口 语 预 备 级 开 班 课 教 案
Hello.everyone.Welcome to New Oriental School.I am your English teacher of this ten day English training course.My name is ***.During these 10 days, we will learn English together.I hope you can study hard.各位家长各位同学大家好!欢迎大家来到新东方外语学校,也非常感谢各位家长在百忙之中抽空来参加我们的家长会,感谢大家对新东方的支持与信任,作为本班的老师,我一定会竭尽全力教好我的每一位学生!我们班的班号是——,教室是——,上课时间为————,从-----月---日到——月——日,本次课程共十次课,有两次外教课,每次课我们都会完成一个单元的内容,今天是第一次课,如果家长需要办理转退班事宜,请在第二次课开课之前办理,过期就不再办理了,那么也请各位同学保管好教材与磁带,如果在办理转退班的时候发现有使用或者是损坏,是要收取相应费用的。
1,Speak loudly 2,Obey the rules 3,Try your best(解释并带读)
为了让孩子能快乐安全的学习每一天,我们对家长们也有几点要求: 1. 准时解送孩子,确保孩子们的安全
2. 每次家庭作业和上课的内容会公布在外面的白板上,请家长督促孩子们按时完成作业
3. 参加期末的展示课,感受孩子的成绩与进步
这学期我们的作业大部分是以读书和背书为主,而这些作业IVY会在课前与课后检查每位孩子的完成情况,完成好的可以得到IVY的sticker作为奖励,完成不好的或是没有完成的同学,要在放学后留下来补课直到完成要求为止。第十次课是期末考试,会考核大家的学习情况,最后请大家看着黑板上的这句话:Don’t be shy ,just try ,speak English like laowai.(带读,解释)
(一)Self introduction---板书Teacher----带读,My name is……..发名卡,跟读My name is …..(1)T---Ss----S What’s your name ?(2)Memory game(ask some students come to the front and make an introduction the T check which one can remember them ,or T can choose anyone to ask what’s his her name ?)(3)Put in “What’s your name ?”
read after me-----fast reaction let’s draw circles together.T and Ss match
(l两幅小人图比赛)(4)ask and answer
(5)elicit “Nice to meet you(too).今天是第一次跟你们见面,我很高兴,那“很高兴见到你”用英语应该怎么说呢?Nice to meet you ==}follow me
那你们见到TEACHER高兴吗?那如果teacher跟你们说Nice to meet you ,你们应该怎么回答我呢?Nice to meet you, too.(6)then ask and answer(可扩展Glad to meet you)(二)Text(open your books ,read after me)
LESSON 2(一)Warm up :sing a song ,(Hello ,I’m glad to see you)(二)Text
1.Good morning afternooneveningnight
a.get meaning.then read after me
b.fast reaction(手在不同的位置代表不同的时间,快速反映)
c.ask and answer
2.How are you How are you doing ?
Very good
I’m ok
So so
Too bad
(画笑脸)a.read after me and get meaning b.touching game
c.ask and answer(回答时加上Thank you ,And ?)(三)Role play
Task 1+2
role play
Good morning
Good morning
What’s your name ?
My name is …..I’m ……
Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you ,too.How are you doing ?
Fine ,thank you ,And you ?
Very well
LESSON 3(一)Text(Sam and Linda are having a music cla, suppose it’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon.We’re having a music cla ,Let’s sing together.Twinkle song)
Cla is over ,before we leave the school ,we should say“Good-bye ”to each other ,right? There are many ways to say “Goodbye”How to say ? Listen to me, 1.Good—bye, See you.So long.2.read after me 3.ask and answer
Cla is over ,Sam goes home “Mum, I’m back “
1.read after me 2.make sentences“。。I’m back ” 3.Proverb教授
a.Mum: Sam, what did you learn from school today?
Sam: I sang a song.Twinkle twinkle little star ….er …I forgot, sorry.Mum: You should remember “No sweet without sweat ”.1.translate it into Chinese 2.教授带读检查
(二)Role play
1.Group work 2.role play
Home work:.1.Listen to the tape carefully and read the text(听磁带,认真阅读课文)
2.I’ll check your homework tomorrow(明天检查读书情况)
一. 开场Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.Welcome to Lucy English.Now let me introduce myself first.My name is Lucy, my Chinese name is Ge Ril......
Simplistic Leon Plan for Unit 1 ( Book 1) Accompanied by Handouts AIMS: a) To have the cla learn to use key words and expreions b) To have them learn key struct......
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