Claes(班级): the big claes
Date日期: November(11月份)9:00—9:20 Topic 主题:Numbers: six, seven, eight, nine, ten A.Objectives: 目标
a.Can understand and say the new words : six, seven, eight, nine, ten 能听懂会说单词.b.Can use these words and sentences in daily life 能在日常生活中使用。c.Correct their pronunciations 改正他们的语音。B.Teaching key point and difficult points 本节课的重难点
Key: 1.words and sentences 2.song
2.歌曲 Difficult points: the pronunciations 难点:单词的发音 C.Teaching aids 教具
box , fruit props ,songs, ppt and stickers箱子,道具,歌曲,课件和贴纸 D.Teaching proce 教学过程
1)边唱数字歌曲边做动作:One finger, one finger turn, turn, turn, turn to the mouse,.Two fingers, two fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to the rabbit, jump,jump, jump.Three fingers, three fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to the cat, miao, miao, miao.Four fingers, four fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to the dog, woof, woof, woof.Five fingers, five fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to the duck, quak, quak, quak.(1分钟)
2)OK, sit down.One two three-----ABC小朋友们请做好。老师拿出一个蛋糕盒,并摇一摇,然后让孩子猜这个是什么。(4分钟)T:老师今天带了一些好朋友来跟你们玩游戏:想不想玩游戏啊?我们来说12345.把他们请出来好不好? Ss:好……
Ss:bonjiajiabonjiajia,12345.用英文数。T:What is the number? Ss:6 T:Very good.What is the number? Ss:7—10……同上。
3)T:(开始教孩子读音)six(6分钟)Ss:6 T:Six fingers, six fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to the the sheep, mie, mie, mie.Ss:小朋友边跟着说唱边做动作。每教完一个数字和歌曲就请几个小朋友出来表演。Seven fingers, seven fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to cow, moo, moo, moo.Eight fingers, eight fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to my face, cool, cool, cool.Nine fingers, nine fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to the fish, swim, swim, swim.Ten fingers, ten fingers turn, turn, turn, turn to the bird, fly, fly, fly.4)Let’s play games.老师先考考哪个小朋友读得好就把卡片给他/她.请了5个小朋友出去之后,跟他们说清楚游戏规则:老师说一个数字,然后让拿相应卡片的小朋友,跳一跳并说数字,看谁做对了。看谁能坚持到最后。赢的小朋友与老师击掌,其他没对的小朋友,撞撞屁屁。)(3分钟)
T: 如果你们读的好听的话,我们就继续玩游戏,如果读的不好我们就不玩游戏。Are you ready? 6)接下来,把5凳子摆成一个圆圈。请6个孩子出来,一起唱歌,唱完之后就坐下来,看谁没有凳子坐,输了就请出去,然后跟数字宝宝6拜拜。然后继续,一直到剩下最后一个人。(3分钟)
7)End the cla 结束课程 齐唱Ten little Indians.(1分钟)E.Teaching analysis 教学反思