广东版开心英语四年级下册《Are you dancing》教学反思

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第1篇:广东版开心英语四年级下册《Are you dancing》教学反思

广东版开心英语四年级下册《Are you dancing》教学反思

本节课依据新课标的要求,强调小学英语的首要目的是要激发学生对英语的学习兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的自信心和成就感,使学生在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,培养创新精神,以及了解学生的实际和认知规律,引出Conversation的重点单词,引导学生运用英语描述Im /Hes / Shes doing sth."让学生在轻松愉悦的课堂气氛中掌握本课的'单词和句型,培养学生的语言运用能力。课上我充分创设情景,把学习内容和生活有效的整和起来。让学生在看,听,读的同时,会说,敢说,能灵活的运用所学知识, 注意引导学生的口语表达能力,使学生的创新能力,合作探究能力得到发展。让学生充分融入课堂,单词、句型的操练上比较到位的,学习兴趣很浓厚,当然也有不尽人意的地方。现将这节课的教后反思作如下阐述:



二、 操练、活动形式多样。










Unit 3Bank or Beach ?



1.Where are you going? I'm going to the bank.2.Is she going to the bank? No,she isn’t.3.Are theygoing to the beach ? Yes , they are.II.Words: supermarket, bank, park, hospital, restaurant, swimming pool , shopping mall , movie theater.III.Sounds and words:

[f]ship ,shirt ,she ,shorts ,shoes, shopping;

Picture Cards 15-22,a supermarket, a bank, apark, ahospital, arestaurant, aswimming pool , ashopping mall , amovietheater.The first period

Step 1 Review

1.How many clarooms are there?

There are twenty-five clarooms.2.Is there a living room.....Step 2Vocabulary

Getting ready

Put Picture Cards 15-22 on the blackboard.T:Look at the Picture Cards.Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards

T:Now Listen and repeat.hold up each Picture Cards And say the word.Give Ss time to repeat.Using the book

T: Listen to the disc and repeat.Point to each subject as you say it.Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word.T:Where is this ?(Point tobeach.)

Ss: It’sbeach.Model if neceary.Repeat with several Picture Cards.T: Close your books.T:(Hold up various Picture Cards and realia.)Where is this?

Ss: It’s a ….Extension activity

Step 3Practice 2

T:XXX, Can you read sentence ?(S1:Hello,Tony.Where are you going ?)(S2:I ’mgoing to the restaurant.Ss:He’s

going to the restaurant.)

Do the same with the picture of shopping mall.T: Now look at column on the right.Where’s Jenny going ? S1:She’sgoing to the party.Have Ss read the questions together.Ask individual Ss to answer.Step 4Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词


The second period

Step 1Review1、朗读短语。

Step 2Target

Getting ready

Ask for three volun teers.Put the Picture Cardson the blackboard.T: Where are you going ?

I’mgoing to the bank.Have S1 point to the Picture Cards.Do the same for S2 and others if time permits.Using the book

HaveSspoint to thefirst Picture.Modelthe dialog.HaveSspoint to the second Picture.Ask two Ss to modelthe dialog.Play the disc and pause after each sentence,allowing Ss to repeat.Step 3Songactivities

1)T: Let’slisten to the disc first.Play the disc and point to each word as it is chanted.Point to the Picture Cards of swimming pool and movie theater.Chant as a whole group again.2)Play the disc one and pause every sentence.HaveSs fill in blanks in the chant.Step 4Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词,句子


The third period

Step 1Review1、背读短语、句子。

Step 2Story

Using the book

(HaveSs Lookat the Pictures on the page.)

T:Let’slisten to the disc.Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat.Read outthe dialog sentencebysentence.Step 3Practice 1

HaveSs read the four sentences listening.T: Let’slisten to the disc.Play the disc for A ,then pause.T: Where’shedoing ?(Ss:He’s going to therestaurant.)

Continue with the rest.Step 4Homework1、朗读本课单词,句子,课文。


The Fourth Period

Step 1Review1、背读第21页短语、句子。


Step 2Sounds and words

1)Getting ready

Writeshipon the board and under line the spelling –sh.T:(point to sh)Let’s practice this sound.Look at my

mouth and repeat.T:/f/Ss:/f/

Drag out the sound /f/ so Ss hear it clearly.Using the book

HaveSs look at the picture on the page.T: Let’slisten to the disc.Play the discand haveSspoint to each word as the disc says it.T: Let’slisten again and this time ,repeat.HaveSs repeat after the disc.After enough practice , point to the pictures randomly and haveSs say the words.2)listen and look

T: Let’slisten to the dialog.Play the disc once.T:Nowlet’s practice.Read outthe dialog sentence by sentence and have Ss repeat.Step 3 Homework1、朗读第25页内容。


第3篇:(广东版)开心英语四年级下册教案 Unit 9


(广东版)开心英语四年级下册教案 Unit Nine

Are these blue socks yours? Teaching demands:

Words: handkerchief, pen, pajamas, slippers, underwear, towel, money, swimsuit, corn, blackboard.Useful expreions: Is this money yours? No, it's not.Is this hers? Yes, it is.Yes, they are.Are these Mom's keys?

No, they're not.I don't know.Teaching key and diffi

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第4篇:广东开心四年级下册《I’m washing the car》优秀教学反思

广东开心四年级下册《I’m washing the car》优秀教学反思

本节课以《开心英语》Book4 Unit 3 Im washing the car 的第三课时教学内容。本节课的设计承接了上两节课的内容,是对第一、二课时教学内容的重温,对主要语法知识进行总结,也创造了很多的机会让学生综合运用本单元的词汇及句型,较充分地检验了学生前两节课的学习效果。回顾本节课的设计和上课情况,我反思如下:

首先,本节课的设计很好地承接了前面两节课的内容,让学生对整个单元的内容有有一种整体感,同时在相对比较多练习的课堂上,采用多种游戏和活动形式,避免了机械枯燥的练习形式,保障了学生的学习热情和积极性。例如热身部分,借助“Magic Eyes”的游戏温习学生上节课所学的词汇,这既巩固了第二课时所学单词,同时为本

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这节课我执教的内容是小学英语《开心学英语》四年级上册Unit 6 What do they want?第一课时conversation部分和song.《新课程标准》要求小学英语课堂教学设计要注意整体性设计,能根据小学生的认知心理特点以主题、人物或故事等形式贯穿整个课堂教学的设计,使教学内容生活化、情景化、趣味化,从而激发学生的学习情趣,使课堂教学充满活力。同时也强调要善于利用和整合各种教学方法,进行适当的调整或取舍。而 “故事教学法”是最被推崇的:根据故事教学的内容,创设恰当的情境,通过表演,让学生在声音、图片、动作的媒介下,调动学生的听觉、视觉、触觉等多种感官,使其全面感知,并运用所学语言进行交际。这样故事教学能促使学生的综合能力逐步提高。因此我在这节课教学活动中

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第6篇:广东开心英语《Where are my glasses》教学反思

广东开心英语《Where are my glasses》教学反思

小学的英语教学是通过各种教学活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的英语学习习惯,发展学生自主学习的能力和合作创新的精神,培养学生综合说英语的能力。本节课我就遵循了以上的原则。在Warm up 的设计环节中,我利用了Free talk 和Play a game 复习之前学过的内容和激发学生的兴趣,提高了学生学习英语的积极性。在新授的过程中,我利用旧知识引出新知识,达到温故而知新的目的。在课堂教学中创设运用了实物与多媒体的教学,利用多种渠道激发学生学英语讲英语的'欲望。再次,通过游戏操练来表现情景。游戏活动能使抽象语言内容变成一种具体、形象的情景,具有直观性、趣味性和竞争性等特点,能有效地激发他们学习的积极性。并且力求在操练的

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第7篇:广东开心英语三上《Whos she》教学反思

广东开心英语三上《Whos she》教学反思


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