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Stylish English is Mindful of details and mechanics




以下选列了一些经常被学英语的中国人误用的词和短语。因为含义准确Aa是把英文写得漂亮的首要条件,所以我们必须做到高标准、严要求。研读下列词语的含义并用它们造句。1.ability , capacity e.g.A computer has the ability to create graphics.The computer has a capacity of 700K.2.accept, except e.g.Lao Wang accepted an invitation to dinner.They excepted Lao Wang from the invitation.3.advise, inform 4.affect, effect e.g.The attack affected the morale of the troops.The medicine effected a complete cure.The effect of the medicine was instantaneous.5.allude, refer e.g.When he mentioned dictators, we knew that he was alluding to Hilter and Muonlini.Please refer to the second page of Chapter Four.6.allusion, illusion 7.already, all ready e.g.By noon the theater was already full.They are all ready to go to the battle field.8.altogether, all together e.g.The report is altogether true.The packages were all together on the table.9.Beside, besides e.g.“ Sit beside me.“We ate oranges and other fruits besides.” 10.compare to, compare with e.g.He compared the book with the manager.He compared the earth to a ball.11.continual, continuous e.g.The rehearsal was hampered by continual interruptions.The continuous roar of the waterfall was disturbing.12.criticize, censure 13.data, datum 14.differ from, differ with e.g.Europeans differ from the Asians in color, stature, and customs.On that point I differ with you.15.disinterested, uninterested 16.each other, one another 17.e.g., i.e.18.emigrate, immigrate 19.ensure, insure, aure 20.equipment, equipments 21.farther, further e.g.They went even farther the next day.Further explanation is neceary.22.fine, well 23.imply, infer e.g.His statement implies that he will resign.From his statement I infer that he will resign.24.incredible, incredulous 25.inferior than 26.in regards to 27.kind , sort substandard: I like these kind/sort of shoes.Standard: I like this kind of shoes.28.kind of, sort of colloquial: I was kind of(sort of)tired.Standard: I was somewhat tired.Substandard: what kind of a washing machine do you have? Standard: what kind of washing machine do you have? Standard: what sort of car does he drive? 29.later, latter 30.may be, maybe e.g.she may be waiting for my letter.Maybe she will come visit me tomorrow.31.moral, morale e.g.this is a moral question.The morale of the team is low.32.oversee, overlook e.g.The director of the Red Cro oversees a large sum of money.If she overlooks the financial matters, she will be dismied as director.33.persons;people e.g.Team A has five persons and Team B has only three.Many people gathered to listen to the speaker.34.presently;at present 35.respectfully, respectively 36.some time;sometime;sometimes e.g.we walked in the rain for some time before we ran for shelter.Sometime late last night, when exactly I don’t know, I heard him going out for a walk.


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