On September 12th, 2010, our school held a flag-raising ceremony on the playground with the theme “For your safety, for your life!”
Tang Shaofeng, on behalf of the students, made a speech. He said that safety concerns every one of us and hidden threat against safety was everywhere. We may easily get injured in sports or traffic accidents , or get sick from food poisoning. Therefore,we should pay more attention to safety and try to learn more about first aid. To sum up, we should take good care of ourselves for the sake of our familys happiness.
Later, our headmaster gave us some specific requirements. He said both teachers and students should attach special importance to school safety. Firstly, riding bicycles on campus is strongly prohibited. No ball games are allowed in the academic areas. We should keep to the right when going upstairs or downstairs. Besides, the windows must be closed and the doors must be locked when the last one leaves the classroom. Finally, we should always obey the traffic rules on our way home or to school.
文明礼仪从点滴开始芮城县七一示范小学六(3)班 王思佟 辅导老师 马佩 荀子云:人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。 自古以来,人才至上,人品至本,欲成大事,要拘小节,只有在实际生......