Late September 英文诗词

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Life can be a rose garden,生命可以是一座玫瑰花园,If you change your life

如果改变生活,Change your thoughts;


At a height above

在某个高度之上,No storm clouds.没有风雨云层。

If you life in the clouds obscured the sun,如果你生命中的云层遮蔽了阳光,That is because your soul fly high enough;


Most people mistake was to resist the problem,大多数人所犯的错误是去抗拒问题,They are trying to eliminate the clouds;


Discovery up to the clouds above your means

发现使你上升到云层之上的途径,Where the sky is always blue



love will die if held too tightly

爱握得太紧,会逝去,ove will fly if held too lightly

爱握得太松,会飞走,friendship often ends in love

友谊常常产生爱情,But love in friendship-never

但是爱情永远无法产生友情,you may be one person to the world

你或许仅是世界的一分子,but you may also be the the world to one person

但是你可能是某个人的整个世界,to love is nothing

去爱没有什么,to be loved is something

被爱才有意义,to love and be loved is everything

去爱和被爱就是一切,anticipation is sweet

期盼是甜美的,when you are sure of the outcome

当你可以确定结果,do not marry a person you can live with

不要随便找个人凑合过日子,marry someone you can not live without love-

而要与相爱的人结婚生活,one word that frees us of all the weight and pain in life

爱使我们从生活的所有压力下和痛苦中解脱出来,to love and win is the best thing

爱并赢得爱最美好的事情,to love and lose, the next best



Here we stand together,Dreed in our pain,Covered with scars

From wounds we did not ask for

Or deserve.我们再次并肩而立,痛苦缠身,伤痕累累



So what now?


We can't go back

And relive our lives.We can't take back

The innocence we lost

Or make the sadne we felt

Into happine







But we can go on from here,So let us start.但我们能够从这里开始,一同启程吧。

Stretch out your hand to mine,Close your eyes

And slowly let the pain slip away.Let go of the sadne;




It belongs to yesterday,And let's walk.它属于昨天,让我们继续前行。

My friends,We can't stay, looking back,Lest we falter.We must face forward,Eyes wide open,And keep on walking.伙伴们,不能停步,切勿回首,以免畏缩不前。


Hold tight and don't let go;

You aren't walking alone,And neither am I.紧紧抱握,绝不放弃;



Your hands lie open in the long fresh gra,The finger-points look through like rosy blooms:

Your eyes smile peace.The pasture gleams and glooms

'Neath billowing skies that scatter and ama.All round our nest, far as the eye can pa,Are golden kingcup-fields with silver edge

Where the cow-parsley skirts the hawthorn-hedge.'Tis visible silence, still as the hour-gla.Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragon-fly

Hangs like a blue-thread loosened from the sky;

So this wing'd hour is dropt to us from above.Oh!Clasp we to our hearts, for deathle dower,This close-companioned inarticulate hour

When two-fold silence was the song of love.你的手伸展在鲜嫩的长草里










Sparrow, the Special Delight of My Girl

by Gaius Valerius Catullus

Translated by David Mulroy

Sparrow,the special delight of my girl,whom often she teases and holds on her lap

and pokes with the tip of her finger,provoking

counterattacks with your mordant beak,whenever my luminous love desires

something or other,innocuous fun,a bit of escape,I suppose,from her pain,a moment of peace from her turbulent paion,I wish I could play like she does with you

and lighten the cares of my sorrowful soul.It thrills me as much as the nimble girl

in the story was thrilled by the gilded apple

that finally uncinched her virginal gown.6、经典的英文诗歌篇2

Speech Alone

by Jean Follain

Translated by W.S.Merwin

It happens that one pronounces

a few words just for oneself

alone on this strange earth

then the small white flower

the pebble like all those that went before

the sprig of stubble

find themselves re-united

at the foot of the gate

which one opens slowly

to enter the house of clay

while chairs,table,cupboard,blaze in a sun of glory.7、经典的英文诗歌篇3

Speaking In Tongues

by Mary Rose O'Reilley

I go to church every Sunday

though I don‘t believe a word of it,because the longing for God

is a prayer said in the bones.When people call on Jesus

I move to a place in the body

where such words rise,one of the valleys

where hope pins itself to desire;

we have so much landscape like that

you‘d think we were made

to sustain a cry.When the old men around me

lift their hands

as though someone has cornered them,giving it all away,I remember a dock on the estuary,watching a heron get airborne against the odds.It‘s the transitional moment that baffles me—

how she composes her rickety

grocery cart of a body

to make that flight.The pine siskin,stalled on a windy coast,remembers the woods

she will long for when needs arise;so

the boreal forest composes itself in my mind:

first as a rift,absence,then in a tumble of words

undone from sense,like the stutter

you hear when somebody falls over the cliff of language.Call it a gift.8、经典的英文诗歌篇4


by Emily Bront

The night is darkening round me,The wild winds coldly blow;

But a tyrant spell has bound me

And I cannot,cannot go.The giant trees are bending

Their bare boughs weighed with snow.And the storm is fast descending,And yet I cannot go.Clouds beyond clouds above me,Wastes beyond wastes below;

But nothing drear can move me;

I will not,cannot go.9、经典的英文诗歌篇5


by Maggie Nelson

The spirit of Jane

lives on in you,my mother says

trying to describe

who I am.I feel like the girl

in the late-night movie

who gazes up in horror

at the portrait of

her freaky ancestor

as she realizes

they wear the same

gaudy pendant

round their necks.For as long as I can

remember,my grandfather

has made the same slip:

he sits in his kitchen,his gelatinous blue eyes

fixed on me.Well Jane,he says,I think I‘ll have another cup of coffee.10、On Peace咏和平

O Peace!and dost thou with thy presence ble


The dwellings of this war-surrounded isle,这被战火包围的岛国土疆?

Soothing with placid brow our late distre,你的慈容能减轻我们的痛苦,Making the triple kingdom brightly smile?


Joyful I hail thy presence;and I hail


The sweet companions that await on thee;


Complete my joy—let not my first wish fail,让我高兴:让我如愿,满足,Let the sweet mountain nymph thy favourite be,愿你喜爱这温柔的山林女仙;

With England's happine proclaim Europa's liberty.凭英国的欢悦,宣布欧洲的自由!

O Europe!let not sceptred tyrants see


That thou must shelter in thy former state;


Keep thy chains burst, and boldly say thou art free;


Give thy kings law—leave not uncurbed the great;


So with the honours past thou'lt win thy happier fate.恐怖过去后,你的命运会好起来!


Guns, bombs, mines and tortures

Form its maive sound

But, within its power, within its might

And within its fearful threats

Peace is not to be found

If we kill people, with whom will we live?

The enemy is not a person;it lies within each of us

Perhaps just perhaps it takes only one more person

To shake the temple bell of compaion

To light a candle of love, and to hold up their hand

In courageous refusal

to the enemies lurking within each of us

To finally break the grip of violence over our world

Then, truly then, peace will be found.枪支、炸弹、地雷与酷刑






Peace Poetry If we kill people, with whom will we live?


The enemy is not a person;it lies within each of us.我们的敌人不是某个人,它就在我们各自心中。

Perhap just perhap it takes only one more person.或许,只是或许,只需再多一个人。

To shake the temple bell of compaion.去敲响怜悯的寺钟。

To light a candle of love, and to hold up their hand.去点燃友爱的蜡烛,去举起他们的双手。

In courageous refusal.勇敢地制服。

to the enemies lurking within each of us.潜伏在我们各自心中的敌人。

To finally break the grip of violence over our world.去最终消弭暴力对你我共有的世界的控制。

Then, truly then, peace will be found.那时,真的要到那时,我们方能找到和平。

13、Never give up 不放弃

Never give up, Never lose hope.Always have faith, It allows you to cope.Trying times will pa, As they always do.Just have patience, Your dreams will come true.So put on a smile, You'll live through your pain.Know it will pa, And strength you will gain.永 不 放 弃,永 不 心 灰 意 冷。永 存 信 念,它 会 使 你 应 付 自 如。难 捱 的 时 光 终 将 过 去,一 如 既 往。只 要 有 耐 心,梦 想 就 会 成 真。露 出 微 笑,你 会 走 出 痛 苦。相 信 苦 难 定 会 过 去,你 将 重 获 力 量



by Spencer Reece

I was a full-time house sitter. I had no title.

I lived in a farmhouse, on a small hill,

surrounded by 100 acres. All was still.

The fields were in a government program

that paid farmers to abandon them. Perfect.

I overlooked Union Lake, a small lake,

with a small ugly island in the middle

a sort of mistake, a cluster of dead elms

encircled by marsh, resembling a smear

of oil paint left to congeal on a palette.

Pesticides farmers sprayed on their crops

over the years had drained into the lake

and made the water black, the fish shake.

About the family that built the house

I knew nothing. Built in 1865,

perhaps they came after the Civil War?

It was a simple house. Two stories.

Six rooms. Every wall crooked.

Before the house, Indians camped there.

If you listened you could hear them.

On Sunday afternoons in early June,

the sun would burnish the interiors.

Shafts of light fell across the rooms.

An old gray cat sparred his mote-swirls.

Up a tiny staircase, ladder steep,

I was often found, adrift, half asleep.

I forgot words, where I lived, my dreams.

Mirrors around the house, those streams,

ran out of gossip. The walls absorbed me.

There was every indication I was safe there.

Outside, children sang, sweetening the air:

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream . . .

their fingers marrying each other with ease

as the dark built its scaffolding above the trees.

Peonies spoiled, dye ran from their centers.

Often, the lawn was covered by a fine soft rain.

Days disappeared as quickly as they came.

The children receded. The moon rose.

Cows paused on the wild green plain

of all that land still left uncommercialized.

Three years I had there. Alone. At peace.

Often I awoke as the light began to cease.

The house breathed and shook like a lover

as I took for myself time needed to recover.



The Nightjar

We loved our nightjar, but she would not stay with us.

We had found her lying as dead, but soft and warm,

Under the apple tree beside the old thatched wall.

Two days we kept her in a basket by the fire,

Fed her and thought she well might live ? till suddenly

I the very moment of most confiding hope

She arised herself all tense, qivered and

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I Remember, I Remember(我忆起,我忆起 )

(1) I remember, I remember 我忆起,我忆起

The house where I was born, 那栋出生时的屋宇,

the little window where the sun 早晨,阳光从小窗中

Came peeping in at morn: 偷望进去:

He never came a wink too soon, 他从不早来片刻,

Nor brought too long a day, 也不多留半晌,

But now, I often wish the night 但是现在,我常愿夜晚

Had borne my breath away! 带走我的呼吸!

(2) I remember, I reme

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by William Carlos Williams

By the road to the contagious hospital

under the surge of the blue

mottled clouds driven from the

northeast-a cold wind. Beyond, the

waste of broad, muddy fields

brown with dried weeds, standing and fallen

patches of standing water

the scattering of tall trees

All along the road the reddish

purplish, forked, upstanding, twiggy

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A Turning Point

Seventy years ago I was quite a small little girl, the baby of the family, with an older brother and sister.My father was very ill at the time, and my mother took in sewing of any kind so we could live.She would sew far into the night with nothing but dim gas mantles and an old treadle sewing machine.She never complai

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