In 1973, the Indian government initiated a tiger protection campaign called ‘Project Tiger’ which was designed to help protect the diminishing tiger population.The tiger population was declining due to habitat lo, poaching and other human-related factors.During the campaign, twenty-five tiger reserves were established where human development and inhabitation was forbidden.On these reserves, the breeding of tigers has been facilitated, and mature tigers have been transported to other regions with the goal of increasing their worldwide population.At the same time, the campaign has organized the Tiger Protection Force to catch poachers and relocate villagers in the rural areas so that they are no longer living within natural habitats.As a result of these efforts, the population of Bengal tigers in India has increased from about 1,200 in 1973 to an impreive 3500 in 2007.Due to this fact, they are no longer on the brink of extinction.单词和词组
diminish 减少
=decrease, decline
diminish water and energy supply
diminish government revenue by limiting commercial activities
with the goal of … 以…为目的=with the purpose of …
With the goal/purpose of establishing a more efficient basic education system, authorities are obliged to implement scientific teaching strategies for all primary schools.on the brink of 濒临
=on the verge of
on the brink/verge of starvation
… where … 在这(那)里,地点状语从句结构
There has been a large-scale migration of industrial workers from the countryside to the cities where many manufacturing factories are located.话题词汇
濒危物种 endangered species
动物保护区 habitat conservation/preservation
对…有潜在威胁 pose a potential challenge/threat to
视而不见 turn a blind eye to
充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to
以…为代价 at the expense of
弥补 make up for
采取各种措施保护 take various measures to protect/safeguard
In 1973, the Indian government initiated a tiger protection campaign called ‘Project Tiger’ which was designed to help protect the diminishing tiger population. The tiger population was declining due to habitat loss, poaching and other human-related factors. During the campaign, twenty-five tiger reserves were established where human development and inhabitation was forbidden. On these reserves, the breeding of tigers has been facilitated, and mature tigers have been transported to other regions with the goal of increasing their worldwide population. At the same time, the campaign has organized the Tiger Protection Force to catch poachers and relocate villagers in the rural areas so that they are no longer living within natural habitats. As a result of these efforts, the population of Bengal tigers in India has increased from about 1,200 in 1973 to an impressive 3500 in 2007. Due to this fact, they are no longer on the brink of extinction.
diminish 减少
=decrease, decline
diminish water and energy supply
diminish government revenue by limiting commercial activities
with the goal of … 以…为目的
=with the purpose of …
With the goal/purpose of establishing a more efficient basic education system, authorities are obliged to implement scientific teaching strategies for all primary schools.
on the brink of 濒临
=on the verge of
on the brink/verge of starvation
… where … 在这(那)里,地点状语从句结构
There has been a large-scale migration of industrial workers from the countryside to the cities where many manufacturing factories are located.
濒危物种 endangered species
动物保护区 habitat conservation/preservation
对…有潜在威胁 pose a potential challenge/threat to
视而不见 turn a blind eye to
充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to
以…为代价 at the expense of
弥补 make up for
采取各种措施保护 take various measures to protect/safeguard
It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend all the time. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 一个人不可能永远对于朋友诚实(2011年12月17日托福考题)
【作家立场】 我认为人不能永远对于朋友诚实,尽管诚实是维持友谊的重要因素。
首段:背景介绍 +作家立场:
你最看重的朋友的品质是什么?答案可能因人而异, 但是,很多的人看重的是彼此的坦诚相待。有人认为,和朋友在一起永远诚实是很困难的,甚至是不可能的,我基本认同这个观点,尽管诚实是维持友谊的重要元素。
一、单项选择题 :本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。
1、体现写作者多种素养和多种智能综合运用能力的应用文特性是( )
A、专业性 B、知识性 C、综合性 D、独特性
2、我国古代有明确的公务文书分类制度,并确定了上行文、下行文的文种是在下列哪一时期( )
A、先秦时期 B、秦汉时期 C、魏晋时期 D、隋唐时期
1.应用文可以分为()两大类。A.公务文书和专用公务文书 B.公务文书和私务文书
C.法定公务文书和普通实务文书 D.通用公务文书和专用公务文书
B.凡是与表达主题思想无关或不真实、不典型的材料都应删除 C.如果逻辑结构上出现漏洞,则应调整文章结构
D.不能准确反映写作意图、不能很好支持主体的证明材料,若其语言生动,则可保留 3.下列有关通告的说法中,正确的是()。A.具有强制性和广泛性
B.法规性通过是用于公布需要各有关方面周知或者办理的具体事项的公文 C.正文通常由原因、事项和结语组成D.发布通告一定要通过新闻媒体途径进行 4.下列有关批复的说法中,错误的是(
一、填空题(填空题(每空 1 分,共 25 分)
4.一份计划应当具备的四个基本要素:目的任务、措施办法、步骤和时间、检查和督促 5.市场调查的主要方法有文案调查、问卷调查、实地调查、网络调查。6.招标书按形式分主要有公开招标书和邀请招标书两种。
二、选择题(每题 2 分,共 10 分)
1.用于记载会议主要精神和议定事项的公文是(C)A 决议 B 会议记录 C 会议纪要