逆向英语Leon3 Dialogue2教案由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“逆向英语学习法”。
Leon Three
Let the students know how to shop online.Let the students dictate and understand the short dialogue.教学重点:
how to lead students to speak out their ideas of shopping.how to help students dictate and understand this dialogue.教学方法:
Task based Language Teaching.教学步骤:
Step 1.Review and Lead-in
Review dialogue 1 : Shelly and Allen are coffee lovers.Ask students what lovers they are.Introduce that I'm a shopping lover and how to shop.Step 2.Discuion
Let students discu how to shop online.Make a conclusion of how to shop online.step1,Enter the website.step2,Choose the goods you like.step3,Decide the details(such as the color,size...)
step 4,Online payment.Step 3.Dictation Do the dictation to answer this question: What are the advantage and disadvantage of shopping online? Listen to the tape and write down every sentence of this dialogue.(read after the tape)
Rose wants to do some shopping from the Internet.Li Ying: You have been sitting in front of the computer for a whole moring.What are you doing? Rose: I want to do some New Year shopping online.See, the New Year is coming soon.I want to
buy something for my family.Li Ying: Do you have any idea of what to buy? Rose: Yes.I think of buying my sister some old books.She is crazy about old books.Besides, I want to buy a pair of shoes for my mother and a hat for my father.Analyse the important grammar points in it.Step 4.Activity Work in pairs and make a dialogue about shopping online.Ask one or two groups to make a report in front of the cla.Step 5.Sum up Learn how to shop online.Understand this dialogue.Step 6.Homework Fill in the blanks on your books.Recite this dialogue.2
英语学习逆向法第一章 我怎样学会英语1.1 哑巴英语的尴尬我上中学时没有学过音标,基本上是跟着教师念,对不对不得而知。有时会闹出笑话,例如dining一room中的第一个i,不发 [i],而......