知识与能力: 通过运用分类法对社会成员、家庭成员、身体部位、衣服、穿戴、水果、颜色、动物这几大类别中所涵盖的所有关于初中英语课标单词的学习,掌握分类记忆的特点,学会联想到同类单词中的其他单词,用敏捷的思维和联系的学习方法在记憶、理解和学习单词的同时锻炼自己思考运用单词的的能力以及在应对不同类别的事物的时候的快速反应能力。
重点:掌握各个类别中的单词并能流利地诵读,当单词分开时能够迅速地将他们归类。难点:身体部位类别中的部分单词和穿戴内容里的个别单词有点生疏,不利于掌握。教学方法:归纳法、拓展法,引入法,综合法。教学资源1.教师教学用书(人教版)2.网站资料 课时:5课时
知识与能力: 通过对社会成员、家庭成员类别内单词的学习,拓展学生的词汇量,学会运用和延伸本类别内的词汇并能够正确地读出发音,并学会拼写。
Step1、lead in Every time, every day we live in a large family, this is social.It support us food, sell us clothes, there are also so many kinds of peoples, do you know what are they? Today , let’s learn the members in the social.Step2,begin new cla Part 1, social members 1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.Cheat prisoner servant employer slave landlord guest babyman runner madam bride friend children bridegroom driver boy host robber girl hoste thief young man speaker liarold man visitor 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of person do they interested and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part 2 Family Member1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.grandfather cousin daughter-in-law grandmother nephew mother-in-law daughter grandson father-in-law son granddaughter father elder brother couple mother younger brother husband aunt elder sister wife uncle younger sister son-in-law parents 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of person do they interested and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Step3,Practice Teacher mix all the words together and let students sort them out.Let students try their best to remember as many words as they can.And then check the answer give some claps for the students for their good behavior.Step 4,home work: write the words we have learned today each for five times.Step5,blackboard design Social members and Family member employer prisoner slave servant children boy girl young man grandfather
old man babyman bride son
elder sister aunt mother
hoste speaker bridegroom host
father-in-law uncle parents father
grandmother daughter cousin
nephew grandson
知识与能力: 通过对身体部位类别内单词的学习,拓展学生的词汇量,学会运用和延伸本类别内的词汇并能够正确地读出发音,并学会拼写。过程与方法:我们就是我们最好的自己,猜谜的方式了解自己的身体部位同时拓展此类别中相关的单词,在学习的过程中更加了解自己爱自己。
Step1、lead in Hello everyone, every day we must meet a person who knows you best, about your hobby, your name, your age, and knows your affection.Who is it? Yes, it is myself.So we must totally familiar with our body, right? Now let’s begin our cla.Step2,Begin new cla Part 1,Introduce our body 1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.head lip upper arm ankle hair tooth hand foot forehead tongue palm heel eyebrow cheek finger toe eye face thumb big toe ear neck chest skin nose throat hip bone beard shoulder leg muscle mouth arm knee brain 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of part do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part2 Sing a song and play a “touch” game.Touch your nose, touch your eyes and touch your arms.Touch your mouth, Touch your neck and touch your eyebrow.Step3,Practice Teacher mix all the words together and let students sort them out.Let students try their best to remember as many words as they can.And then check the answer give some claps for the students for their good behavior.Step 4,home work: write the words we have learned today each for five times.Step5,blackboard designhead hair forehead eyebrow eye ear nose beard mouth
lip tooth tongue cheek face neck throat shoulder arm
upper arm hand palm finger thumb chest hip leg knee
ankle foot heel toe big toe skin bone muscle brain
知识与能力: 通过了解我们日常生活中的服饰和穿戴,学会欣赏美,学会理解美的含义,同时也要能将所学到的单词流畅地加以记忆。过程与方法:通过谈及女性对服饰的热衷来引导学生进入本堂课的内容,了解服饰和穿戴的相关词语并能够学会记忆。
Step1、lead in Today, I wearing a pair of orange trousers and a pair of sandal to have a cla.I think you also have interested in clothes, we never think we have enough clothes, especially women.And we want to buy another new clothes when we saw our colleague have a beautiful one.Is that true?
Step2,begin new cla Part 1, Clothing 1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.vest sweater jacket T-shirt shirt trousers overcoat sleeve pants suit pocket skirt coat dre blouse uniform jeans
2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of clothes do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part 2 Wear1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.cap/hat boot ring mask sneaker pearl scarf slipper jewel tie sandal bead tiepin shoelace diamond ribbon belt bangle sock necklace agate shoe earring brooch2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of wear do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Step3,Practice The teacher will let the students use their own words and mixed with this leons to describe a familiar person and try to write down it on exercise book.Step 4,home work: write your own paage to describe a familiar person.Step5,blackboard design Clothing and Wear vest T-shirt overcoat suit jacket trousers pants skirt blouse cap/hat mask
handkerchief scarf tie tiepin ribbon shoelace hairpin sungla button key holder
belt necklace earring ring pearl jewel bead diamond bangle agate brooch
知识与能力: 通过对水果和颜色的学习,让同学们更多滴了解到了自己的身体与饮食的关系,从而学会热爱生活,调节健康的饮食,多吃水果和蔬菜,让健康与我们同行,让生活丰富多彩。过程与方法:通过简简单单的儿歌导入正文来学习本节课的单词,从而了解到了关于水果蔬菜的这一类单词,拓展到我们的日常生活,让学社产生兴趣并教会学生生活。情感态度与价值观:有老人健康的身体才有为社会做贡献的动力,要让绿色围绕在我们身边,我们就必须珍爱环境,注重饮食,加强锻炼,让五彩斑斓的生活在我们身边。重点:掌握各类水果和颜色单词并能流利地诵读,学会记忆并书写。
Step1、lead in Yesterday I saw a rainbow acro the sky.I think that is so beautiful, and I couldn’t find out suitable words to describe the beauty that rainbow belongs, I need your help.So, let’s learn some words about colors.Step2,begin new cla Part 1, Color
1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.red white colorful orange dark pale yellow brown snowy white green gray indigo blue violet purple pink black off-white 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of color do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part 2 Fruits
1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.apple cherry litchi pear grape pineapple peach strawberry nut orange banana chestnut melon coco watermelon lemon Hamimelon mango 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of fruit do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Step3,Practice Teacher divide the words in two groups, students try to pick one color and try to describe one kind of fruits.Let students try their best to organize their words as they can.And then check the answer and give some claps for the students for their good behavior.Step 4,home work: write the words we have learned today each for five times.Step5,blackboard design 6
Fruits and color
apple pear peach orange melon watermelon Hamimelon cherry grape strawberry banana coco
lemon mango litchi pineapple nut
chestnut red orange yellow green blue purple
black white dark brown gray violet pink off-white colorful pale
snowy white indigo
知识与能力: 通过对动物类别内单词的学习,拓展学生的词汇量,学会运用和延伸本类别内的词汇并能够正确地读出发音,并学会拼写。过程与方法:通过延伸和拓展来学习类别中相关的单词,使用归类法辨别单词的属性和类别,加强记忆,学会巩固。
Step1、lead in 我们居住在地球这个大家庭中,每天都与动物们相依相伴,你们知道地球上和海洋中的动物都叫什么名字么?下面我们来学习今天的内容。Step2,begin new cla Part 1, Animals on the land 1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.elephant antelope frog tiger deer donkey lion giraffe cat leopard monkey dog wolf panda duck bear kangaroo goose polar bear rabbit hen dinosaur squirrel chick hippo snake cock horse rhino bat fox hare pig zebra goldfish 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of animals do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Part 2 Animals in the sea1)write English words on the black board and let students tell how many means about words do they know.dolphin shark fish sea lion lobster octopus sea horse shrimp eel whale carb mule buffalo tortoise 2)give the Chinese means and ask them which kind of animals do they interested in and why?
3)pronounce the words to the students and let them follow the teacher repeat the words in right way for several times.4)teacher give a simple check and ask some students read the words and look at blackboard to give us the Chinese mean.Step3,Practice Teacher mix all the words together and let students sort them out.Let students try their best to remember as many words as they can.And then check the answer give some claps for the students for their good behavior.Step 4,home work: write the words we have learned today each for five times.Step5,blackboard design
Animals elephant tiger lion leopard wolf bear polar bear dinosaur hippo rhino fox zebra antelope deer giraffe monkey panda kangaroo
rabbit squirrel snake bat
hare pig goldfish frog donkey cat dog duck goose hen chick sea lion lobster shrimp carb
tortoise fish octopus eel mule
英语单词联想记忆联 想 记 忆 词 汇 教 程不管白猫黑猫,能抓住老鼠的都是好猫。从词汇辅助记忆的角度,“联想记忆词汇教程”可算是别出心裁、独树一帜,能否静下心来学完全部内......
深研教育深圳中小学课外辅导机构高中英语词汇记忆200句(4500词) 1.我们应该牢记:如果我们为了晋升而忽略了我们的健康,疾病便会借助疲劳乘虚而入。 2.我当时在找一本历史书,因......