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2009/09~2013/06 Shanghai University of Finance& Economics

Major: Banking and International Finance

GPA(major): 3.6/4.0

Degree: Bachelor

GPA(over all): 3.02/4.0

2013/09~2013/07 Cardiff University

Major: International Economics Banking and Finance

Degree: Master

Research Experience

2009/10 “Gambling Analysis of Product Quality Reduction in Price War”: Established a price competition mode, took the product’s quality and price as the manufacturer’s decision variable and inducted them to the model, made use of gambling analysis to explain the reason of simultaneous reduction of quality as well as price in the price war, analyzed price competition’s balanced economical condition when the product’s quality could change, proposed the solution of Pareto invalid question caused by price war.

2010/04 "Problem of RMBGlobalization”: Through researching on currency internationalization’s general rule and combining the actual situation of our country’s economy development, elaborated the problem of RMB internationalization’s advancement.

2011/10-2012/07 Went to England to study as the exchange student, studied in SOUTHAMPTON in the junior year, understood the overseas’ educational model and life, participated in a lot of social practice, realized different culture and academic atmosphere.

Social Experience

2009/02—2009/05 Practiced in Department of Finance, China Hardware Minerals Import and Export Corporation

Responsibility: Sorted the bills and made the financial report form, familiar with basic finance work flow, understood intercourse flow between the company and the bank, studied and made use of financial software as well as the basic knowledge of audits and accountant to complete the work.

2010/07—2010/09 Practiced inDepartment of Finance, Beijing Hengfu Sunshine Business Management Ltd,Corporation

Responsibility:Sorted the bills and made the financial report form, familiar with basic finance work flow

2011/11—2012/01 Worked as the sale assistant in Soccer (sale of sports commodity in England)

Responsibility:Worked as the sale assistant and did the financial work

2012/02—2013/03 Practiced in Alleys Accounting Firm

Responsibility:Assisted the group leader in financial audit work, proofreading, glancing through the certificate, studying to make the report form and so on.

Standard Test

IELTS:6.5 Test Date:2010/03/11

GMAT: 540 Test Date:2012/06/14

English Proficency: Fluent in reading, writing, listening and speaking English

Activities and Honors

2009 champion, women’s doubles, Badminton Competition, Department of Finance

2010 Participated in Shanghai University of Finance& Economics’ “ Blue Source Cup” Drama Festival, as the representative, participated in the competition on behalf of International Finance Department in School of Finance, obtained the second place

2011 Obtained “the Best Debater” in Shanghai University of Finance& Economics

Debate:As the fourth debater, took charge of free debate in the middle period and summary statement in the end, the topic was “Value Process or Value Result”

Worked as propaganda department’s secretary in CSSA, Assisted in holding Chinese culture festival as well as the Overseas Students’ Spring Festival Evening Party.





Brian Hudson

2109 West End Avenue,

Nashville, TN 37240

Telephone No: 615-322-4632

Email id: brian_hudson@gmail.com

Academic Background

Achieved Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Finance from the Campbell College, Bules Creek, NC in the year .

Achieved Diploma in Accounting from Oxford University, Oxford, England, in the year .

Computer Programming Skills

Knowing Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook Express.

Knowing Operating Systems: Windows9X, Windows, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Knowing IBM PC, Lotus 1-2-3, Comchea, LAN and Managistics

Professional Excellence Summary

Brokerage certificate, series 8 & 64.

More than 4 years of progressive, practice in matters related to finance.

Excellent interpersonal skills and abilities.

Self-motivated; capable of achieving urgent and long-term objectives and goals and meet procedural deadlines.

Counter well in high-stress environment.

Professional Background

Since working as a Fund Accountant in the Copperd Ash Associates, Nashville, TN and is responsibly handling the following duties and responsibilities:

Detailing directly to Portfolio Administrator, Businessmen and Traders on investment and the availability of cash.

Purchasing business paper and documents for confidential accounts.

Keeping a track on the inventory situation and bonds; taking records of dividend and interest payouts to clients.

Monitoring and maintaining report of portfolio security changes.

Communicating and coming to terms with Brokers and Banks in regard to business settlements.

Analyzing and prepare presentation and reports by utilizing day to day market invoices for the Board of Directors and Shareholders.

Making business comparisons.

Assisting Public Accountants and organizing audit papers, price out on a daily basis net value for NASD, recording accounting transactions (shares, debentures, securities, mutual funds, expenditures, incomes, disbursements and dividends)。

Analyzing present market situation; predict dividend and interest and fund payouts.














当求职者尝试着向潜在的雇主推销自己时, 简历中经常地充斥着模糊的`言语,人力资源经理会一目了然,按照Scott Bennett的说法, 这样的求职者不过是“简历文体”作者罢了。相反, 最成功的求职者避免在他们的简历中出现这些隐晦的词语,而倾向于突出自己的成绩。

不要用空泛的词语表达你的工作理念,而要使用简要的、具体的例子展示你的技能。换句话说, 展现,但不必陈述。



2109 west end avenue,

nashville, tn 37240

telephone no:

email id: /jianli

academic background

achieved bachelor of arts degree in accounting and finance from the campbell college, bules creek, nc in the year XX.

achieved diploma in accounting from oxford university, oxford, england, in the year 1999.

computer programming skills

knowing office package: microsoft word, microsoft excel, microsoft access, microsoft powerpoint and microsoft outlook express.

knowing operating systems: windows9x, windowsXX, windows me, windows xp and windows vista.

knowing ibm pc, lotus 1-2-3, comchea, lan and managistics

professional excellence summary

brokerage certificate, series 8 & 64.

more than 4 years of progressive, practice in matters related to finance.

excellent interpersonal skills and abilities.

self-motivated; capable of achieving urgent and long-term objectives and goals and meet procedural deadlines.

counter well in high-stress environment.

professional background

since XX working as a fund accountant in the copperd ash associates, nashville, tn and is responsibly handling the following duties and responsibilities:

detailing directly to portfolio administrator, businessmen and traders on investment and the availability of cash.

purchasing business paper and documents for confidential accounts.

keeping a track on the inventory situation and bonds; taking records of dividend and interest payouts to clients.

monitoring and maintaining report of portfolio security changes.

communicating and coming to terms with brokers and banks in regard to business settlements.

analyzing and prepare presentation and reports by utilizing day to day market invoices for the board of directors and shareholders.

making business comparisons.

assisting public accountants and organizing audit papers, price out on a daily basis net value for nasd, recording accounting transactions (shares, debentures, securities, mutual funds, expenditures, incomes, disbursements and dividends).

analyzing present market situation; predict dividend and interest and fund payouts.


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姓 名: 本网

性 别: 男

年 龄: 27岁

婚姻状况: 未婚

最高学历: 本科

工作年限: 2年

政治面貌: 共青团员

现居城市: 广州

籍 贯: 广州




工作类型: 全职

期望薪资: 3000-5000元

工作地点: 广州市

求职行业: 金融保险、证券、期货

求职职位: 其他经营管理


-03 - -03中国邮政储蓄银行广州花都支行 零售客户经理

工作描述: 1.每月可较好地完成100万元余额任务,春节新增余额600万元. 2.完成每月100万元理财、30万元保险、10万基金产品销售任务。 3.通过对周边社区、商圈进行市场外拓,邮储银行POS机月均30台、代发工资月均2户。

-12 - 2013-03 中国邮政储蓄银行花都区××路支行 大堂经理

工作描述: 在网点引导与分流客户,做好日常客户维护工作;协助支行长进行市场开拓,新客户开发、存量客户资产升级;

2012-09 - 2012-12 中国邮政储蓄银行花都区××路支行 柜员

工作描述: 负责客户的柜面业务操作、查询、储蓄、开户、电子银行


-09 - 2012-06 东北财经大学 金融学 本科

专业描述: 货币银行学 金融机构管理 国际金融 公司金融 风险管理 期货及衍生品 投资学 计量经济学 商务沟通 管理学 统计学


英语 良好


2013-08 银行从业资格证书

2013-01 基金销售从业资格证书

2013-01 保险代理从业资格证书

-09 大学英语六级

-09 计算机二级


喜欢与人打交道,性格外向,乐于团队合作,抗压能力强。 对金融行业,尤其是小企业融资有浓厚的兴趣。







姓 名: 应届毕业生求职网

性 别: 男

年 龄: 27岁

婚姻状况: 未婚

最高学历: 本科

工作年限: 2年

政治面貌: 共青团员

现居城市: 广州

籍 贯: 广州




工作类型: 全职

期望薪资: 3000-5000元

工作地点: 广州市

求职行业: 金融保险、证券、期货

求职职位: 其他经营管理


-03 - -03中国邮政储蓄银行广州花都支行 零售客户经理

工作描述: 1.每月可较好地完成100万元余额任务,春节新增余额600万元. 2.完成每月100万元理财、30万元保险、10万基金产品销售任务。 3.通过对周边社区、商圈进行市场外拓,邮储银行POS机月均30台、代发工资月均2户。

-12 - 2013-03 中国邮政储蓄银行花都区××路支行 大堂经理

工作描述: 在网点引导与分流客户,做好日常客户维护工作;协助支行长进行市场开拓,新客户开发、存量客户资产升级;

2012-09 - 2012-12 中国邮政储蓄银行花都区××路支行 柜员

工作描述: 负责客户的柜面业务操作、查询、储蓄、开户、电子银行


-09 - 2012-06 东北财经大学 金融学 本科

专业描述: 货币银行学 金融机构管理 国际金融 公司金融 风险管理 期货及衍生品 投资学 计量经济学 商务沟通 管理学 统计学


英语 良好


2013-08 银行从业资格证书

2013-01 基金销售从业资格证书

2013-01 保险代理从业资格证书

-09 大学英语六级

-09 计算机二级


喜欢与人打交道,性格外向,乐于团队合作,抗压能力强。 对金融行业,尤其是小企业融资有浓厚的兴趣。



女 27岁

学历: 本科

工作年限: 2-3年

期望薪资: 面议

工作地点: 广州 - 不限

求职意向:投资/理财顾问 | 网络销售 | 大客户经理 | 销售代表/客户经理 | 电话销售



工作时间:7月 至 10月[2年3个月]




207月毕业 广州番禺职业技术学院 经济管理






“Getting to Know You?

Examples:Why did you choose this career?

What are you looking to achieve in your career 5 years down the road?

Why did you choose our firm?

Tell me something about yourself. What other career would you consider if you are unsuccessful in getting a job in this industry?

Tell me some of the values that define you. What are some of your failures or disappointments, tell me how you cope with them?

Are you a good team player? Give me some examples to support it. Tell me some of the biggest challenges you have encountered. What would you like to change in your life if you can do all over again?

Specific and Technical Questions

Examples:Why do you think that you are suitable for a career in corporate finance (e.g. fixed income sales, equities, sales, etc)?

Can you tell me something about the job?

Can you recall one recent case of mergers & acquisitions and discuss the merits, valuation and financing?

Can you tell me about a stock that you like and why?

What are some of the largest transactions in the corporate mergers and quisitions arena?

Why do you think that the stock markets in the U.S. and Europe are doing so poorly?

Can you recall what was the all time high and 52-week high low for the S&P 500 and the DAX of Germany?

Can you summarize what went wrong with WorldCom?

What are some of the key legislations related to the financial industry being debated in the congress?

Do you have a sense of how big the U.S. treasury market is?

What impact does the U.S. Federal Reserve decisions have on the equity rkets?



“Getting to Know You?

Examples:Why did you choose this career?

What are you looking to achieve in your career 5 years down the road?

Why did you choose our firm?

Tell me something about yourself. What other career would you consider if you are unsuccessful in getting a job in this industry?

Tell me some of the values that define you. What are some of your failures or disappointments, tell me how you cope with them?

Are you a good team player? Give me some examples to support it. Tell me some of the biggest challenges you have encountered. What would you like to change in your life if you can do all over again?

Specific and Technical Questions

Examples:Why do you think that you are suitable for a career in corporate finance (e.g. fixed income sales, equities, sales, etc)?

Can you tell me something about the job?

Can you recall one recent case of mergers & acquisitions and discuss the merits, valuation and financing?

Can you tell me about a stock that you like and why?

What are some of the largest transactions in the corporate mergers and quisitions arena?

Why do you think that the stock markets in the U.S. and Europe are doing so poorly?

Can you recall what was the all time high and 52-week high low for the S&P 500 and the DAX of Germany?

Can you summarize what went wrong with WorldCom?

What are some of the key legislations related to the financial industry being debated in the congress?

Do you have a sense of how big the U.S. treasury market is?

What impact does the U.S. Federal Reserve decisions have on the equity rkets?




“Getting to Know You?

Examples:Why did you choose this career?

What are you looking to achieve in your career 5 years down the road?

Why did you choose our firm?

Tell me something about yourself. What other career would you consider if you are unsuccessful in getting a job in this industry?

Tell me some of the values that define you. What are some of your failures or disappointments, tell me how you cope with them?

Are you a good team player? Give me some examples to support it. Tell me some of the biggest challenges you have encountered. What would you like to change in your life if you can do all over again?

Specific and Technical Questions

Examples:Why do you think that you are suitable for a career in corporate finance (e.g. fixed income sales, equities, sales, etc)?

Can you tell me something about the job?

Can you recall one recent case of mergers & acquisitions and discuss the merits, valuation and financing?

Can you tell me about a stock that you like and why?

What are some of the largest transactions in the corporate mergers and quisitions arena?

Why do you think that the stock markets in the U.S. and Europe are doing so poorly?

Can you recall what was the all time high and 52-week high low for the S&P 500 and the DAX of Germany?

Can you summarize what went wrong with WorldCom?

What are some of the key legislations related to the financial industry being debated in the congress?

Do you have a sense of how big the U.S. treasury market is?

What impact does the U.S. Federal Reserve decisions have on the equity rkets?

What is the shape of the current yield curve?





I am University of Finance Department of Finance (including Insurance) 07 graduates, four-year career in the school learning process, we have experienced failure and frustration, experienced success and happiness, I assiduous, at fighting, but is The so-called “A hard, a harvest,” I paid some return.

Courses of study by the University for four years, to master and skilled use of international finance, money and banking, Central Bank, Insurance, property insurance, life insurance, the Western finance theory, financial marketing, financial marketing studies, bank accounting, commercial banks, Western economics and other professional knowledge and skills, and mastery of the computer beginner, intermediate knowledge and proficiency in the use of WINDOWS operating system, master internet, can use WPS, Microsoft Word, etc. document editing and operation, and can use tools such as Photoshop software graphic design, mastered the production of Microsoft Visual FoxPro database.

The intense in learning, eager to make progress, strive to learn each course, and two computers through a national examination. In practice life, I put myself in the real world to learn social knowledge, involved in many social practice, which enrich their knowledge of society. 织梦好,好织梦

This is me, a solid professional foundation, integrated high quality, small secret agents, big dare, frank, cheerful, humble music students for the financial. Of course, learned a rich background in front of the older generation, I was just ignorant person, but a blueprint of your life and career given space, through Qin-xiu Kulian, tomorrow I do not Yong Yong bidding.



i’m glad to introduce myself to you. my chinese name is , but you can call me , my english name. i was born and raised in guangdong, so i eak both cantonese and mandarin.

i’ll soon graduate from zhongshan university, majoring in accounting. i think you may have interviewed quite a lot of students from our school, so you know this major prepares us for cga and most courses are taught in english. my gpa is 3.6, it ranks number 9 in the 5 students in my grade. and i’ve passed 5 exams in cga, i anticipate i will get the cga qualification in XX.

besides having good academic performance, i was actively involved in student activities. i was in charge of student welfare in my class, and in the student union of our school. i enjoyed this position because what i did was very important to everybody, although it was mostly small details.

i had a three-month internship in guangdong zhengzhong accounting firm. i did the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports. my boss was pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my classmate to join our team.

kpmg is my dream company. what’s more, i have great interest in joining the tax department as my long term career goal is to be a tax consultant. i wish my dream could come true today. thank you!




姓名: 张小姐

性别: 女

民族: 汉族

政治面貌: 党员

出生日期: 1995年12月

户口: 杭州市

婚姻状况: 未婚

学历: 本科

毕业院校: 浙江财经学院

毕业时间: 2016年06月

所学专业: 金融学

外语水平: 英语 (CET-4)

电脑水平: 熟练

工作年限: 实习/应届



工作类型: 全职

单位性质: 不限

期望行业: 金融业(投资、保险、证券、银行、基金)、培训机构、教育、科研

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