Everyone has his own ideal. Even if he saw the beautiful angel in white, he would feel deeply and want to be a doctor to help the wounded and the dead. My childhood dream is to be a kindergarten teacher, because everyone has childhood, I want to plant the best seeds in the best time of the child, teach him: to love the motherland, to be diligent, to be an upright person.
When I entered the senior year, I learned from Uncle Lei Feng to do good for the people and got the people's appreciation. I want to be a PLA man and serve the people.
Now I know that in this modern society without knowledge is not possible, the teacher said that there are three turning points in life: primary school to junior high school, junior high school to senior high school, senior high school to university, I am now facing the first turning point in my life. I will continue to meet every turning point in my life. I will try my best to study and enter a well-known university, and I will be a master of both!
畅谈理想一、选择题1、下列有关理想的观点错误的是( ) A、个人的理想是个人的,全凭兴趣爱好而定 B、个人的理想要考虑个人的实际情况,不可盲目 C、个人的理想要与祖国的需要和要......
畅谈理想龙马学校 刘子瑶每个人的人生理想都有所不同。有的人追求名利地位,有的人追求金钱,有的人却追求贡献„„幼时的我还未考虑这些,每天只知道玩和吃。随着年龄的增长,当初......