

1999/09—2001/04Wise Placement Sercie Co. Ltd.
Industry: Professional Services (Consulting, Human Resources, etc.)

Zhengzhou Branch Office Zhengzhou City Manager

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Be responsible for the overall management of Zhengzhou Office.Preparpare and debrief the Operation Manual, Write up the monthly report to Hongkong head office, and submit the Sales and promotion plan, review the adv. feeback every month Plan and organize the semiar in Henan Province Be responsible for training of local staff Take on all the finace and tax related job in ZhengzhouReport Directly to:CEONumber of Subordinate:7

Reference: Candy Ding

Achievements: Enter Henan other Citys market, such as Luoyang, Nanyang, Kaifeng, etc. Always got Top 3 ranking refer to monthly new clients out of 20+ branch office in China.

1998/07—1999/08Zhengzhou Yuda Palace Hotel
Industry: Restaurant & Food Services

Purchasing Dept. Purchasing Supervisor

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Help the purchasing manager set up standard operation procedure.Assist the Purchasing Manager to encurment and training new staff Negotiate and sign contract for the tableware, cleaning machine, tele systems and furniture, etc.According to the request of other dept., fulfill other procurement for spot buy.Report Directly to: Purchasing Manager Number of Subordinate:1

Reference: Cindy Chen

Achievements: Set up the Purchasing rule and manual


1994/09—1998/07PLA Foreign Language University English Bachelor
2006/07—2006/07GEHC Training Program Strategic Supplier Relationship & Process
2005/10—2005/10GEHC Training Program Six SigmaDMAIC TrainingGreen Belt Trained
2005/04—2005/04GEHC Training CenterBELTSBasic Essential Leadership Training
2003/08—2003/08Mars Asia Commercial Training Program Advance Procurement Capability
2002/11—2002/11Mars University Time Management
2002/08—2002/08Mars University Effective Communication
2001/09—2001/09Mars Asia Commercial Training ProgramMars Asia Commercial Competence

Strategically thinker, Rich Experience and Leadership in international transfer project management, Strong commercial sense with detail acknowledgement, High command of communication skill, Dealing with all types of individuals in tough situations, Work under great pressure.



简历编号: 52515902 更新日期: 2007-03-18 21:32:07
姓名: 黄xx先生 国籍: 中国
目前住地: 广州 民族: 汉族
户 籍 地: 肇庆 身高体重: 169 cm?59 kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 28 岁
人才类型: 普通求职?
应聘职位: 采购专员:业务采购员,业务等 、 调度/生产计划协调员:计划员或物控员,跟单员 、 物料管理/物控:物料或生产管理人员
工作年限: 5 职称: 无职称
求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 两个星期
月薪要求: 面议 希望工作地区: 广东省 广州 广东省
工作经历: 2006年7月至2007年2月 澳科思通讯科技(中国)有限公司 供应链网络部 生产计划专员

2005年2月2006年6月 广州精工技术有限公司 PMC计划部 生产跟单/生产控制班长

2004年2月至2005年1月 广州华泰铝轮毂有限公司 营运中心计划调度部 计划调度专员

2002年8月至2004年2月 四会金宝利橡胶鞋厂有限公司 生产计划与控制科 高级生产计划员

2001年6月至2002年8月 四会金宝利橡胶鞋厂有限公司 业务处采购科


毕业院校: 肇庆学院
最高学历: 大专 毕业日期: 2001-06-01
所学专业: 应用生物技术 第二专业: 行政管理学
培训经历: 1986年9月至1992年7月 四会市城北小学 小学毕业

1992年9月至1995年7月 四会市会城中学 初中毕业

1995年9月至1998年7月 四会市华侨中学 高中毕业

1998年9月至2001年6月 肇庆市肇庆学院 大专毕业

外语: 英语 良好
国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 精通
在校学习期间,我除了出色地完成本专业任务外, 还专修了电脑方面的各种应用软件。现能熟练地掌握各类办公软件如Word、Excel、Outlook和C程序设计。


2006年7月至今,任职于全球著名的澳大利亚微波通信发射天线制造企业---澳科思通信科技(中国)有限公司(Argus Technologies Ltd)供应链网络部生产计划专员一职.在这个企业里,培养了我更加严谨细致的生产数据分析能力,全面综合考虑问题的角度,发散性的思维和与各个部门及人员的良好沟协调能力.

在澳科思工作的这段时间里,本人能够了解各种微波天线的结构组成,生产工艺流程,能熟练地结合利用ERP--“STD(Still To Do)”系统和金蝶ERP--K3系统编制和下达公司的生产计划任务,并通过对这两套ERP系统的数据分析,按需调整和跟进现场生产进度,监控并预警生产异常情况的发生.















懂得ERP--STD(Still To Do)系统和金蝶ERP--K3系统的操作和应用,并能通过它们解决一系列的生产计划问题.





English Resume: In university period, I besides splendidly cost specialized duty, but also specially repaired computer aspect each kind of application software. Presently can skilled grasp each kind of work software like Word, Excel, Outlook, FP, Linux and the C programming, but also can skilled utilize Internet, the manufacture simple homepage and so on.

Has the certain experience in the large-scale foreign capital enterprise factory material purchase management and the productive plan and the control aspect:

Production material service purchase aspect: Personally can coordinate the production line arrives the progress supply and demand relations to the material demand and the material, grasps the daily production progress follows up to work guarantees the production continues, necessary and is smooth. Through the purchase work, caused personally in obtains the exercise and the enhancement with the material supplier's coordination communication and the unusual event negotiations ability aspect. Moreover, personally can through each way understand the market price quotation, in the purchase quality, time of delivery and aspect and so on production cost control has the certain experience.

Productive plan and material control aspect: Personally mainly was responsible for company's customer order form assignment






Sex: Male

Birth: National:Han

political statues: Party members prepared

Health status: good (with the health card)

Education: Undergraduate

Students to: Guangdong

Address:Town of Licheng GuangZhou City Guangdong Province

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国籍: 中国

目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 广州 身材: 160 cm 50 kg

婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 23 岁

培训认证: 诚信徽章:


人才类型: 普通求职 

应聘职位: 行政/人事类:行政/人事助理   客户服务类 客户技术工程师   市场销售/营销类 销售工程师

工作年限: 0 职称: 无职称

求职类型: 全职 可到职- 随时

月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区: 广州 佛山 深圳

个人工作经历: 公司名称: 开平牵牛生化制药有限公司起止年月:2007-08 ~ 2007-09

公司性质: 国有企业所属行业:日用生活服务

担任职务: 检测员

工作描述: ◆参与开平牵牛生化制药有限公司的生产工作


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