Today, when I was in the picture reading class, the teacher asked us to play a game called “drum beating and flower passing”. But we have neither drum nor flower, so we use blackboard eraser to knock on blackboard and use Xue Xinrui's bag to make flower.
The teacher stipulated that when she knocked on the blackboard eraser, the children would pass on Xue Xinrui's bag; when the blackboard eraser stopped knocking, the bag would be put into the hands of everyone who would perform the program. The teacher asked me to start first. The teacher said, then turned his back and said, “prepare to start!” I quickly passed the bag to the children next to me.
The children next to me passed on to the next one, so we passed on one by one. Everyone was afraid that it would finally reach them. The atmosphere was tense and excited. When the teacher suddenly stopped knocking, it just reached Xue Xinrun's hands, so he was punished for performing. Xue Xinrun imitated a gorilla walking. The exaggerated action and lovely appearance made everyone laugh. After Xue Xinrun's performance, the teacher continued to knock the eraser and the game continued!
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