it was army day. our class visited a signal company of the donghai sea fleet.in the morning we started out very early. as soon as we got there, we were warmly received. then the commander showed us around the barracks. how surprised we were to see everything was clean and tidy! then we were led into a playground,where the soldiers had already been waiting for us.
we had a get-together there singing and dancing and playing games, and so pleased were we that we almost forgot the time. it was very late when we had lunch. after that we had to say goodbye to the soldiers. i would never forget that day.
东海舰队7日在敏感海域鸣笛 纪念七七事变 据中国海军网报道,“呜——呜——”7月7日7时7分,正在某海域执行战备巡逻任务的东海舰队某驱逐舰支队舟山舰拉响汽笛,时间长达1分钟。......