1.OK,everybody, it's time for cla, show me your hands like this(老师把手伸出来示意)try to follow me , time for cla,time for cla....(一边拍手一边说,孩子配课的话第一次也许不说,没关系,有利于让孩子集中注意力,还多学个短语)2.问候加自我介绍
Hello,everyone, nice to meet you.I am Summer, in summer, it's so hot.Try to follow me ,summer summer(可以一边做热的动作,一边让孩子跟你说,自我介绍过程有助于让孩子记住老师名字)Very good!(尤其在听到有孩子说时,一定马上表扬)3.小热身
Now let's play a little game ,everybody, look at me!When I say look at me , you can say look at you!(很有用的我一直都用的一个指令用语)一个手指游戏
One finger one finger, turn turn turn, turn to a mouse , squeek squeek squeek Two fingers two fingers turn turn turn, turn to a rabbit,jump jump jump Three fingers three fingers turn turn turn ,turn to a cat , miaow miaow Four fingers four fingers turn turn turn, turn to a dog, woof ,woof ,woof Five fingers five fingers turn turn turn, turn to a lion, wooo...(发个声吓唬下孩子玩儿)如果时间允许就孩子看你一遍,孩子们跟你一起一遍。
Today let's go to the zoo, in the zoo ,there are many animals, now gue ,what's this(做一个猴子的动作,弯曲右手臂向上)Yes, look, I have a monkey here ,everybody follow me, monkey....起立一起做动作操练 大小声操练:Let's play a loud and low voice game, if I put it(card)here(放低), let's say it gently, if I put it here, let's say it louder,monkey.....Elephant(引出部分可以基本同上,TPR动作:最简单的是可以伸直两胳膊,十指相扣,或者右手捏鼻子,左手伸直)操练:比老师说的多一遍
If I say elephant, you say elephant, elephant If I say elephant elephant, you can say elephant elephant elephant
Teaching Plan Background information:Topic:colorsStudents:48 Junior high school students,Grade 1Leon duration:45mins Teaching objectives:By the end of the leon,......
关于动物的单词狮子——lion 豹——leopard 熊猫——panda 老虎——tiger 狼——wolf 斑马——zebra 公牛——bull 母牛——cow 小牛——calf 水牛——buffalo 山羊——goat......
adder 蝰蛇、albatross 信天翁、alligator 短吻鳄、alpaca 羊驼、anchovy 凤尾鱼、ant 蚂蚁、anteater 食蚁兽、antilope 羚羊、armadillo 犰狳、ass驴。扩展资料词汇解析:一......