
教学设计 时间:2020-02-28 02:40:10 收藏本文下载本文
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PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit 1 Shadow教学设计

教学目标 Knowledge aims: Teach the students the new word “shadow” and the new sentences “It’s getting„„” “It’s becoming„„”.Ability aims: The students can use the sentences about the comparative of the adjectives in real situation.Emotion goals: Guide the students to love their parents.Guide the students to grateful to their parents.2学情分析 评论


3重点难点 评论

Teaching key points: Master the usage about the comparative of the adjectives.Teaching difficult points: The students can retell the story by using the new words and the sentences about the comparative of the adjectives.4教学过程

Step 1.Warm-up The teacher and the students greet with each other.Step 2.Preview Show the students some photos of our school and our city.Teach the new sentences “ It’s getting„„” “It’s becoming„„”

(设计意图:这一环节我用学生们熟悉的今日的校园和池州城与昔日的校园和池州城作对比,让他们在我为其创设的真实的情境中感知这些变化,让学生们对句型 “ it’s getting„„” “It’s becoming„„”有个直观的认识,知识的传授显得生动、形象而易理解。)Show the students a shadow of a tree in our school.Teach the new word “shadow”.The students try to find some shadows in our claroom.(设计意图:这一环节旨在引导学生认识、理解 “ shadow” 一词,我运用了直观教学法,通过图片和找一找教室里的影子,帮助学生理解、掌握这个生词,也让学生们在上课的第一时间把握了学习的主动性。)Step 3.Presentation Skimming The students read the story quickly and choose a title for the story.(设计意图:这一环节之所以被称之为“略读”,目的是让学生们通过快速通篇阅读,把握文章的主要内容。这对提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力大有益处。)Scanning Read Paragraph 1 carefully and write T(true)or F(false).1.The sun is getting higher and higher.2.The duck’s shadow is getting shorter and shorter.Read Paragraph 2 carefully and underline the little duck’s questions.Read Paragraph 2 carefully and choose.Read Paragraph 3 carefully and underline the old tree’s answering.Read paragraph 3 carefully and finish the dialogue.(设计意图:这一环节被称为“寻读”,意为带着思考和任务去阅读。我将任务教学法渗透其中,学生们从泛泛而读变为咬文嚼字,他们只有更为细致地理解每一段落的具体内容,才能完成老师留给他们的任务。)Demonstration and practice The scientist explains the change regulation of the shadow.The teacher makes an experiment about the shadow.(设计意图:这一环节中,我运用了自然法和活动教学法,旨在通过实验去探究影子长短变化的规律,大大激发了学生的学习热情。)Step 4.Practice Task: Think and write Step 1: Discu.Step 2: Write down the changes in yourself.Step 3: Share.I’m getting

Because I like I’m becoming The teacher acts as a reporter.She will interview the students about their changes and their future.The students enioy a poem “ Where did the time go?”(设计意图:通过前面几个环节的层层铺垫,到了这一环节,学生们已经能完成老师布置的任务,在完成任务的过程中,我运用了合作学习法,让学生们分小组合作完成任务。最后,我用一首小诗将这节课所学的知识渗透其中,也将情感目标渗透其中,使得这节课有了升华。)Step 5.Homework 1.Retell the story to your friends and your parents.2.Write down the changes about your friends.3.Give your parents a hug, and say “I love you” to them.Blackboard design The little duck’s shadow





Smarter It’s getting„„ It’s becoming„„


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